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Don't vote for BJP, it will impose a Hindu CM, Only a Muslim can become CM in J&K: PDP leader

Don't be more of a silly *** than you can help. There're 350,000 soldiers, 3.5 million residents of the Vale, most of the soldiers - approximately 80% - are close to the Pakistani or to the Chinese borders. And please don't club policemen to try to make your figures; there are in the region of 250,000 to 275,000 policemen,

and i'll be happy to humour you regarding the acts of cowardice they have committed on Kashmiri peoples since much of the past half century. A lot of it is well documented by Kashmiri groups, international organizations.
Well voting rights to migrated Kashmiri Pandits already given by current government (not sure about that) and article 370 is just matter of time. If BJP come to power in J&K then no one can save article 370.

what I'm saying is that the BJP will dig its own grave vis-a-vis Kashmir by doing that.....wasnt a BJP delegation recently attacked there? I highly doubt the people of Kashmir would be receptive to them.

as for voting rights to pundits - it only makes sense b/c they are Kashmiris as well (the ones at least that didnt run away). Islamist parties/hardliners as well as moderate seperatist groups like the JKLF have been calling on pundits to return for quite some time actually.....
Then make me grasp it instead of being high and mighty. Because at this point it looks exactly as if these factors are alive and well.

I don't know if you are being serious in your argument about having religion decide the leadership! But assuming that you are, here is my argument.

The setup you described already existed in India and very specifically in J&K -- a person from majority religion as PM/CM and representation from minority religion in his cabinet. Mind you, this has been the case in J&K even as we speak right now!

But did that stop riots in India and in J&K in particular? Even as recent as last year, there were communal riots in J&K.

So how does your mode of governance help do anything better? Not only does it help mix religion and politics, it breeds nepotism, disregard for developmental agenda -- and serves nothing apparently.

The current system in India -- although not perfect, has a far greater chance of working in the long run!!

Let the people decide what is important for them -- caste/religion based politics or development. They will get what they deserve, in the end. Ask people from UP!
I don't know if you are being serious in your argument about having religion decide the leadership! But assuming that you are, here is my argument.

The setup you described already existed in India and very specifically in J&K -- a person from majority religion as PM/CM and representation from minority religion in his cabinet. Mind you, this has been the case in J&K even as we speak right now!

But did that stop riots in India and in J&K in particular? Even as recent as last year, there were communal riots in J&K.

So how does your mode of governance help do anything better? Not only does it help mix religion and politics, it breeds nepotism, disregard for developmental agenda -- and serves nothing apparently.

The current system in India -- although not perfect, has a far greater chance of working in the long run!!

Let the people decide what is important for them -- caste/religion based politics or development. They will get what they deserve, in the end. Ask people from UP!

The same unwritten code is followed in all the states.
Forget religion,,,even caste matters,thats the ugly truth
Don't be more of a silly *** than you can help. There're 350,000 soldiers, 3.5 million residents of the Vale, most of the soldiers - approximately 80% - are close to the Pakistani or to the Chinese borders. And please don't club policemen to try to make your figures; there are in the region of 250,000 to 275,000 policemen,

That is a myth perpetuated by Pakistani propaganda machine so much for so long that even Indians have begun to believe!
Kashmiriyat kahan gayi ab?
Into the dustbin of history just like Pak's claims that once J&K is resolved (read "handed over to them") sky is the limit on cooperation between India and Pak. Pure BS. OTOH if J&K is resolved per Pak's desires, then it will be the END of India and Pak will push for even more.
what I'm saying is that the BJP will dig its own grave vis-a-vis Kashmir by doing that.....wasnt a BJP delegation recently attacked there? I highly doubt the people of Kashmir would be receptive to them.

as for voting rights to pundits - it only makes sense b/c they are Kashmiris as well (the ones at least that didnt run away). Islamist parties/hardliners as well as moderate seperatist groups like the JKLF have been calling on pundits to return for quite some time actually.....
Saying JKLF et al genuinely called J&K pundits to come back is just shedding crocodile tears. I see Pakistanis get so caught up in their lies, and then defending them that they leave a huge trail of contradictions behind.
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I don't know if you are being serious in your argument about having religion decide the leadership! But assuming that you are, here is my argument.

The setup you described already existed in India and very specifically in J&K -- a person from majority religion as PM/CM and representation from minority religion in his cabinet. Mind you, this has been the case in J&K even as we speak right now!

But did that stop riots in India and in J&K in particular? Even as recent as last year, there were communal riots in J&K.

So how does your mode of governance help do anything better? Not only does it help mix religion and politics, it breeds nepotism, disregard for developmental agenda -- and serves nothing apparently.

The current system in India -- although not perfect, has a far greater chance of working in the long run!!

Let the people decide what is important for them -- caste/religion based politics or development. They will get what they deserve, in the end. Ask people from UP!

As I mentioned before.. insecure to the hilt. The issue is never about governance, the system.. or anything at fault about it. I think its great as it is if not one of the best in the region.

The issue is about the response of the people and psychology that drives statements such as the one given in the opening post and garners the support for it. It does at no point propose the inclusion of religion into the voting system nor do any of my posts even remotely suggest it. What it refers to the is the effect that religion and politics that prey upon it have upon the functioning of the system in an effective manner to govern the people.

But then again.. Insecurity is not my problem to address.
U mean the whole sub continent.
Hindus are certainly not tolerant monks but much better off than muslims and sikhs as religion is pretty old.

Its this hindutva crap that is poisoning the people's mind,u would have noticed many paid trolls coming here after bjp's win

Oh I do mean the whole sub-continent.

There the paid trolls and then there are recent converts as well. Who in their attempt to stave off their own inner guilt over the Hindutva trolls and their inability to exersize their inner morality to say wrong to them.. tend to make even more stupid statements than the paid trolls themselves. The idea that posts were once read by these people before they answered seems almost ancient history now.
Oh I do mean the whole sub-continent.

There the paid trolls and then there are recent converts as well. Who in their attempt to stave off their own inner guilt over the Hindutva trolls and their inability to exersize their inner morality to say wrong to them.. tend to make even more stupid statements than the paid trolls themselves. The idea that posts were once read by these people before they answered seems almost ancient history now.

Yes standards have fallen and bulk of shyte is from india this time.
Mind u ccp bots have become 10 times more active all of sudden,no idea why??

I hope i am not one of these highlighted people:coffee:
Mr.Administrator, my comment was in response to your earlier comment (highlighted below for your convenience)!

I will repeat what I said, again -- this system is how it is being practiced right now in J&K (and in general in India ). Omar Abdullah as CM and a tiny representation from non-muslim communities. And still we had the communal riots in J&K last year (and many more in the past)! Nor is his government a shining beacon for corruption-free, nepotism-free and laq-above-everyone else kind of governance!

So how exactly does your suggestion help improve the system?

At the same time there are clear historical examples where Hindus(and Muslims in a vice-versa example) in positions of power have played a biased role against the Majority or minority Muslim population. It is then therefore usually best to take a leader from the major section of the community at the top and then intersperse it with those from the minority communities in the positions directly beneath them... or as the other alternative.. appoint a Hindu CM but ensure that the majority of his staff and cabinet are Muslim and hence help keep his decisions balanced.

Now, how you derive my post and others before me as "insecure to the hilt" is beyond me!

But I have learnt from past experiences that arguing with an Admin would lead to an unnecessary and avoidable ban, so I will just say -- great post!! :enjoy:

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