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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Saudi Arabia's Dilemma:
1. Don't act and let al-Qaeda, ISIS, Houthis, and Iran get comfy in the Kingdom's backyard making Iran a hegemon i.e. Checkmate.
2. Act with Saudi boots on the ground, only to be sucked into a guerilla war where Iran tries to settle old scores for backing Saddam Hussein during Iran-Iraq war which leads us to...

The Real Question:
a. How many Saudi body bags can the royal family stomach?
b. How many Saudi body bags will it take for the public opinion to turn?

If the royal family don't waver once public opinion turns against the war, it will make a revolution more likely in the Kingdom which is what the royal family wanted to avoid by keeping Iran out of its backyard.

I wouldn't want to be Saudi Arabia right now.
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Saudi Arabia's Dilemma:
1. Don't act and let al-Qaeda, ISIS, Houthis, and Iran get comfy in the Kingdom's backyard making Iran a hegemon i.e. Checkmate.
2. Act with Saudi boots on the ground, only to be sucked into a guerilla war where Iran tries to settle old scores for backing Saddam Hussein during Iran-Iraq war which leads us to...

The Real Question:
a. How many Saudi body bags can the royal family stomach?
b. How many Saudi body bags will it take for the public opinion to turn?

If the royal family don't waver once public opinion turns against the war, it will make a revolution more likely in the Kingdom which is what the royal family wanted to avoid by keeping Iran out of its backyard.

I wouldn't want to Saudi Arabia right now.

I have little faith in Saudi population; they are extremely docile.
Yemen is not being attacked, the Iranian-backed houthi terrorists are.
why are hothis terrorists? oh wait because they are not western puppets... plus most of Yemenis back the houthis.. even the army..

Dont be smart asss head :sarcastic:

hooties thretend to attack Saudi soil and were massing terrorists on its borders.....what did they expect.

why dont ur try massing troops on any of ur borders and threatening that country..........and then ull understand what hooties are going through sply Israeli border

any how just for u fresh from idlib

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lol, so the hothis threatned saudi "Arabia" thus the collation was created to invade Yemen, without even UN approval... cool story...

So then shutt up, why should KSA attack israel? Your regime is good with killing his own people, if your asshed had attacked israel you people had in the end backed the regime. Showing your balls with fight against israel you had lost your balls but in the end you had some dignity.

Several years later Syria would started from the begin. But killing your own people? You will learn the price what you have started.
stop making this thread about Syria, and the government is not killing the people, you think it would last if it was...

anyways this is about Yemen, some western puppets are attacking Yemen and invading its sovereignty.... and my original comment was about the collation, why didn't we see a collation when Gaza was being attacked?? you see the double standard here...
Gfoeller then adds his own assessment: “We note that the Saudis have an economic hold on Nawaz Sharif, since he was reportedly the first non-Saudi to receive a special economic development loan from the SAG, with which to develop a business while here in exile.”

So let’s get real: nations do not befriend other nations like individuals do. Is that too difficult to understand for those who make decisions on our behalf? Plunging ourselves into this Middle Eastern inferno is nothing short of madness. Even the wrong kind of statement by the government is enough to spark a flame within our borders. Do we really need this at a time when we are fighting our own battles?

Let the Saudis and the Iranians fight their own battles. We’ve got plenty on our plate.

The curse of renting friends - The Express Tribune
Saudi Arabia's Dilemma:
1. Don't act and let al-Qaeda, ISIS, Houthis, and Iran get comfy in the Kingdom's backyard making Iran a hegemon i.e. Checkmate.
2. Act with Saudi boots on the ground, only to be sucked into a guerilla war where Iran tries to settle old scores for backing Saddam Hussein during Iran-Iraq war which leads us to...

The Real Question:
a. How many Saudi body bags can the royal family stomach?
b. How many Saudi body bags will it take for the public opinion to turn?

If the royal family don't waver once public opinion turns against the war, it will make a revolution more likely in the Kingdom which is what the royal family wanted to avoid by keeping Iran out of its backyard.

I wouldn't want to be Saudi Arabia right now.

I have little faith in Saudi population; they are extremely docile.

The fact is Yemeni conflict won't be over in six month or a year. It will turn into a guerrilla war which means casualties will mount. How long can the rulers and people stomach the body bags is an important question.

why are hothis terrorists? oh wait because they are not western puppets... plus most of Yemenis back the houthis.. even the army..

When a group uses force to achieve its political goals, its indulging in terrorism. This is the definition of the word "Terrorism". Houthi revolution isn't organic. Its based on force (AK47) which won't lead to a stable Yemen. A civil war is more likely.
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I thought Shia's rhetoric and public opinion was the ISIS' and other terrorist organizations' main component are Saudi citizens.

How can we be this violent and bloodthirsty yet docile at the same time?
pfft, make up your mind, are we:

1- Evil and crazy but at the same time really tough and strong to fight at multiple fronts including against Iraq, Iran, Shiite militias, the US, Peshmarga, etc and while greatly outnumbered still made 30K Iraqi soldiers piss their pants and change into "Deshdashah" and flee leaving their Humvees and weapons behind?


2- Docile and weak and have to hire Egyptians and Pakistanis to fight in our stead because we can't fight on our own.

As I said before, your statements are just contradictions and fallacies.
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When a group uses force to achieve its political goals, its indulging in terrorism. This is the definition of the word "Terrorism". Houthi revolution isn't organic. Its based on force (AK47) which won't lead to a stable Yemen. A civil war is more likely.
and the war in Syria is legit??? :disagree::disagree:
يا رجال تقلع بس.

You might wanna say it with an accent doe. Perhaps it'll be clearer. ولاك غير عن وشي

Without a Navy, nope.

For some reason every time i see your name I think of Kermit.

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