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South China Sea Forum

I know that some people have initially very high expectation for China, and they expected to kick the US a$$ every time.

However, the geopolitics is a very complicated game, and it is not always about a$$-kicking or chest thumping.

The USN also knows the existence of the DF-21D and DF-26, even more powerful weapons. They know that their warships won't last few seconds if China truly decides to launch the attack. That's why they just sent a unarmed destroyer to visit our artificial island.

But for now, the business comes to China's mind first, since anyone who is consistently reading the news related to China, they will see that China has a huge amount of deals in 2015. So China doesn't want to create the tension in the region that could overshadow the economic cooperation.

A small country can be praised as brave when it dares to protests as the US just bombed them, while China must need to prove that it has balls by kicking the US a$$ every time. So it is definitely not easy to be a superpower, especially a rising one. You have been watched by the world.

Very well said.

Economic base is the most important determinant to shape ideology and history. Without a sound economic base, one easily falls prey to stronger and capable hegemonic powers. That's also why a concrete, sound capability build-up is important in SCS.

Adventurism is the last thing China needs.

In fact, the US also has been rather shrewd; there are definitely other interests that they care about.

This is a nerve game that will last for some time.
we are the true believers of freedom of navigation, it is US who cries every time we navigate in front of you.

China has upheld freedom of navigation more dearly than the US.

During the height of Iranian nuclear crisis, it was the US presence that most endangered the flow of maritime trade along the Hormuz.
Oh please your just piss people off for one thing china though that since it can show its so called power people will just blindly obey but it had the opposite effect the surrounding countries are modernizing their forces and many nations are no voicing their opinions on the matter and the thing china fears is coming true the US is not Jumping in so as Japanese so you people did the strategic miscalculation and you seeing things blindly by your arrogance is showing that.

There is no country really supporting you, except the US for their ulterior motives.

You are at each other's throats with Vietnam because you also invaded and stole their island in the SCS. You will pay for that dearly once Vietnam is capable enough. Now you are too weak to directly engage each other.

The world does not give crap about your island sickness. Most people do not even know of the situation. People have their own more important headaches. Why would day lose time to worry about for some sad Pinoy?

Japanese like to encourage you to pest China because Japan has territorial disputes with all of its neighbors.
You make very good point. The US just won't tolerate China in its own shoreline. This is a pure humiliation yet the Chinese navy's weak stance underscore their cowardness.

I heard people are jumping about their Chinese dream? A small incident can make you feel like back in 1990s your days of being bullied. It's hard to imagine a might industrial nation(the largest actually) like China is making such stupid mistakes. You should get some inspiration from Russia. You weak response could make Putin looks downing on you.

EAsian could be the only sane Chinese member in the forum. Others look like a bunch of braggart boy showing off your economic wonders on daily basis(what a shame). Remember those wonders and wealth made by your people's hard work only turn into other's prey if you can not defend your interest.

Russia is not exactly the most successful country out there. Back in the Soviet days (when they had something to lose) they also treaded very carefully with the US. Now Russia doesn't have much to lose, so they're going all out in a quest for revenge. China has alot to lose, which is why the key trump cards have to be held in reserve until the very last instant.
Our warship is patrolled here nearby fake Island. :sniper:...:taz::china:


Well, that Vietnamese navy frigate(HQ-011) is just visiting Collins Reef/ Đảo Cô Lin with Chinese frigate 537 at that day.
(Vietnamese structure on Collins Reef)

Here is the positions of Collin Reef and Johnson Reef.

more pics
Chinese frigate 537.

This is a PR stunt for the world, a battle group would have made things interesting :(
So here are some more information about this freedom of navigation idea that soooo offends the PDF Chinese squad here...

South China Sea: U.S. not provoking China (Opinion) - CNN.com
The Pentagon oversees dozens of freedom of navigation operations every year targeting excessive maritime claims made by countries ranging from outright antagonists to some of the United States' closest allies.

In 2014, the U.S. military used these operations to contest claims made by nearly all the countries surrounding the South China Sea, meaning not just China but also the Philippines -- a treaty ally -- and Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.
Looks like China is not the only one guilty of making contestable claims of territorial waters. Anyone from partner to ally can -- and will -- be challenged by US.

Civilian ships can be bullied but not a warship. In fact, even if the US send just a coastie, any actions against that ship constitutes an attack on US sovereign soil.

So when we say we are there to ensure freedom of navigation in the SCS, everyone will believe US and not China due to history.
So here are some more information about this freedom of navigation idea that soooo offends the PDF Chinese squad here...

South China Sea: U.S. not provoking China (Opinion) - CNN.com

Looks like China is not the only one guilty of making contestable claims of territorial waters. Anyone from partner to ally can -- and will -- be challenged by US.

Civilian ships can be bullied but not a warship. In fact, even if the US send just a coastie, any actions against that ship constitutes an attack on US sovereign soil.

So when we say we are there to ensure freedom of navigation in the SCS, everyone will believe US and not China due to history.


I don't think US want China to do that to their warships.

2013, SCS , Chinese fleet and US warship
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