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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Nare takbeer Allahu Akbar. Islam Zindabad, Islamic Turkey Zindabad, Erdogan Zindabad, Islam loving Turkish people (my brethren) zindabad.

Salam to my brothers in Turkey for demising the scumbag. Nothing can stop your progress so long you hold Quran in hand and sword in another. My the blessing of Allah be with you.
Guys let's keep the discussion free of all kinds of insults towards one another... If you disagree with one another there is a better choice of words you can use instead.

@Taimoor Khan, are you the only one who didn't understood that this coup attempt was not made by secular forces? And stop insulting secularism because if wasn't for one Secular guy with a lot's of guts and brains Turks as a nation wouldn't have been here right now.

Turks were an empire when they had non secular people at helm, reduced to mere puppets of west by seculars who followed.

Why dont you explain to me out of your wisdom as to what a so called "Islamist" was doing sitting in the lap of yanks, who mind you wont spare any efforts to smoke out real Islamists working for political Islam in their respective regions, and his so called "Islamist" followers will coup for protecting Turkey "secular" credentials?

We in Pakistan can suss this bullsh|t from million miles, just because of what we have been through in past decade or so.
To be fair the west meddled in a lot of other countries (non-Muslim) and they haven't turned to sh*t

Anyway, that was in the past. TIME TO MOVE ON.
Can you name a few?
I can name many, almost whole of Africa non muslim countries who are shit because of senseless interventions clandestine or otherwise. Stories that result in goose bumps. These were not once off but of continous exploitation. Some countries that did good was either because that favored the powers to be or significant white populations and only in those portions of the country.
India which got a better deal still reels from unimaginable poverty, dismal social and human development indices. Corruption, social strife and every third world problem still haunts amid Tatas and Ambanis.

"Power will go to rascals, rogues, freebooters. . . .
All leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. . .
They'll have sweet tongues & silly hearts. . .
They will fight amongst themselves for power & the two countries will be
lost in political squabbles. . . .
A day would come when even air & water will be taxed."
Winston Churchill
View attachment 318304 Nare takbeer Allahu Akbar. Islam Zindabad, Islamic Turkey Zindabad, Erdogan Zindabad, Islam loving Turkish people (my brethren) zindabad.

Salam to my brothers in Turkey for demising the scumbag. Nothing can stop your progress so long you hold Quran in hand and sword in another. My the blessing of Allah be with you.

I am muslim too, jihad times with sword long past. Turkey is not an Islamic state will never be.
View attachment 318304 Nare takbeer Allahu Akbar. Islam Zindabad, Islamic Turkey Zindabad, Erdogan Zindabad, Islam loving Turkish people (my brethren) zindabad.

Salam to my brothers in Turkey for demising the scumbag. Nothing can stop your progress so long you hold Quran in hand and sword in another. My the blessing of Allah be with you.

People are developing laser weapons, exploring the space, breaking the laws of physics, educating themselves, develop technologies and you talk to us about holding swords in our hands like we are in the 12th century... We are not in the Middle ages, bruh so please, don't insert our sacred flag next to this bunch of bullshits about progressing with a Quran and sword in our hands. Turkey is secular and it will remain secular!
View attachment 318304 Nare takbeer Allahu Akbar. Islam Zindabad, Islamic Turkey Zindabad, Erdogan Zindabad, Islam loving Turkish people (my brethren) zindabad.

Salam to my brothers in Turkey for demising the scumbag. Nothing can stop your progress so long you hold Quran in hand and sword in another. My the blessing of Allah be with you.
Dont make this into religious thing, not only conservatives went to the streets last night but everybody be it secular, conservative, left, right.
"Runaway frigate". That sounds kind of scary. Gawd can you imagine if this happened in Pakistan? Then we would have "runaway nuclear ballistic missile regiment" and every single person from Tel Aviv, to Tehran, to Baku, to Astana, to Chennai, to Mogadishu* would be trying to buy lead and dig deep, real deep hole in the ground. No wonder Obama has not slept a night since he became President and poor guy's hair has gone grey.

*Mogadishu was mistake. They would be jumping up and down waiting for salvation and deliverance.

holding swords in our hands like we are in the 12th century
He is. His calender reads 1437. Ask him.
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"Runaway frigate". That sounds kind of scary. Gawd can you imagine if this happened in Pakistan? Then we would have "runaway ballistic missile regiment" and every single person from Tel Aviv, to Tehran, to Baku, to Astana, to Chennai, to Mogadishu* would be trying to buy lead and dig deep, real deep hole in the ground. No wonder Obama has not slept a night since he became President and poor guy's hair has gone grey.

*Mogadishu was mistake. They would be jumping up and down waiting for salvation and deliverance.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: '' Runaway Ballistic Missile Regiment''
Hypocrites are crawling the world lecturing everyone alongside. US should overhand Fethullah to Turkey, there should ne a more compréhensive cleansing of Fetö. They have universities which raise indoctrinated personnel all over the country,they should ne closed. Turkey has seen nothing alike it, firing upon its own citizens unmoral pigs, they should be hanged.
congratulations to our Turkish brethren on successful thwarting of worst terrorism in history

Feeling sad on the loss of lives and injured people

Our shameless neighbors must be very upset along with Americans and Russians
İstatistikleri takip ediyorsun madem bu dediğine halkın desteği olmadığınıda biliyorsundur. %90 a yakını suriyelilere vatandaşlık verilmesine, toki ye yerleştirilmesine, arapça resmi dil vb bu tarz şeylere karşı.
E olayda bu zaten, adam yinede yapıyor halk desteği olmamasına rağmen! Onları yinede kullanacak ve başkanlığı yinede getirecek!

Sanki bunları yapacam diyen kılıçdaroğluda onu konuşuyoruz şuan!
Hypocrites are crawling the world lecturing everyone alongside. US should overhand Fethullah to Turkey, there should ne a more compréhensive cleansing of Fetö. They have universities which raise indoctrinated personnel all over the country,they should ne closed. Turkey has seen nothing alike it, firing upon its own citizens unmoral pigs, they should be hanged.
Why would the US hand him over, it might be the one who actually sponsored it covertly. If any country houses people which US seeks then it violates that country's sovereignty to get to those targets, however if they (culprits) are on the list of other states then US has no problem in extending them asylum and protection. It's only a matter of time till the world goes multi polar and other powers like China or perhaps even Turkey bring an end to this evil states antics world over.
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