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Why Arabs lost all its wars to Israel despite outnumbering Israel in weapons and manpower?


Jul 14, 2011
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Why do you think Arab armies despite being united for once, couldn't defeat a tiny country like Israel? Despite arab armies being heavily backed by USSR in Yom Kippur war, couldn't dent Israel??

Arabs had infact superior artillery and equipment, and larger no. of tanks and man power. Still Israel humiliated them???

What's the biggest reason for their defeats in all the wars (Yom Kippur, 6Day war etc.) ?? And even if u say that US backed Israel it gets countered as USSR heavily backed Arabs and provided them with SAM batteries but they still couldn't do sh*t and Arab plans were target practice for the Israeli Mirages.

So, thoughts?? Have the Arabs lost the art of War and became too soft or horrible tactics or what??
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Well it was due to resupply of weapon and heavy weaponry / planes from US and other countries.
Technological advance updates about impending attack made defenses more potent

Not due to any miracle of human spirit

Lack of proper transport structure in arab units , driving by land allowed airforce to destroy incoming columns

Example Day 1 :
Team A has 100 Tanks and 20 jets
Team B has 200 Tanks and 20 Jets (Defending)

If Team b loses 10 jets then get resupply of 300 more tanks and 50 jets

Day 2:
Team A has 60 Tanks and 10 Jets
Team B has 500 Tanks and 70 Jets (Defending)

So the machine / numerical advantage resulted in better fortification/ defence of Territory

So due to this reason Israel managed to evade defeat

It would not be suprising that they were able to intercept communication between Arab Troops due to "compromised" communication com devices

Egypt wanted to drive into Israel , which allowed their Tank divisions to be destroyed due to lack fo Anti Air Support for these columns

If you have one force with Bow and arraw 50000 soliders and one force with laser weapon
with range of 20 km only 100 soliders chances are the 100 soldier force will win provided people are walking and the range distance is maintained
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They lost because they were too much in love with themselves being progressive and modern. They lost because they thought suckularism was the solution to their problems. They lost because of their corrupt, power hungry, suckular leaders. When individuals behave like a monkey they cannot fight like warriors, they become dependent and weak.
Well it was due to resupply of weapon and heavy weaponry / planes from US and other countries.
Technological advance updates about impending attack made defenses more potent

Not due to any miracle of human spirit

Israeli airforce achieved 20:1 kill ratio over Arabs in 6 day war and dented the Arab air force (Egyptian, Jordanian,Syrian etc.) speaks volumes for the Israeli pilots and their dog fighting skills .

and only USA was supporting Israel, the Arab countries were united as one being heavily backed by USSR , all factors aside Israel humiliated the Arabs (specially in the air) and it wasn't even close.
Also add to the topic: Why Iraq (the strongest Arab army of that time) fell like a house of cards in front of the US troops and couldn't even put up a decent fight ?? What is wrong with the arab armies?
Who said that they lost all wars? Only the 1967 war can be considered a victory for Israel. The 1948 war ended in stalemate. The 1956 war ended with Israel winning with the help of British and French but withdrawing back. And the 1973 war ended with Israel giving back Sinai
There's always a similar thread such as this being recycled on PDF every few months. I am not a big fan of Arab regimes, but this needless Arab bashing needs to stop.
Not due to any miracle of human spirit
Are you sure about that or are you trying by mere assertion to rule it out?

After all, in the Independence War the Jews were fighting both the British and the Arabs and suffered from an arms embargo. In 1967 the armor of the combined Arab armies exceeded Israel's both in numbers and quality. In 1973 the Arabs had the advantage of surprise, both in timing and in such technological innovations as newly-effective SAMs, water cannons to dissolve Canal barriers, and man-portable anti-tank missiles.

A little nation, dispossessed for millennia, suddenly re-establishes itself in its ancient homeland against the combined armed might of its neighbors, despite their enemies being better-armed and more willing to kill civilians than they are. Why shouldn't one use the word, "miracle"?
Just technological difference and better weapons / airforce - resupply

If local columns had comparitive weapons / tech , likely would give 5-6 days to Israel before defences fall

Just a small tiny area

Not that I am promoting a war , but proper solution is may be 2 state for Palestine and Israel and Just live in your own zone with large housing schemes (buildings etc)

Some jews obviously have some claim for religious reasons and constant war is not a full solution and that is why Egypt normalized ties long time ago and hopefully a 2 state solution is found

Jeruslam's only future is international city monitored and governed by UN perhaps, rest of territory can be divied by people so they can build stuff build economy move on

Jews in general had better ties with Muslim nations thru out long term history (to which I was suprised as I never learned it in school , only when I reached high education levels I was made aware of such relations)

Making Villas is not ideal perhaps large metro style building is best for reason after 2 state break up , so that popuation from both parties can live in large numbers and share resources

May be create a reconciliation day for both nation celebrated equally on both side

(In an idealistic world)

Other paths unfortunately are , full of conflict and long term pain where no one is happy
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poor training of arabs and full US support for israel

The U.S. only started to support Israel until after the Six-Day
The Soviet Union, while providing some materiel before the Yom Kippur War,
was not really interested in an escalation to full war, so the Arab Air Forces were not as good.
Key however is motivation.
I doubt the average Arab soldier sees any big benefit in winning a war against Israel.
Who said that they lost all wars? Only the 1967 war can be considered a victory for Israel. The 1948 war ended in stalemate. The 1956 war ended with Israel winning with the help of British and French but withdrawing back. And the 1973 war ended with Israel giving back Sinai

Lol sure, the 1973 war ended with Israel taking back all its lost territory occupying sixteen hundred square kilometers of territory on the southwestern coast of the Suez Canal, within 100 km from Cairo and hundreds of KM's land in Syria, the Sinai was returned to Egypt following the Camp David Accords in 1978 when Egypt offered Israel peace and Israel returning them Sinai to normalize the relations .

There's always a similar thread such as this being recycled on PDF every few months. I am not a big fan of Arab regimes, but this needless Arab bashing needs to stop.

This is by no means a thread of Arab bashing, I'm just stating reality here and trying to find out the reasons for the abysmal performance of Arab armies in the last few decades or so.
Israeli airforce achieved 20:1 kill ratio over Arabs in 6 day war and dented the Arab air force (Egyptian, Jordanian,Syrian etc.) speaks volumes for the Israeli pilots and their dog fighting skills .

and only USA was supporting Israel, the Arab countries were united as one being heavily backed by USSR , all factors aside Israel humiliated the Arabs (specially in the air) and it wasn't even close.
The fuc%ing usa always put ambargo on us in 48,56,67,73
In 1973 they sent us weapons only when we exposed the ballistic missiles ready for use
They told us to keep on Arab honor
There are many such cases
They were really good allies (sarcasm)
In 1948 they put ambargo on us and they say 12 hours and no more israel,even the fuc&ing brits backed the arabs,only stalin helped us
In 1967 another ambargo by the west
In 1969-1970 again ,our westren allies betraid us when the soviet came to help the arabs send them weapons,russian pilots flew their planes,and more ....

What do you define as "arabs"? Hezbollah is technically arab, but Iranian created and trained and they raped Isreal in 06. Their soldiers were crying like little b-itches.
how exactly?
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