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South China Sea Forum

Historically Han Chinese were in North China.:pop: Vietnamese discovered the East Sea in Vietnamese, so why SCS is called Cochin Sea by Han chinese in the past. There is sea of Vietnamese. We are native people here.

OK Let us look at your argument.

I will just refer someone else research on the subject from says Wiki.

The Han Chinese, Han people[29][30][31] or simply Han[30][31] (汉族; pinyin: Hànzú, literally "Han ethnicity"[32] or "Han ethnic group";[33] or 汉人; pinyin: Hànrén, literally "Han people"[34]) are an ethnic group native to East Asia. They constitute approximately 92% of the population of Mainland China, 93% of the population of Hong Kong, 92% of the population of Macau, 98% of the population of Taiwan (Han Taiwanese), 76.2% of the citizen population of Singapore,[citation needed] 23.4% of the population of Malaysia[35][citation needed] and about 18% of the entire global human population, making them the largest ethnic group in the world.

So according to the above, Han Chinese made up of 92% of the population of Mainland China and China has says 1.3~1.4 billion people distributed across the nation, you still think what you write hold water.

Han Patriot is quite right in his reply as there are Han Chinese DNA present in many of the ethnic races including people who lived in Vietnam (Formerly Annam).

Anyway Vietnam comprises of many former tribes and in the South, the descendant of the Kingdom of Kampa which was later annexed by the Chinese King in ANNAM. Hence it is not surprising to me if you discovered you are in fact a partial Han by virtue of Han DNA in your body.
China behaviour is closely associated with the way the Axis powers GERMANY, JAPAN and ITALY behaved prior to the second world war. Need for Asian countries to beef up security- do not get caught with your pants down. VERY VERY VERY SERIOUS SERIOUS ISSUE UNFOLDING
There is no peaceful Axis power, there's no Axis power as the permanent member of UNSC ... ur claim just against the U.N. U can piss off China and nobody care that, here i point out once U.N in there China still is one member of "FIVE JUSTICE" in this world since WWII. :D

U wanna change the "FIVE JUSTICE", u need another World War ~!
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The decision for militarization of these islands were practically forced onto China by the unnecessary and senseless intrusion into these water claimed by China by the USA naval warships using the excuse of testing the so-called Freedom of Navigation.

Now these moves have backfired and US Military have to face the imminent threat they create for themselves.

Great strategy USA! Whoever the dumbass strategians who suggest these may be? They should give him a rise in his pay and China may be more than happy to chip it. :cheers:
You need to understand Han Chinese went south and intermarried with the locals and became todays South Chinese. Some of those South Chinese locals fled south to Vietnam and established dynasties and intermarried with Champa people, therefore you see darker skinned Viets.

what you said is related to Southerner Han Chinese, Hokklo. Minnan , Cantonese etc. Vietnamese (Yue) Y DNA is much more older than Han Chinese Y DNA. Pls study more..

In Vietnam there is more sunlighting in south compared to the north Vietnam.
Tour operator in Taiwan offers 1-day tour of Taiping Island
(People's Daily Online) 14:25, August 10, 2016


Over 1,000 people have signed up for a tour that will take them to watch the moon on Taiping Island. The tour, which lasts just one day, is organized by TaiwanXing under Taiwan's 1111 Human Resource Bank. The organizer said the planning of the tour has already been finalized, and that they are just awaiting approval from relevant departments.

In addition to viewing the island's tourist sites, those who go on the trip get the added bonus of defending the island on China's behalf, according to Li Qiyue, an adviser to TaiwanXing. Li believes that one reason the tour is so popular is that the public is eager to do just that.

The agency has chosen to launch the tour during Mid-Autumn Festival. Tours will be offered from Sept. 9 to 18. Tourist will head to the island by airplane and take a tour around the island, exploring its history and culture. They will then enjoy a special dinner and moon cakes under the night sky before flying home at 8 p.m.

Chen Guisong, head of the Association of Taiwan Travel Agencies, said he is very supportive of the tour. Exploring Taiping Island will increase the content and diversity tours available in Taiwan.

Taiping Island, which is 1,420 meters long and 402 meters wide, is the largest natural island within the Nansha Islands. The Chinese army took it over from Japan and renamed it Taiping Island after China's victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945.
Argentine scholar hails PCA’s ruling over East Sea dispute

Professor Ezequiel Ramoneda, coordinator from the La Plata University’s Centre for Southeast Asia Studies, has hailed the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague, the Netherlands, regarding the Philippines’ lawsuit against China.


Illustrative image

In his article published on the Resumen Latinoamericano newspaper, he said the ruling provides an important legal precedent for the East Sea sovereignty disputes involving Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, besides China and the Philippines.

He underscored the economic and strategic significance of the East Sea, describing it as an important navigation route that is rich in fishing and fuel resources.

Ramoneda criticised China’s disregard for the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea signed by the country and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 1992, evidenced by its occupation of the Scarborough Shoal in 2012 as well as the expanded construction on artificial islands.

The scholar also protested China’s groundless claim for the so-called “nine-dash line” in the East Sea irrespective of parties concerned. He said that was an aggressive action instead of the peaceful settlement of differences.

China has also prevented other countries’ fishermen from go fishing in the area, which has threatened maritime freedom and safety and the ecological environment.

Vietnam and the Philippines are the hardest hit by China’s behaviours, he stressed, admitting that though the ruling is yet to deal with sovereignty issue in the East Sea to the root, it has rejected China’s claim for the “nine-dash line”, contributing to ensuring regional security.

He warned that China’s defiance of the ruling would exacerbate tension and challenge international law, particularly the enforcement of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Hanoi artillery report brings Beijing reproval
(China Daily) 07:29, August 11, 2016

China emphasized its opposition on Wednesday to Vietnam's military deployments on islands that the country has illegally occupied in the South China Sea, following the reported deployment of rocket launchers by Vietnam on several of the Nansha Islands.

The move, which shows a further stage of Hanoi's militarization of the Nansha Islands, will have a negative impact on regional peace and stability, observers said.

Intelligence shows that Hanoi has shipped the launchers to five bases in the Nansha Islands in recent months, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

The launchers have been hidden from aerial surveillance and have yet to be armed, but could be made operational with artillery rockets within two or three days, it said.

Foreign officials and military analysts told Reuters that they believe the launchers form part of Vietnam's state-of-the-art EXTRA artillery rocket system, which was recently acquired from Israel.

"China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their surrounding waters," the Foreign Ministry's Spokesperson's Office said in a written reply on Wednesday.

"China has always firmly opposed the illegal occupation of parts of China's Nansha Islands and reefs by certain countries and their illegal construction and military deployments on these islands and reefs," it said.

Vietnam's Foreign Ministry said the information was "inaccurate" but did not elaborate.

Vietnam has illegally occupied 29 of about 50 islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

It has conducted construction and reclamation work on more than 20 of them since the 1980s, and the scale of the reclamation has increased in the past two years.

It also has built infrastructure, including runways and barracks, on the islands and reefs.

Jia Duqiang, a senior researcher on Southeast Asian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said it is Hanoi's latest effort to tighten its hold on islands in the South China Sea.

"By fortifying the islands with rocket launchers, Vietnam is keeping up its militarization of the region in a more aggressive way," he said.

Xu Liping, another Southeast Asian studies researcher with CASS, said Hanoi is trying to emphasize its determination to strengthen its illegal occupation of the islands.
Japan to beef up defense cooperation with Vietnam


UPDATED : 08/10/2016 15:28 GMT + 7

Shimpei Ara (R), head of the International Operations Division under Japan’s Ministry of Defense, during an interview with a Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reporter

Tuoi Tre
ruling of the arbitration tribunal in The Hague, which rejected China’s nine-point territorial and economic claims across large swathes of the waterway, in a suit brought by the Philippines.

Japan has been urging China to comply with the decision and international law via multiple diplomatic channels, Ara continued.

The East Asian nation has also helped shore up Vietnam’s defense capabilities along with other countries' in the Asia-Pacific region in an effort to restrict China’s unilateral activities there, he added.

Assessing the role of Vietnam, Ara said that the nation has a significant influence in the maritime area, and hoped that Hanoi would join hands with Tokyo and other countries to ensure regional peace.

Vietnam needs to augment its naval force and coast guard units to increase its influence in the area, he asserted.

Based on the common visions of the two nations’ defense ministries, Japan has established several policies to cooperate with Vietnam, including all-level delegation exchanges between defense forces, multinational conferences, capability assistance, and more, Ara said.

Ties in new fields, namely non-traditional security, naval security and safety, and investigation and rescue, will also be forged, according to the Japanese official.

He reiterated the joint statements issued during a previous visit to Vietnam by Japanese Minister of Defense Gen Nakatani, which were aimed at preserving regional peace, opposing any actions that compromise stability, and respecting international law.

Based on the request of Vietnam, Japan’s defense ministry will continue to support the nation in building its defense capability, Ara added.

He expected that more vessels from the Japanese naval force would be able to dock at Vietnamese seaports during their international operations once collaboration between the two countries is cemented.
From China's perspective - Japan is up to no good, there is a price to pay.
From Japan's perspective - it is trying to get access to naval bases and sale of boats.

Japan eyeing Philippine naval ports: expert
2016-08-12 08:32 | Global Times | Editor: Li Yan

'Tokyo is encouraging Southeast Asian neighbors to confront China'

Japan's real purpose in helping improve Philippine naval forces is to get to use the latter's ports, a maritime expert said, even as Tokyo and the Philippines on Thursday urged China to observe the rule of law in resolving maritime disputes.

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida's visit to Manila shows that Japan is encouraging the Philippine government to pursue the former administration's policy against China while spreading the misleading message that China has no intention to fix the souring relationship with Japan, experts said.

Kishida met his counterpart Perfecto Yasay in the southern Philippine city of Davao, where both pledged to work closely to boost maritime security while facing separate sea disputes with China, AFP reported.

Kishida is visiting the Philippines to strengthen "friendly ties." During the visit, both sides will discuss both the South and East China sea issues, and the possible sale of Japanese patrol ships to the Philippines, according to the Kyodo News Agency.

Japan appears to be trying to help the Philippines improve its naval forces, but its real purpose is to capitalize on these cooperation programs to use Philippine naval ports, Song Zhongping, a Beijing-based military expert, told the Global Times.

Japan is offering the Philippines patrol ships and P-3C aircraft at a low price or even for free to enhance Manila's maritime defense, Song said.

Lü Yaodong, director of the Institute of Japanese Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, stressed that Japan is the most aggressive "trouble maker" by encouraging Southeast Asian countries to confront China, disrupting negotiations between Beijing and Manila, especially as former Philippine president Fidel Ramos meets with contacts from the Chinese side in Hong Kong.

The visit of Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou to Japan this month has been suspended due to China's displeasure over Japan's repeated protests against the presence of Chinese vessels around the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported.

A Japanese government source said under such an intense situation, chances of a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at next month's G20 summit in Hangzhou are "collapsing," the Asahi Shimbun reported.

Lü explained that Japan is accusing China of showing no sincerity in maintaining sound bilateral ties, by claiming China is preventing its diplomats from communicating with Japan.
If only the Filipino politicians would bother to take some time to read about its history and the halocausts of the Manila Massacre in 1945 where more than 100,000 folks perished - raped and murdered by retreating Japanese Imperial Army, they will reconsidered their position.

The Japanese Parliamentarians repeated visits to the Yasukuni Shrine show that JAPAN has never repented for their WW2 actrocities.
Posted on August 11, 2016

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The Philippine government can file new case against China to receive monetary reward for the damages China has caused in the West Philippine Sea, Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio said Thursday.

Carpio said monetary damages was not included in the first case filed before the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

“We can file a new case to quantify the damages that we are entitled. That has not been resolved because we did not pray for it,” Carpio said.

He also pushed for the declaration of the Spratly Islands as a marine protected area to prevent further environment ruin in the West Philippine Sea.

“The proposal is that all claimant states to suspend claims for 50 to 100 years and declare Spatlys a marine protected area. All geographical features will be declared fish sanctuary up to three nautical miles,” Carpio said.


Japan should do more to beef up defense cooperation and capacity building of not only Vietnam but other South East Asian nations to maintain peace and transquility for further development of the nations to maintain maritime peace in South China Sea
Philippines urges China to respect rule of law

Philippine Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay on August 11 called on China to respect maritime law and security as well as the rule of law to resolve disputes in both the East Sea and the East China Sea.


Philippine Foreign Minister Perfecto Yasay

The appeal was made during talks between Yasay and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida in Manila to discuss regional security, cooperation in maritime security, law enforcement and Japanese support for economic development.

Yasay told a press conference that the Philippines and Japan are facing similar issues in the East Sea and the East China Sea.

Japan has a dispute with China over a group of islands in the East China Sea while the Philippines and China have overlapping claims in the East Sea.

On July 12, the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, the Netherlands issued a ruling rejecting China’s “nine-dash line” claim in the East Sea as well as its claims to “historical rights” in the waters.


Barque Canada Reef. Measure from top to bottom is 31.5 km. It's widest width is 5.6km. Total area excluding the lagoon should be more than 80km2. This is the largest reef in the Spratly. If this reef is turned into an artificial island, it can be a city of a few hundred thousand inhabitants. Vietnam currently holds this reef.


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