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Saudi Arabia beheads Pakistani for smuggling heroin


Sep 20, 2014
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RIYADH: Saudi Arabia on Friday beheaded a Pakistani man convicted of smuggling heroin into the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom, the interior ministry said.

Butha Mushtaq was the third Pakistani executed on drug charges in Saudi Arabia since October 15.

He was found guilty of smuggling heroin concealed in capsules which he had swallowed, and executed in the capital Riyadh, the ministry said in a statement carried by the official SPA news agency.

His execution brings to 59 the number of people beheaded in Saudi Arabia this year.

Last year, 78 people of various nationalities were executed in the Gulf Arab state.

In September, a United Nations independent expert called for moratorium on the death penalty in Saudi Arabia, which has faced harsh criticism from human rights group for carrying out executions.

Christof Heyns, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, has said Saudi trials “are by all accounts grossly unfair” and defendants often not allowed a lawyer. He said confessions were obtained under torture.

Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia’s strict version of Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia beheads Pakistani for smuggling heroin - World - DAWN.COM
It's funny seeing a citizen of a mullah state crowing over an execution of a Pakistani in a rival mullah state.
lol , i've got a funny answer for that but since i'm not looking for trouble (at least for a while) :

alright bro .

just this part : you're a pakistani is making fun of iran . :lol: the jokes on u brah
Again if it was ISIS it would be front page news but its not because its alleged heroin criminal
In Jeddah, Riyadh and many other places, most drug dealers are Saudi's themselves. You can get any sort of drug you wish in gated complexes from these drug barons. The only reason these people aren't caught and executed is that they are the mighty Arabs, or even better, Saudi's! :D

Check out the nationalities of people executed...... you won't find one white westerner or Arab from an influential background / nationality. This whole world is unjust, swallow this fact and your life will be easy from that day forward....... and if you still like to be a persistent fool and wish to talk about equality, then I have not much to say in that department! :woot:

He was dealing drugs while entering a country which tells you they will cut off your head for dealing drugs when you enter, nothing to talk about.

Pakistan should...... but then........ half of parliament would be dead......... along with 99% of police force.......... any idea who smuggles these drugs and who distributes them in Pakistan?

Good job by KSA.

Pakistan should do the same to drug smugglers and drug dealers.
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Drugs exist in every country. Even in North Korea and Zimbabwe. Drugs are a small problem in KSA though compared to practically all other countries of a similar size and population which is admirable despite KSA strategic geographic location next to Europe, Africa and the remaining Asia aside from being located on a peninsula (lots of sea routes and coastline to take care of).

Actually most of the drugs is imported by foreigners and distributed by them. Locals are barely involved.

KSA executes less than 100 people EACH year and the vast majority are locals but since millions of migrants live in KSA there will also be migrants and with all due respect then certain migrant communities have an issue with crime.

So-called influential family members etc. are not exempt from the law either but like in ALL other countries the privileged class have certain privileges. It's common all over the world that people of importance are better at escaping punishments than those not so privileged.

Having said that then the crime levels in KSA are very low and it's one of the most save countries out there just like the GCC as a whole. That's the main point of laws.

But you are right. The world was never fair and never will be.

Again if it was ISIS it would be front page news but its not because its alleged heroin criminal

Are you drunk? This clown smuggled heroin into the country and was caught red handed. The laws in KSA are crystal clear about drugs. This clown took the risk and paid the ultimate price. There is zero tolerance which is excellent. Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs out there that can easily kill consumers and heroin is highly addicting. This filth has no place in KSA.

Beheadings in KSA are done by swords and last less than 1 second. They are painless, quick, swift, cheap and Islamic. Nice comparison though. Like we give a pfuck.:lol:
Dude, do you know, in Pakistan MOST drugs kingpins are politicians - and 99.99% of distribution network is with police? It's the same all over the world. I remember being in Jeddah as a consultant, living in this lush compound, and you couldn't imagine what was available..... trust you me, haven't seen that many drugs even in Pakistan....... that too, of super duper high quality, trust you me, I would know....... the effed up part is, it's the "Pakistani" who always gets beheaded! :D


Drugs exist in every country. Even in North Korea and Zimbabwe. Drugs are a small problem in KSA though compared to practically all other countries of a similar size and population which is admirable despite KSA strategic geographic location next to Europe, Africa and the remaining Asia aside from being located on a peninsula (lots of sea routes and coastline to take care of).

Actually most of the drugs is imported by foreigners and distributed by them. Locals are barely involved.

KSA executes less than 100 people EACH year and the vast majority are locals but since millions of migrants live in KSA there will also be migrants and with all due respect then certain migrant communities have an issue with crime.

So-called influential family members etc. are not exempt from the law either but like in ALL other countries the privileged class have certain privileges. It's common all over the world that people of importance are better at escaping punishments than those not so privileged.

Having said that then the crime levels in KSA are very low and it's one of the most save countries out there just like the GCC as a whole. That's the main point of laws.

But you are right. The world was never fair and never will be.

Are you drunk? This clown smuggled heroin into the country and was caught red handed. The laws in KSA are clear about drugs. There is zero tolerance which is excellent. Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs out there that can easily kill consumers and heroin is highly addicting. This filth has no place in KSA.

Beheadings in KSA are done by swords and last less than 1 second. They are painless, quick, swift, cheap and Islamic. Nice comparison though. Like we give a pfuck.:lol:
Dude, do you know, in Pakistan MOST drugs kingpins are politicians - and 99.99% of distribution network is with police? It's the same all over the world. I remember being in Jeddah as a consultant, living in this lush compound, and you couldn't imagine what was available..... trust you me, haven't seen that many drugs even in Pakistan....... that too, of super duper high quality, trust you me, I would know....... the effed up part is, it's the "Pakistani" who always gets beheaded! :D

There is no evidence of this my friend. Everyone can make such claims. Such parties exist but are only available to a tiny minority of people. I can assure you and people living in KSA that are not natives will tell you the same, that the vast majority of the relatively small drug trade in KSA are done by mainly migrants. Ethiopians for instance were involved in this problem. Certain Indians too. Let alone Afghans.

KSA is the last country to risk such things in. I would never even step near a place that had any drugs in KSA. I would simply not dare to do it. All it takes is for some clown to point the guilt on you and what then? Harsh punishments help in this case. Most crime in KSA is spontaneous. You really need to have guts in order to pre-plan certain crimes.

A few weeks ago 4 brothers (locals) were executed for smuggling huge amounts of heroin into the country from Yemen. Those people are obviously total morons. Going to nearby countries that have more lax laws and much worse security would be a better choice.

Never do drugs in KSA. It's an accident waiting to happen.
I was there in 2003 - have things changed radically since then? I wouldn't know, as I haven't had long exposure with Saudi since then!

There is no evidence of this my friend. Everyone can make such claims. Such parties exist but are only available to a tiny minority of people. I can assure you and people living in KSA that are not natives will tell you the same, that the vast majority of the relatively small drug trade in KSA are done by mainly migrants. Ethiopians for instance were involved in this problem. Certain Indians too. Let alone Afghans.

KSA is the last country to risk such things in. I would never even step near a place that had any drugs in KSA. I would simply not dare to do it. All it takes is for some clown to point the guilt on you and what then? Harsh punishments help in this case. Most crime in KSA is spontaneous. You really need to have guts in order to pre-plan certain crimes.

A few weeks ago 4 brothers (locals) were executed for smuggling huge amounts of heroin into the country from Yemen. Those people are obviously total morons. Going to nearby countries that have more lax laws and much worse security would be a better choice.
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