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Terror hits Bacha Khan University Charsadda


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Pathetic reporting by media. At least we will have to give this to the Indian media. They conducted themselves way too professionally. Sad

Indian Media is Pathetic. It's that after Kargil & 26/11 attack GOI has come up with law/rules that live operations can't be broadcasted. Hence, Presttitues in India can't report them live

On Topic: I hope all students are safe and no casualties are reported. #Deathtoterrorist
if a foreign country is proven to be involved in this... we should go to war.....
No no no no no not again not again.

Ya ALLAH please protects everyone and safeguard us from another tragedy. :(

We are still in trauma of APS. :(
many explosions ... extremist islamists savages have struck again
If proven to have come from Afghanistan, this time there should be no words, just bombing runs. Against anyone and aything which looks even slightly involved.
The SSG are carrying some weird contraption. Some breaching gear? What is it?
This is the 4th such attack after someone in particular issued a threat. Do we still need to investigate pathankot.
A rescue official talking to DawnNews quoted a rescued student as claiming that 60 to 70 students had been shot in the head by the attackers. The student added that the attack is reminiscent of the Army Public School Peshawar attack in December 16, 2014.

The claim could not be independently verified.

OMG:o:..No not again.I hope that this false.
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