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Al-Jazira and Kashmir

Your information is out of date, for example supreme court has recently struck down section 66a of the information technology act.

In such a big and diverse country as India, all things take time to change, but progress is surely there.

In case of states which have terrorist sympathizers, excesses by armed forces are natural and inevitable. Innocent victims are getting their day in court though.
Give what ever excuses you want .In the words of Arnab Goswami : THIS IS FACT! DON'T DENY IT. I'M SORRY YOUR ARGUMENT IS BASELESS TALK ON FACT!
But World can see only the crying of Pak leaders and Kashmir is still in hands of India.
Bass bharat mahan .itna mahan kay it can only forcefully hold others lands and kill and massacre ppl. Itna mahan bharat.

Give what ever excuses you want .In the words of Arnab Goswami : THIS IS FACT! DON'T DENY IT. I'M SORRY YOUR ARGUMENT IS BASELESS TALK ON FACT!

Good to see Arnab is your idol, thanks for the entertainment.
Who say...? Your media?

The ground realities are different. The whole state of J&K including Azad Kashmir and G&B are acceded to India through instrument of accession signed by none other than the Maharaja of Kashmir.

Just because a thousand people waved a Pakistani flag doesn't mean anything. So Zip it.


See >>>>>> Look >>>>>>>>>>> Flag of Kashmir :pakistan:
We wont allow narrowed interests of certain radicalized community .And such eefforts to question our integrity will deal with Iron hands.
Democracy is not an obstacle in there.
Bass bharat mahan .itna mahan kay it can only forcefully hold others lands and kill and massacre ppl. Itna mahan bharat.
We wont allow narrowed interests of certain radicalized community .And such eefforts to question our integrity will deal with Iron hands.
Democracy is not an obstacle in there.
Iron hands ,you got malleable hands. Let us get free in a while and watch how we mould out those hands.
Well Al Jazeera can go a cry us an oil well for all we care.

When you broadcast something in India, you do it according to the Indian laws. If they don't want to, they can take a walk back
You tried for that around four times and lost half of your nation around 43 years ago.
Iron hands means Iron hands through AFSPA.
Iron hands ,you got malleable hands. Let us get free in a while and watch how we mould out those hands.
You tried for that around four times and lost half of your nation around 43 years ago.
Iron hands means Iron hands through AFSPA.
Yes dont worry i know about AFSPA, but just some wait. We will be there shortly. Wash your hands with the best ever sold disinfectant handwash so that later on once we have taken over, u wont have regrets that u hadnt given things ur best shot.
Bhai... english.. plzz

This is what Google translate says

Even in India about Kashmir disputes have come before the map
In India, the Government of India and China and Pakistan in Kashmir maps show part of the Al Jazeera TV channel is closed for five days.

On Wednesday, Al Jazeera channel screen displaying a blue screen that broadcasts would not be available until Monday.

India says Kashmir map of Al Jazeera's China, India and Pakistan appear divided.

India and Pakistan both claim Kashmir and wars between the two countries on this issue has been controversial and often despite a ceasefire agreement with the transitional region to divide the border clashes are common.

Indian government approved maps in the Kashmir region of India, while the other part is shown in maps of Kashmir between India and Pakistan through LOC is shown divided.

India on Wednesday, Al Jazeera broadcast in India, and blue being displayed on the screen only as directed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting channel will not be available until April 27.

Al-Jazeera's bureau chief in India, Saxena invaluable to the French news agency AFP said that the Ministry has approached the channel and hope that will be broadcasting orders to withdraw.

According to reports earlier this month, the Indian authorities had ordered the closure of Al Jazeera's broadcasts.

Kashmir Indian officials often claim not accurately tell about Ben alauquamy media are criticized.

International media organizations have accused the Indian government censorship
actually laughing at Pakistan's woes is India's favorite pastime..

Chinese should worry about own country, plenty of problems there..

India's democratic setup gives the people of Kashmir the right to elect their own government and leaders..

Sedition is not allowed by any democratic nation on this earth..

Oh the irony, I would seriously advise you to read the following line
"Chinese should worry about own country, plenty of problems there.." Same advise for you genius just replace Chinese with Indians.

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