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Watch Out, China: India Is Launching New Stealth Destroyer

Watch Out, China: India Is Launching New Stealth Destroyer
Published April 18, 2015 | By admin


India will launch the lead vessel of its new class of super advanced, stealth destroyers on Saturday, according to numerous local media reports.

This week a number of Indian publications reported that the Indian Navy plans to launch theINS Visakhapatnam in Mumbai this weekend. The ship will be the first of four Visakhapatnam-class stealth destroyers that India is building as part of Project 15B. These vessels will serve as the follow-ons to the three Kolkata-class guided missile destroyers.

As India’s largest destroyer, INS Visakhapatnamand its sister ships will be a boon to India’s naval power projection capabilities.

“At 7,300 tonnes, Visakhapatnam will be the largest destroyer commissioned in the country and will be equipped with the Israeli Multi Function Surveillance Threat Alert Radar (MF-STAR) which will provide targeting information to 32 Barak 8 long-range surface to air missiles onboard the warship,” NDTV reported. India is co-developing the Barak 8 missile with Israel.

The same outlet also noted that each Visakhapatnam destroyer will boast 16 long range Brahmos anti-ship missiles, the supersonic anti-ship missile that Delhi developed in cooperation with Russia.

Visakhapatnam-class destroyers have a number of other advantages over their predecessors as well. For example, while both classes are equipped with the AK-630 close-in anti-missile gun system the newer class will have a 127 mm main gun. By contrast, the INS Kolkata and its sister ships only have a 76mm Super Rapid Gun Mount (SRGM).

Similarly, a senior Indian naval official explained to India’s Economic Times, unlike the Kolkata-class, the Visakhapatnam-class destroyers will have a full-fledged Total Atmosphere Control System (TAC). This will give it a greater ability to operate in WMD environments.

“The TAC system provides you with the capability of operating in a fall-out region, be it a nuclear, chemical or biological almost endlessly…because the complete air being taken inside is through nuclear, biological and chemical filters except in the machinery compartment,” Rear Admiral A K Saxena, Director General (Naval Design) told theEconomic Times.
wow looking hot.............
Yeah right, it is so "stealth" that no upper structures will be detected by any naked human eyes in the foreseeable future except the half arse empty hull :rofl:

Now here's the trick: before this empty hull will be launched the 4th time as per Indian Navy tradition, it will be sunk in its own harbour by its own "stealth" sub with errrr... a "stealthy" Bra-mos :woot:

@waz @Chak Bamu Does this troll exist here just to troll in the Indian section ?

so what's your contribution in this except the paint job.

We aren't talking about the Mushak trainer aircraft here...

Barak 8 is shit. slow and short range. very much below modern sams in europe, america, china and russia

Still it can destroy supersonic CMs.Case closed
From thumb pin to aircraft everything china is selling to pakistan, in short your country is another chini market like North Korea...No wonder your country is always begging for AID... What is your contribution to your country economy.
Here comes another delusional Indian with the same thing time n again n again, I am not interested in giving history lessons here, otherwise I can tell you at the time of partition what we inherited from the English and what you got. Kindly tell me which market is not a Chinese market, can you name one. An idiot s telling us about imports, a country which is one of the largest importers of defence equipment, trying invent a wheel name lca tehja since last four decades.

@waz @Chak Bamu Does this troll exist here just to troll in the Indian section ?

We aren't talking about the Mushak trainer aircraft here...
So does it matter, burnol bhijwaoon.

Still it can destroy supersonic CMs.Case closed
From the picture, it is clear that that whatever measures have been taken for further signature reduction a flush deck is not one of them. While Mazagon's model tenders called for 48 and 64 VLS cell launch modules for SAMs (in two separate tenders respectively) the media is indicating that the new ships will still carry 32 Barak-8 (and not the ER variant as reported in the past few years). There seems to be no clarity on a new PDMS being deployed and it seems that the mechanical steered VSR will be retained instead of the RAN-40L. All in all, it does not merit being specified as a new class. Disappointing.
Lol @ only 32 long range SAMs.

By the time this ship is commissioned, China would have the 100+ cell VLS Type-55 cruiser in service.

Stop cheerleading with bogus theories.

I think the biggest issue is that Barak 8 is slow and short ranged.

If the ship has 32 proper air defence missiles like HHQ-9, RIM-174 or Aster then it might be ok. But Barak 8? :sarcastic:

I think this ship will struggle even against old harpoon. haha

HHQ-9 :rofl: how can u even name it with RIM-174 and Aster, forget LRSAM. Chinese... :lol:
Every body know Barak 8 is mach 2 and only 70 km range

very poor performance

Well obviously, every missile is built to its purpose, Barak 8 from its inceptions has been built to shoot down, low flying, highly maneuverable enemy cruise missiles..Even supersonic cruise missile like Bhramos can stopped barak 8 at distance of 500 merters from the vessel.

That is why it has, low maximum speed, and high maneuverability, can pull off 80G maneuvers.

A supersonic ASHM is already doing 3-4 Mach, you don't need to add another 4 mach in your SAM.. The closing relative speed of both missiles 8 Machs, significantly increase the chances of failed interception.

Israelis are renowned for their R&D through out the world.

IF the aim was just wanted to build a long range missile, they would just increase the size missile, and dump them on their ship, just like how Chinese have done with their S-300 copies(which are as big a ballistic missiles)..but such huge missiles are incapable of intercepting highly manouvering targets and incapable of carrying out high G maneuvers.
Well obviously, every missile is built to its purpose, Barak 8 from its inceptions has been built to shoot down, low flying, highly maneuverable enemy cruise missiles..Even supersonic cruise missile like Bhramos can stopped barak 8 at distance of 500 merters from the vessel.

That is why it has, low maximum speed, and high maneuverability, can pull off 80G maneuvers.

A supersonic ASHM is already doing 3-4 Mach, you don't need to add another 4 mach in your SAM.. The closing relative speed of both missiles 8 Machs, significantly increase the chances of failed interception.

Israelis are renowned for their R&D through out the world.

IF the aim was just wanted to build a long range missile, they would just increase the size missile, and dump them on their ship, just like how Chinese have done with their S-300 copies(which are as big a ballistic missiles)..but such huge missiles are incapable of intercepting highly manouvering targets and incapable of carrying out high G maneuvers.

You are on the right path there. The idea is to intercept targets which can execute terminal phase maneuvers, of course the low speed of the interceptor makes it unsuitable for area defense or sea-borne ABM roles but it is meant for fleet protection and nothing else and for that the Israeli idea of low speed, highly accurate active seeker and extremely high lateral acceleration (80g as opposed to the Aster's 12g at Mach 4) makes it a perfect round for near HTK interception.
Here comes another delusional Indian with the same thing time n again n again, I am not interested in giving history lessons here, otherwise I can tell you at the time of partition what we inherited from the English and what you got. Kindly tell me which market is not a Chinese market, can you name one. An idiot s telling us about imports, a country which is one of the largest importers of defence equipment, trying invent a wheel name lca tehja since last four decades.
Please join IPL as a cheerleader,you would do very well :lol:
Happy cheerleading for the master :rofl:
Here comes another delusional Indian with the same thing time n again n again, I am not interested in giving history lessons here, otherwise I can tell you at the time of partition what we inherited from the English and what you got. Kindly tell me which market is not a Chinese market, can you name one. An idiot s telling us about imports, a country which is one of the largest importers of defence equipment, trying invent a wheel name lca tehja since last four decades.

British certainly did not leave you with a suicide vest.

Regarding LCA, Go buy some more second hand jets for your frontline attack. Make sure you haggle properly.
On topic :

we should investigate our media. I bet Chinese have moles in them. What a shitty headline, we are adding a ship to our navy. It looks damn good. What else is there ? China hum brum..brain farts !
Chinese navy is joke like Chinese product and all their weapons are only for failed nations like Pakistan and few African countries.
How do you "launched" in 2016 when today is April 19 2015??

Back to the future??

OK, will be launched in 2016 and commissioned in 2018. China will produce one a year till they have the numbers they want.

While India commissions a destroyer every 2 years, China commissions two destroyers and a cruiser every year.

Indians should stop trying to compare against China as they are no match for the Chinese. They should stick to comparing with Pakistan:rofl:
Whats up with the Media nowadays!! Agreed its a formidable platform and one of the best in Asia, but still does not qualify it to act as a deterrent against China. Simply not Enough!!
OK, will be launched in 2016 and commissioned in 2018. China will produce one a year till they have the numbers they want.

While India commissions a destroyer every 2 years, China commissions two destroyers and a cruiser every year.

Indians should stop trying to compare against China as they are no match for the Chinese. They should stick to comparing with Pakistan:rofl:
stop acting like spoke person of Chinese navy...and just accept your position as cheerleader of Chinese,
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