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Pakistan tests Hatf 9 Nasr Missile

You forgot to add that Mr. Shyam Sharan further said that any Tactical nuclear attack on Indian Soil or On indian armed forces shall attract massive retaliation.

Again your at loss as the bearded guys in our nuclear command hardly care about retaliation
which shall attract massive retaliation in return.

No Our retaliation shall be so massive that it will inflict an unacceptable damage to enemy. They shall not be in a position to counter strike.

Again your at loss as the bearded guys in our nuclear command hardly care about retaliation

Pl read my post bellow yours.
that is good development then. The media is not reporting Salvo mode firing as yet but i hope your source is right!

EDIT: Ok i got the ISPR press release and as expected you were right. This indeed is a good development
The last test was also Salvo,so whats new here?
Our artillery can do that. Our MBRL can do much better than that.

Bro wake up and do not take your head out of sand. The ostrich syndrome will not help us. It's damn god and best multipurpose missile ever developed by Human Race.
Despite its small size, it is the only weapon o face of earth capable to compete whole arsenal in India and all space programs.

In layman's term it's the over hyped rocket with meager range!
Yes you reached Mars but its earth on which wars are fought and your mission at mars will not help you against this Missile if we fire it you will perish and your Mars Joker Mission too Mars you haven't shifted India on Mars yet you are still on earth and this Missile could create havoc for you

You do know that India has missiles too, right?

Rawalpindi - September 26, 2014: #Pakistan today conducted a successful test fire of Short Range Surface to Surface Missile #HatfIX (#NASR). The test fire was conducted with successive launches of 4 x Missiles from a state of the art Multi Tube Launcher with Salvo Mode. NASR, with a range of 60 km and in-flight maneuver capability is a quick response system, with shoot and scoot attributes. It contributes to the full spectrum deterrence against the prevailing threat spectrum.
Oh really, since when does India has nuclear artillery or nuclear tipped MBRL at it's disposal.
This is a shoot and scoot weapon which has sent packing India's cold start doctrine back to the drawing board.

Hi Confused Windy, I am talking about range and not nuclear weapon.

There is an article on PDF itself regarding using tactical nukes to counter indian aggression. They concluded that 100 15 KN devices (Much more sub kilo ton device) are needed to incapacitate half of Indian tank fleet. So het ready with 100 15 KN nuclear weapon to strike half of indian tank fleet which will wipe out at least half of Pakistan.
No Our retaliation shall be so massive that it will inflict an unacceptable damage to enemy. They shall not be in a position to counter strike.

Pl read my post bellow yours.
so u think when in the state of total war when we reach a point when we have to use nukes on our own soil to repell your invasion the rest of our stratagic forces will be dead waiting for you to respond with a massive retaliation
no the second you will launch a nuclear strike into pakistan we will do the same
there will be full blown nuclear exchange not one sided victory on your part
This is a tactical ballistic missile, it is a deterrent in itself, and reminds me of the Russian Iskander tactical missile with nuclear capability too, although Hatf 9 is smaller and has lower range, its salvo launch will have more impact than the Iskander that is considered the best tactical ballistic missile in the world, for range of up to 60 km. Iskander range vary between 50 and 400 km.
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