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Why Pakistan should recognize Israel

I hope you are correct. انشاللہ ۔ However the army of Imam Mahdi will be based in Khorasan. Only a small part of Pakistan is in Khorasan.
Also Pakistan has played a dirty role from an Islamic point of view. And اللہ is not not to pleased with this.
Agreed, may be not the personnel, but the equipment will be used by army of Khurasan,,,, I agree elites of Pakistan do not reflect Islam, but do remember that there are only three muslim powers remaining in the world, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.... Turkey is too modernize and is almost secular even in public ,,, Iran is better but way too much involve in anti saudi politics and is one of the source of disintegtation in Islamic world like Saudis,,, Only Pakistan is the country which is a military might, have nukes,,, much stable and despite of it'e elites are attached to strings of west,, but public in general is pro-islamic ,,, may be time came when we see a true leader emerging out of no where,,,

Well do remember that end of times war will be initially with Christans and then finally with jews,,, but there are others in the world as well,,,, so lets hope for the best,, and pray from Allah as he has all the power ...
Turkey is too modernize and is almost secular even in public
Just one correction. Turkish people, especially beyond the large cities like Istanbul and Ankara, are really religious and love Islam. That is why Tayyep Erdogan has been elected despite strong opposition from the secular elite. However it is still a long way to go for them to get rid of this godless secularism.
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My bro it is not about Arabs,, it is about Pakistan,,, Pakistan might not be an idealistic muslim state but it is meant to be in Islamic state and sooner IA we will be,,, We might not be following other Islamic principle but in case of Israel we are following the Islamic principle and we are standing against agression ...

I salute Pakistan and its establishment for atleast following one principle which is on Islamic values...

Uptill now Pakistan is proved to be secular state by I strongly believe that in end of time wars, Pakistan will appear as army of Imam Mehdi, its nuke will standby with all Muslims... there is a reason Pakistan came into being with Israel,,, there is a reason Pakistan is one of the strongest military in Muslim countries,,, there is a reason Pakistan's general public still capable of waging jihad despite of all the corruptions imposed on society ,,, there is a reason Pakistan has not accepted Israel ... and last but not the least Israel knew it and thats why it hates Pakistan and Iran the most out of all Muslims states...
Are you Shia?
Are you Shia?
Hahaha,,, my bro I am Muslim,,,

Just one correction. Turkish people, especially beyond the large cities like Istanbul and Ankara, are really religious and love Islam. That is why Tayyep Erdogan has been elected despite strong opposition from the secular elite. However it is still a long way to go for them to get rid of this godless secularism.
I have never seen any Islamic movement in turkey ... But may be you are right as I have no authority on subject ...
Thanks for updating me
why this thread pops up every two weeks , out of no where suddenly there is thread about Pakistan-Israel friendship .
People of book (Ahle kitab) should be preferable than Indians who are not.
why this thread pops up every two weeks , out of no where suddenly there is thread about Pakistan-Israel friendship .
Because someone is really motivated or paid whatever. But the matter of fact is that, sharing a few articles on pdf does not change anything. The vast majority of the people of Pakistan does not want this and this is the last topic on the list of priorities.
People of book (Ahle kitab) should be preferable than Indians who are not.
Israel does not represent bani Israel ... Israel is representation of Malhama (Armagadon), Dajjal (anti-christ) and destruction of 99% f mankind... Please do some research on Sahih Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW...
Israel does not represent bani Israel ... Israel is representation of Malhama (Armagadon), Dajjal (anti-christ) and destruction of 99% f mankind... Please do some research on Sahih Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW...

This is not a pertinent forum for religious debate.
Henceforth its unwise pursuing this matter over here.
My bro it is not about Arabs,, it is about Pakistan,,, Pakistan might not be an idealistic muslim state but it is meant to be in Islamic state and sooner IA we will be,,, We might not be following other Islamic principle but in case of Israel we are following the Islamic principle and we are standing against agression ...

I salute Pakistan and its establishment for atleast following one principle which is on Islamic values...

Uptill now Pakistan is proved to be secular state by I strongly believe that in end of time wars, Pakistan will appear as army of Imam Mehdi, its nuke will standby with all Muslims... there is a reason Pakistan came into being with Israel,,, there is a reason Pakistan is one of the strongest military in Muslim countries,,, there is a reason Pakistan's general public still capable of waging jihad despite of all the corruptions imposed on society ,,, there is a reason Pakistan has not accepted Israel ... and last but not the least Israel knew it and thats why it hates Pakistan and Iran the most out of all Muslims states...

Sir sorry to burst your bubble, Pakistan's security establishment has cooperated with Israel on numerous occasions. In 1980's the weapons for mujahideen were flown in to Pakistan in which Mossad and ISI cooperated..the weapons wre then given to Afghan Mujahideen. Its a famous operation conducted by both agencies.
Other than that there were numerous reports of defence dealings via third parties which again are all available online. Pakistan for most of its history has been in the same camp as Israel.
Zionism is definitely given a bad name, people think they are devil worshippers etc..all misconceptions. Israelis also don't know anything about Pakistan. Almost 80% Israelis I came across during my stay in Canada, for my studies, thought Pakistan was an Arab country with Arabic as their national language.
The interesting fact is 20% of Israeli population is Muslim, its something which we are never told in Pakistan. I myself was really good friends with an Israeli Arab. Muslims are in Israeli Parliement, their army and everywhere, infact Arabic is one of the official languages, alongside Hebrew.

The hatred you talk about is there due to false misconceptions about each other, right wing elements on both sides fan these stereotypes and misconceptions.

Agreed, may be not the personnel, but the equipment will be used by army of Khurasan,,,, I agree elites of Pakistan do not reflect Islam, but do remember that there are only three muslim powers remaining in the world, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.... Turkey is too modernize and is almost secular even in public ,,, Iran is better but way too much involve in anti saudi politics and is one of the source of disintegtation in Islamic world like Saudis,,, Only Pakistan is the country which is a military might, have nukes,,, much stable and despite of it'e elites are attached to strings of west,, but public in general is pro-islamic ,,, may be time came when we see a true leader emerging out of no where,,,

Well do remember that end of times war will be initially with Christans and then finally with jews,,, but there are others in the world as well,,,, so lets hope for the best,, and pray from Allah as he has all the power ...

Mate the escatological predictions in Abrahamic religions (Islam, Judaism and Chrisitianity) have a separate thread on the forum..this thread is to debate whether Pak should recognize each other or not, using actual facts on ground not religious prophecies.

Plus the author has lied and falsified to mislead the readers that Israel has never been enemy of Pakistan. That is total crap. Israel twice planned an air strike to destroy Pakistan's nuclear capability the same way it did on Iraq. Great distance and timely intelligence by ISI and its network, with grace of Almighty Allah, protected Pakistan. Moreover, Mossad has been active in Baluchistan along with RAW. Distance is the main factor for no direct conflict. Jewish lobby are still active against the nuclear program of Pakistan using USA and India as mouthpieces. Recognising Israel would not help in any way but will weaken Pakistan's stance.

I don't think it will weaken Pakistan's stance, infact Pakistan can use Jewish lobby which has a significant clout in Washington..to its advantage, when it comes to resolving Kashmir dispute or weapons sales.
Sir sorry to burst your bubble, Pakistan's security establishment has cooperated with Israel on numerous occasions. In 1980's the weapons for mujahideen were flown in to Pakistan in which Mossad and ISI cooperated..the weapons wre then given to Afghan Mujahideen. Its a famous operation conducted by both agencies.
Other than that there were numerous reports of defence dealings via third parties which again are all available online. Pakistan for most of its history has been in the same camp as Israel.
Zionism is definitely given a bad name, people think they are devil worshippers etc..all misconceptions. Israelis also don't know anything about Pakistan. Almost 80% Israelis I came across during my stay in Canada, for my studies, thought Pakistan was an Arab country with Arabic as their national language.
The interesting fact is 20% of Israeli population is Muslim, its something which we are never told in Pakistan. I myself was really good friends with an Israeli Arab. Muslims are in Israeli Parliement, their army and everywhere, infact Arabic is one of the official languages, alongside Hebrew.

The hatred you talk about is there due to false misconceptions about each other, right wing elements on both sides fan these stereotypes and misconceptions.
These facts are known by many Pakistanis. I know there are Arabs in Israel since it an Arab territory taken over by Israel. Ashkenazi race controls Israel and they are like Brahmans in Israel, get preferential treatment not just against Arabs and Muslims but all the native and African Jews too. Jews from Ethiopia and Kenya have been protesting for their rights and killings of some Ethiopians by Ashkenazi police (you can watch it on youtube).
If you want to recognize the occupation and colonization of Palestine by Zionazis then also at the same recognize occupation of Kashmir by Indians and withdraw from Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. Then we can cut our defence budget by 75% and spend that money on development.

What has one to do with other, you are a Pakistani, let's fix Pakistan first and then worry about people around the world, who couldn't care less for you!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha,,, my bro I am Muslim,,,
Your views are similar to those of Shia. They put Imam-ism on the same pedestal as prophet-hood. In recent years, their is a surge in promotion of Imam-ism narrative. Shia believe in the existence of 12 holy figures (Imams). Imam Mahdi is 12th among them.

If you will carefully analyze all sayings about Imam Mahdi, you will notice that his entire background is conveniently based on the background of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Imam Mahdi's real name will be Muhammad. His father's real name will be Abdullah. He will emerge in Saudi Arabia during a time of great strife and his initial followers would number 313. Later on, Muslims from all over the world will start believing in him and join his quest for greatness. Place; Names; Numbers...It all sounds too familiar...

During the period of occupation of Iraq (2003 - 2011) by military forces from the WEST, Iran got an opportunity to put its theological narrative in to practice: Iranian leadership sponsored an Iraqi (shia) cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to raise an army. This army was conveniently labelled Mahdi Army and was tasked with the responsibility to challenge the supremacy of Western military forces in Iraq. It continues to exist and is now working with the Iraqi coalition government to tackle ISIS movement.

Even the ISIS have conducted some operations on the basis of their theological importance:

ISIS Is Making Strategic Decisions In Syria Based On Ancient Islamic Prophecy Of The End Time - Business Insider

Prophecy that predicted war between Islamic army and 'infidel horde' is fuelling ISIS | Daily Mail Online

In a way, ISIS is trying its best to make some prophecies come true but majority of the Muslims do not support its cause and perceive it as a terrorist organization. Majority of Muslims are not lending their support to Shia-oriented Mahdi Army either.

There is also a long list of claimants vis-a-vis Imam Mahdi: List of Mahdi claimants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So whom will people really believe to be Imam Mahdi since every claimant is rejected?

There is a long (and unfortunate) history of prophecies being falsely attributed to our beloved Prophet (PBUH) and none of the prophecies about Imam Mahdi are in the compilations of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim which are regarded as most authentic compilations of hadith.

Muslims are not adopting measures to address real issues plaguing the Islamic bloc and expect a holy figure to come and rescue them in the years to come. Expecting a single person to come and somehow successfully unite all Muslims under a single cause in modern times?

I once asked a neighbor that how Pakistani people will address the matters of corruption and other social evils? He stated that Imam Mahdi will do it for us.

To be honest, I am not sure where these beliefs would lead us to. I can just pray: "May Allah Almighty guide all of us to the right path," Aameen.
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Atheists and liberals may argue it is still a long way till we get rid of all these man-made religions.
It is not about the argument, it is about the majority and its will. Turkey population is 99.8% Muslim and this means secularism has no place to be imposed on such a large and overwhelming population. That is why AKP is winning and it is making Turkey a better place slowly and steadily.
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