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Inside Lavasa, India's first entirely private city built from scratch

The buildings look like they were taken out of some european setting, would feel strange living there. More of a holiday place than place to live I think.

t is, however, not designed to help India’s urban poor. The least expensive apartments in Lavasa now sell for between $17,000 and $36,000 – out of reach for most middle-class Indians
British media :lol: :lol:

“The company has sweeping rights over nearly all aspects of the life of the residents,” warned Persis Taraporevala, a researcher at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi in a 2013 article. “It has the right to evict, to tax, to determine the use and design of land, to change the governing body and to change the rules while controlling the rights of people to object to these processes.”

I wonder if this is true,many apartment complexes have rules which could be classified (collecting maintenance as taxation for ex.) as this (except eviction) but they all have people owning property there in charge.

I think another such project is amby valley Aamby Valley City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lavasa is entirely funded by politicians like sharad pawar and others (like tendulkar). I dont have the sources to confirm that. But it did run into serious regulatory approvals issues. Lavasa is not for urban poor or outsiders. It is more of a private town owned and operated by politicians.

Im working in lavasa and I can say for sure that if the stay is not lifted this town is as good as dead. Even Im thinking for leaving this place by next month. All he construction work has been halted from last 2-3 years.

17,000 to 36,000 $ unaffordable to middle class?, guardian is useless rag.
The rates are Rs. 2500-5000/sq.feet for apartments of 500-1700 sqft. depending on the location and view.
Villas range from Rs. 7000-10000/sqft having floor space 4000-7000 sqft.
Lavasa authority havnt managed to sell that many houses. The only success story is ashiana housing.
Lavasa authority havnt managed to sell that many houses. The only success story is ashiana housing.

It probably has to do with the terms and conditions , reputation of the group , remote location of the place , or failure of the European setting concept.
Hmm looks good. But I would prefer to live their only after my retirement.
[QUOTE"arp2041, post: 7907797, member: 138435"]Chill....not targeting you :D[/QUOTE]

Looks like many members feeling uncomfortable when i say something against particular individual on particular issues.. just because am following other religion.. wow great
[QUOTE"arp2041, post: 7907797, member: 138435"]Chill....not targeting you :D

Looks like many members feeling uncomfortable when i say something against particular individual on particular issues.. just because am following other religion.. wow great
LOL....... you see I am not the one brining in Religion while hiding under the burqa of "secularism" . YOU ARE.

If everybody though you were a Hindu it only goes to show how NAIVE Indians really are. How innocent they really are which is why its important to wake them up and show them the UGLY reality of Christian Bigotry.

A christian in PDF is 9 Times more likely to abuse Hindus and Hindtuva than any Indian Muslim in PDF.

This unfortunately is true outside PDF too. Only like you unwittingly explained, the larger Hindu society is unaware of this due to successful Media Hiding this truth and general Naivety of Indians.
Lets cut the crap Christian Supremacist, by "Indians" you mean "Hindus" ..... why take all this trouble to hide your Bigotry ? It is visible to even the casual observer

Your real problem is that Hindus have faith in their Religious leaders and gurus and that is what you find disturbing.

So you need to "mock" their belief and show how "superstitious" the Hindu pagans really are.

Its funny how Christian like you have no problem with John Abraham selling Skin Whiteners or apply the same logic to everyday Advertisement that come on TV selling everything from soap to Toothbrush.

Baba Ramdev has far more credibility that these cheap actors who sell lies for money. Baba Ramdev does it for free. That is the difference Bigots like you don't see.

But I am happy to see so many Bigots craw out of their hole to show their ugly side to the world. Muslims and Christians alike. Amazing, but sadly not surprising.

Sorry to break your Tirade against Hindu Religious leaders but Facts come in your way of Celebrating your hate.

How unfortunate for you,

Pasta or noodles? Baba Ramdev's Patanjali and FSSAI spar | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Baba Ramdev's spokesperson S K Tijarawala put up a statement on social media defending Patanjali's position, saying there was no contravention of any of the food regulatory body's rules. The statement said that Patanjali had received a licence from FSSAI in the "central category" for pasta. According to the FSSAI's own definition, the statement continued, noodles come under the pasta category. (Category of food Items)

The statement said that FSSAI had granted Patanjali a "relabelling licence", under which they had given contracts to manufacturers who had the appropriate licence for noodles to make this product.

The statement also said that according to the Bombay High Court, FSSAI did not have the authority to give "product approval", something which the director (product approval) had admitted in a statement on 26 August, 2015.

Though the FSSAI chairperson Ashish Bahuguna did not reply to dna's queries over phone or email, it was learnt that the body had caught upon the smallest of details in their rules to crack down on Patanjali; the category for pasta includes noodles but not instant noodles. The latter would be any noodles that claims to be cooked in two to three minutes, as Patanjali atta noodles has branded itself.

Looks like Propaganda attempt Fizzled out. Better luck next time.
Don't worry, I will continue to expose your Blind Hate for Hindus.

LOL........ the "secular" gang tried their best to trap Baba Ramdev ....... but guess what ? Satyamev jayate ..... the Truth Triumphed AGAIN.

No wonder your lot are Screaming so loudly

I keep saying "You Christians" because I do not want the reader to be in any doubt about who you are and What you represent. Your Religious bigotry can only be exposed when the world will know that your Hate stems from your Religion and to see a gang of Christians and Muslims attack Baba Ramdev for selling Noodles just take the Cake

But Not one peep from you lot when Christians priests rape Nuns and Choir boys ..... No out rage then ...... that i
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