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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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Oh people wait... I think we got too much hyper for no reason... Khwaja Asif was also part of the meeting today.... ... Look at his statement right now..on tv channels.. He is saying.. We will not be party to any sectarian conflict...last 3 decades have taught us much..we will react/ take action only if sudi arabia is attacled and its sovereignty is at stake.as we have brotherly rlations with saudis......... Uptil now...saudi arabia hasnt been attacked... We will go to saudi arabia tomorrow and take note of the situation..we already have military trainers over there

So it means..for now....its only for observer status..amd training...and only if saudi arabia is attacked..then only we will think further and send our troops but not for now
The time will soon come when China will soon say:

1) Either Saudi/USA

Remember that Uighur terror funding has been linked to Saudi and American intelligence services.

didnt see that sorry
are you sure?
Saudia Has our Holy Places Mecca and Medina. Any threat to Saudia is a threat to our Holy Places and we should stand by them.

What Houthis are going to invade and destroy all those places??? Simply no... Pakistan is making a very bad move by taking sides.... learn to stay neutral.. you people are making another enemy near your border by supporting a country who doesn't share your border and who's not having any real threat to its existence or its religious places
US cannot protect its mexican border from smuggling, human trafficking etc.. that border is flat, shorter and US has many resources.. 700,000 indian soldiers cannot protect kashmir border. so argument is invalid...

Dont bring the US into this. The US CAN protect it's border. The idiots in Congress dont want to deploy the necessary Soldiers and money to get the job done. Somehow the ASSH0l3S have been fu<ked by Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups to back off.

That's a fig leaf: Pakistan's military leaders are already enroute to KSA. Either the decision was already made to intervene or the military are the people to negotiate for doing so; there really isn't any other explanation, is there?

I looked up what fig leaf meant 8-).

You have to realize, in -79, when the Grand Mosque was seized Pakistani Corp Commanders rushed to Saudi Arabia to provided any necessary support. This is true with even Iranian Generals arrived but were denied permission to proceed further.

There are some rules that can be broken, but there are Pakistanis Generals who need necessary clout to either proceed further in rank and gain connections to retire into a new position as chief of the spy agency.

I'm sure any Jew in Europe or US isn't going to wait to 2 weeks before HR approves their request for leave so he/she can go retake Jerusalem or Tel Aviv from a surprise and successful Hamasi Tet Offensive.
Oh people wait... I think we got too much hyper for no reason... Khwaja Asif was also part of the meeting today.... ... Look at his statement right now..on tv channels.. He is saying.. We will not be party to any sectarian conflict...last 3 decades have taught us much..we will react/ take action only if sudi arabia is attacled and its sovereignty is at stake.as we have brotherly rlations with saudis......... Uptil now...saudi arabia hasnt been attacked... We will go to saudi arabia tomorrow and take note of the situation..we already have military trainers over there

So it means..for now....its only for observer status..amd training...and only if saudi arabia is attacked..then only we will think further and send our troops but not for now
He will give these statements but we are involved and involved fully
US army has become a sitting duck under Obama. They did nothing to help Iraq get rid of ISIS maniacs which itself formed because of US invasion in Iraq.

you do realize , the military might of US right ??
no matter how much we hate them , for bombing Muslims or whatever reasons, but no sane person on earth can deny the fact that they are still super power ...
there one battle carrier group is enough to deal with entire ME ..if they decide to unleash the hell ...
Iran can be a massive....massive pain in the neck for us - Don't forget that.

They maybe ruled by the clergy but their Ayatollahs don't have saw-dust in their brains.

So unless we want a repeat of Shia sectarian outfits operating in Pakistan like it happened after the '79 Revolution - We should think long and hard about what course of action we ought to take.

Sir,first of all,iran should get this into their brain that Middle east doesn't belong to them.They just can't support the houthis rebels because they are shia.Iran is the state of the people of iran.They are not responsible for every shia in the world.

Our Pakistani shia doesn't look toward iran for support but if still iran start sectarian funding in Pakistan,We will reply them.

For the time being,ignore them and support the coalition.Middle east doesn't belong to Iran
No parliamentary debate. No directive from PM or president. COAS decided first, then PM followed through with a meeting.

Pakistanis, please stop thinking you've got a real democracy rather than a sham one.
You are a funny man, did you really had to tell that to Pakistanis. :rolleyes:
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wish Iranians could just consolidate their position in Tikrit and be happy in destroying the den of ISIS rapists and cannibals

this is going to P!ss Iranian Off to the core , Pakistan share the border with them , but not with any of our Sunni so called brother nation ... what a Bad luck ...

What response? They couldnt give a damn response to a country like Afghanistan which resulted in thousands of our deaths, yet they want to continue fighting for Saudis and give a strong response. Indeed we are a gun for hire. Oscar theak he kheta ha every one is sold out and all the generals know is doing files from here to there.
i thinks unequal distribution of resources are main cause of conflict in these countries like yaman , iraq. arab countries fear that these may spread to their country too. so they are trying to nip in the bud to these rebels.
He will give these statements but we are involved and involved fully

Why are u soo eager for pak to take part in this conflict in offensive role.? As far as Makkah Madima is concerned...yes their security should be high priority to us...and if Saudi Arabia is attacked..then surely our troops should get engaged and actively take part...but why should our troops take part in offensive role for attacking yemen? This doesnt make sense
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