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China picked a bad timing on Pakistan - Now it must StepBack or StepForward


Jul 21, 2009
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Chinese investment on Pak-China Corridor and Gawadar Port has came at a wrong time. Future Chinese presence on the land of Pakistan and its waters is making India feel threatened and encircled - and India is feeling compelled to break the walls around it before they are erected high.

Pakistan is coming out of its wars on western Afghan border and it should've been given more time before Pakistan could bare implications of Chinese presence on the land and waters vis a vis India. Agreements are done with two hands and the other hand was Pakistani - true - but only Pakistan is going to be on the receiving end when threats are mounting from India. China has no option but to compensate for the "timing mistake" it has made. China can either;
  • Step Backwards: give up on Gwadar and Economic Corridor plans for a decade
  • Step Forward: support Pakistan's defence against upcoming Indian aggression
Chinese economy is slowing down, it needs initiatives and out of borer investments to keep it in shape and Pakistan is that opportunity. With that in view, stepping-back won't be a convenient choice. To me, stepping forward is the logical option for China and that would mean undergoing a defence pact with Pakistan.

Just my reading of reality but Allah knows the best.
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Chinese investment on Pak-China Corrode and Gawadar Port has came at a wrong time. Future Chinese presence on the land of Pakistan and its waters is making India is feeling threatened and encircled - and India is feeling compelled to break the walls around it before they are erected high.

Pakistan is coming out of its wars on western Afghan border and it should've been given more time before Pakistan could bare implications of Chinese presence on the land and waters vis a vis India. Agreements are done with two hands and the other hand was Pakistani - true - but only Pakistan is going to be on the receiving end when threats are mounting from India. China has no option but to compensate for the "timing mistake" it has made. China can either;
  • Step Backwards: give up on Gwadar and Economic Corridor plans for a decade
  • Step Forward: support Pakistan's defence against upcoming Indian aggression
Chinese economy is slowing down, it needs initiatives and out of borer investments to keep it in shape. In this regard - and Pakistan is that opportunity. With that in view, stepping-back won't be a natural choice. To me, stepping forward is the logical choice for China and that would mean undergoing a defence pact with Pakistan.

Just my reading of reality but Allah knows the best.
bhaijan aap ne chorian pehni hoge bakion ne nahi
What did I just read?

This whole corridor thing favor China much more than Pakistan. By this they are ensuring India vs Pakistan scenario rather than India going after direct conflict with China. Also China is getting faster access to their middle East access, new market to sell their product and diverting their growth to west China.

So what bad timing? Or stepping back? That is their obvious choice . the only question would be how fast they can complete CPEC
bhaijan aap ne chorian pehni hoge bakion ne nahi

Mate, this has nothing to do with Pakistan's ability to fight or not. Pakistan is one strong army and it will defend itself. I am stating what are options for China in this situation?

Topic of discussion is not Pakistan. If you are not in agreement with my opinion on Chinese options, you are welcome to disagree on topic but don't bring patriotism on the table, the topic is not asking for it.
Chinese investment on Pak-China Corrode and Gawadar Port has came at a wrong time. Future Chinese presence on the land of Pakistan and its waters is making India is feeling threatened and encircled - and India is feeling compelled to break the walls around it before they are erected high.

Pakistan is coming out of its wars on western Afghan border and it should've been given more time before Pakistan could bare implications of Chinese presence on the land and waters vis a vis India. Agreements are done with two hands and the other hand was Pakistani - true - but only Pakistan is going to be on the receiving end when threats are mounting from India. China has no option but to compensate for the "timing mistake" it has made. China can either;
  • Step Backwards: give up on Gwadar and Economic Corridor plans for a decade
  • Step Forward: support Pakistan's defence against upcoming Indian aggression
Chinese economy is slowing down, it needs initiatives and out of borer investments to keep it in shape. In this regard - and Pakistan is that opportunity. With that in view, stepping-back won't be a natural choice. To me, stepping forward is the logical choice for China and that would mean undergoing a defence pact with Pakistan.

Just my reading of reality but Allah knows the best.

i disagree, because these things take time to come up, so it was the right choice, as nato withdrew from afghanistan, and pakistan becoming more stable.
Are you fearful of indian agression, you think india will go to war because of CPEC, that is highly gross assumption, it would be the biggest diplomatic disaster for india, what i think is india is pulling a dangerous line due to its domestic policies and it wants to pakistan to make mistake, to refocus on eastern front, so that attention of PA from its proxies in west is diverted. But that doesn't look, it will happen.
i disagree, because these things take time to come up, so it was the right choice, as nato withdrew from afghanistan, and pakistan becoming more stable.

Are you fearful of indian agression, you think india will go to war because of CPEC, that is highly gross assumption, it would be the biggest diplomatic disaster for india, what i think is india is pulling a dangerous line due to its domestic policies and it wants to pakistan to make mistake, to refocus on eastern front, so that attention of PA from its proxies in west is diverted. But that doesn't look, it will happen.

Thanks for writing on topic. Few thoughts;
  1. Strategically it is in the Indian interest to go a far now or never.
  2. India is going to fabricate justification of attacking Pakistan. India will fabricate terrorist incidents and mind their ground preparation; movies like Phantom are not for making money.
  3. Pakistan is becoming more stable, agree but it needs more time to wind up its wars on the western border. Chinese initiatives on Gawadar and Ecnomic Corridor had their strategic implications which are now making India restless. Pakistan should've been given more time to wind-up its ongoing war against terrorists.
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Thanks for writing on topic. Few thoughts;
  1. Strategically it is in the Indian interest to go a far now - its not going to happen ever.
  2. India is going to fabricate justification of attacking Pakistan. India will fabricate terrorist incidents and mind their ground preparation; movies like Phantom are not for making money.
  3. Pakistan is becoming more table, agree but it needs more time to wind up its wars on the western border. Chinese initiatives on Gawadar and Ecnomic Corridor had their strategic implications which are now making India act. Pakistan should've been given more time to wind-up its ongoing war against terrorists.

You mean Another Conspiracy ?
Plz Elaborate.

Btw, Bollywood Also made : Shaurya , MadrasCafe and Veer Zara ( Financed by ISI / GoP ? )
There is no step backward, even after a decade if the Chinese work on Gawader, India will feel threatened.

China will never let go of gawader port.

Their dependency on Malacca strait will be greatly decreased due to gawader port.
Thanks for writing on topic. Few thoughts;
  1. Strategically it is in the Indian interest to go a far now - its not going to happen ever.
  2. India is going to fabricate justification of attacking Pakistan. India will fabricate terrorist incidents and mind their ground preparation; movies like Phantom are not for making money.
  3. Pakistan is becoming more table, agree but it needs more time to wind up its wars on the western border. Chinese initiatives on Gawadar and Ecnomic Corridor had their strategic implications which are now making India act. Pakistan should've been given more time to wind-up its ongoing war against terrorists.

even a limited strike from india, will cost her dearly, don't forget that india is just starting to pick up its growth rate, any misadventure will mean, india will have to forgo economic growth, we on the other hand have managed to survive in the war on terror, and have become more resilient than ever, it will cost us to, but not to the extent as of india, thats why these days international newspapers are saying that any limited action will cost india more, and don't forget diplomatic humiliation it will bring. Now i don't know if the indians in government are of same mindset like that on PDF, because if the latter is true than blunder from indian side is a big possibility.
even a limited strike from india, will cost her dearly, don't forget that india is just starting to pick up its growth rate, any misadventure will mean, india will have to forgo economic growth, we on the other hand have managed to survive in the war on terror, and have become more resilient than ever, it will cost us to, but not to the extent as of india, thats why these days international newspapers are saying that any limited action will cost india more, and don't forget diplomatic humiliation it will bring. Now i don't know if the indians in government are of same mindset like that on PDF, because if the latter is true than blunder from indian side is a big possibility.

He means "Covert" war not a real war.
There is no step backward, even after a decade if the Chinese work on Gawader, India will feel threatened.

China will never let go of gawader port.

Their dependency on Malacca strait will be greatly decreased due to gawader port.

What makes you think the Indian navy cannot destroy any super tankers headed for Gwadar ?
This is the most ridiculous and ludicrous Thread I have ever seen. Who gives a RAT's A$$ if our PROGRESS suits India or not. Give me a Cotton Pickin BREAK.

Pakistan cannot wait for this CPEC to begin but of course a project of this scale will take its natural course.

India can go to hell as far as I am concerned.

For me , it is PAKISTAN FIRST.

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