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Imran Khan Supporting his younger Brother



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Apr 16, 2009
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By Allah, nobody except the faithful befriends me and nobody except the hypocrite becomes my enemy Imam Ali (A.S)

This Saying by Imam Ali clears the position of A hypocrate.Imran Khan PTI's chairman is always good at U turn. In his early Politics he was Bluntly Supporting President Musharraf but when his desires were not fulfilled by President Musharraf he turned the other way round and start criticizing Mr.Musharraf Mr. Khan now supports talibans which means that he is convinced by their theory and beliefs.Imran Khan has always supported Talibans,their war against Pakistan Army and many times admitted that he has links with these terrorists. Now Mr.Khan after getting rejected by People of Pindi and Lahore has started playing on a new ground in which he is supporting his Ex-Wife’s brother.Mr Khan in an interview saying that Mr.ZAC Goldsmith is his Younger brother and he is busy in convincing the Muslims in London.

Imran campaigns for Jemima’s brother

what he is doing after the divorce. He must be having connections with JEWS.A Muslim can never support any JEW no matter what the situation is Mr. Khan by doing these actions becomes more controvert Mr Khan on one end speaks against America British and Israel but on the other end supporting a Zionist Mr.ZAC Goldsmith. am really confused about his position because he has always blamed America and their Allies that they are responsible for the current situation in Pakistan. He can speak against liberal political forces of Pakistan for days but on the other side he is indirectly participating in British Elections. A person who has failed in Pakistan politics is now busy on foreign tour. My questions here are that is talibans of Course including Khan Sb are supported by Jews??? Or Imran khan has two faces one for Pakistan and Talibans and other for rest of the world and he has turned around to the other face. This clearly shows the hypocrisy of Imran Khan. Being a Muslim we will never support a force which has killed our mothers and sisters. Which has ruined the Muslims of Palestine Which is continuously busy in destroying Masjid E Aqsa who are our clear enemy but I think this is only for Muslims not for a hypocrite and Imran is holding a PHD degree in Hypocrisy.
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By Allah, nobody except the faithful befriends me and nobody except the hypocrite becomes my enemy Imam Ali (A.S)

This Saying by Imam Ali clears the position of A hypocrate.Imran Khan PTI's chairman is always good at U turn. In his early Politics he was Bluntly Supporting President Musharraf but when his desires were not fulfilled by President Musharraf he turned the other way round and start criticizing Mr.Musharraf Mr. Khan now supports talibans which means that he is convinced by their theory and beliefs.Imran Khan has always supported Talibans,their war against Pakistan Army and many times admitted that he has links with these terrorists. Now Mr.Khan after getting rejected by People of Pindi and Lahore has started playing on a new ground in which he is supporting his Ex-Wife’s brother.Mr Khan in an interview saying that Mr.ZAC Goldsmith is his Younger brother and he is busy in convincing the Muslims in London.

YouTube - Imran campaigns for Jemima's brother in London

Imran campaigns for Jemima’s brother

what he is doing after the divorce. He must be having connections with JEWS.A Muslim can never support any JEW no matter what the situation is Mr. Khan by doing these actions becomes more controvert Mr Khan on one end speaks against America British and Israel but on the other end supporting a Zionist Mr.ZAC Goldsmith. am really confused about his position because he has always blamed America and their Allies that they are responsible for the current situation in Pakistan. He can speak against liberal political forces of Pakistan for days but on the other side he is indirectly participating in British Elections. A person who has failed in Pakistan politics is now busy on foreign tour. My questions here are that is talibans of Course including Khan Sb are supported by Jews??? Or Imran khan has two faces one for Pakistan and Talibans and other for rest of the world and he has turned around to the other face. This clearly shows the hypocrisy of Imran Khan. Being a Muslim we will never support a force which has killed our mothers and sisters. Which has ruined the Muslims of Palestine Which is continuously busy in destroying Masjid E Aqsa who are our clear enemy but I think this is only for Muslims not for a hypocrite and Imran is holding a PHD degree in Hypocrisy.

What is with the Jew Phobia?
The Prophet PBUH entered into agreements with Jews and called them the people of the book.
Muslims are allowed to have relations with Jews in Islam, if you can marry them then that makes it clear that we should judge Jews (like any other people including Muslims) on basis of their mertis and demerits as a human being.

Kindly stop with such pseudo religious political arguments.

I disagree with Imran on the Taliban issue but his dealings with the Jewish families is not unislamic.
I remeber musharraf called Imaran khan Beardless taliban......:lol::rofl:

Beardless Taliban lol. That is funny. But trust me, Taliban can never be beardless. He might be sympathizer of the taliban.
So what if he is campaigning for a "jew"?

This sort of think is not letting us progress.
Thanks for the video very interesting video

and i strongly disagree with your comments and its useless to debate here
racisim - has many faces ... he is with in his right to support any one sad ..that ppl just take swipe at him every chance they get :no:
Nothing wrong in here. Jemima seems to be very reasonable woman and their seperation be their personal matter.
We can clearly see that indians are not happy him being a popular personality in Pakistan. I think indians are cooking some curry against Imran.

Personally i think, Imran's only problem is that he is very inflexible.
Some times he fail to see other's point of view and he go along very well with those who give in to his views and which is wrong and dangerous too.
First of all , I know alot of people criticize the
"Evil" jew conspiracy and the Evil Jew women

not so ...

Its simple she came to pakistan and politicians in Pakistan made her life miserably specially after 9/11 she paniced and moved back to England how would you feel if you hear in newspapers ppl threatening to kill you or harm you ? Is that Imran Khan's fault that he wants to do something for his nation so he had to divide time between his country needs and family ...

As far as I know Ms Jamaima came and supported Imran Khan verious times so if Imran Khan supports someone on Ms Jamaima's side , its no big deal ...

People who can't see past someone's heritage really need to grow up ...

We look forward to see Imran Khan reach top of the ladder or at least make big gains in next elections, he has a good political background and he has visions . He is a educated gentle man and his , GHERAT ... is his biggest asset , we need some leader with some courage and self esteem -

We really don't need more leaders with tainted past and prision and crupption charges

We will gain alot under his guidance -
The person he is supporting uncle of his two sons. As a father he will always keep in touch with his inlaws. I wish one day his sons will own Pakistan unlike Quaid Azam daughter who had mother from another religion too.
All his life our great leader Quaid Azam missed his daughter but to him Pakistan was always first. Imran could have moved to UK to save his marriage and be with his two sons but he stayed in Pakistan.
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Folks we need to clear a concept right here " our Problem is with Israel not with jews " & if he is supporting someone in the campaign in UK so what is wrong with that ??

The Elections are not going to be held in Pakistan & i do not see anything wrong in supporting a jew !

Its Racism.
It's like saying if your name is khan then you r a terrorist

As a individual you have fully right to support n help any1 u want it doesn't mattar if you r muslium jew hundu.

who posted this thread is a moron who doesn't have bright thinking let the world come closer n have friendly environments

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