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Rajiv Shah appointed head of USAID

Indians need to relex here getting to excited is not good for your health eaither and trolling is a bad habit . We need the aid look all that is going in there the US always pay whoever takes the bulliet for them in this case its us our nation is deep prob's and US has a big part to play with it wot etc.. so plzz keep your dumb and hatered comments to your self act like humans for once for GOD's sake iam sick of you trolls think about peace for once.
Indians need to relex here getting to excited is not good for your health eaither and trolling is a bad habit . We need the aid look all that is going in there the US always pay whoever takes the bulliet for them in this case its us our nation is deep prob's and US has a big part to play with it wot etc.. so plzz keep your dumb and hatered comments to your self act like humans for once for GOD's sake iam sick of you trolls think about peace for once.

Here we go now all Indians are supporting and excited about it :disagree: ..I think now it better to troll around since members here already made up there mind that Indians came here for trolling only :tongue:
Wow such things do give a prick !!! i gues its a wrong move and US is giving out a signal by giving an Indian a place in the close circle .
Hopefully the media uses this report to further fuel the anti american public sentiments so that this gov could be replaced by the one who have plenty of religious fanatics .....!!!
Only then US would realize its just lost a goose that laid the golden egg.

And perhaps the possible Indian aggression could be controlled once A relligious fanatics is placed in Islamabad possibly jamat-e-Islami Government . Maybe then we wont see an Indian army cheif saying we'l get the job done in 96 hours ....!

I really hope your plan succeeds, Imagine... NO music, NO Internet, NO tv , NO sports and all cricket grounds turned into public execution centers.... soo beautifulll :lol:
Hum Ko AAm khane se matlab hai , pair ginne se na-hi

TO bring in some mangoes and keep em coming waiter

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Here we go now all Indians are supporting and excited about it :disagree: ..I think now it better to troll around since members here already made up there mind that Indians came here for trolling only :tongue:

Yes they do so just shut it plzz dont waste your time nor mines lol haha end of story later gator.
I really hope your plan succeeds, Imagine... NO music, NO Internet, NO tv , NO sports and all cricket grounds turned into public execution centers.... soo beautifulll

An plus who knows they are willing to launch nukes over India in an event of War ...:P
Whatever the hell. If Pakistanis accept US aid in particular they'll be shackled like slaves. Pakistan will not be able to exert its demands and will have to abide by every letter that the US spells out. That means killing your own citizens, allowing US and foreign invaders to tread on your sovereignty etc. Pakistanis are once again being taken for a ride. Besides, which esteemed nation respires on aid? I'm sick and tired of those handful corrupt stooges that have hijacked the fate of hundreds and millions of people.

Viva la revolution ?
Viva la revolution ?

Don't you think the situation is ripe for a revolution? People ought to decide the course of their future offspring. The handful of criminal seed that has looted Pakistan for so long need to be brought to justice one or the other way. Of course, this plea will go unheard, but what's wrong in being frank, right?
Rajiv Shah is just an administrator, not a policy maker or decision maker. The policy is set by the US Congress and the Secretary of State, not the functionaries at various agencies. The agencies such as US AID have to carry out the mandate of the US legislators. Shah will be out his job if he fails to do what has been decided at higher levels of the US administration.

And to add to that, Obama has appointed a relatively Pakistan friendly individual as 'coordinator for non-military assistance to Pakistan'.

Robin Raphel gets key job in Pakistan

Again, as you pointed out, neither individual is going to be handing out or denying aid based on their personal views or biases, they will be implementing policy determined by the administration.

The headline and thread title was inflammatory though (which is pretty much all Chidanand Rajghatta can do, first class troll of a journalist that he is), and the 'Indians shouldn't get too excited' comments were well deserved given the headline, thread title and some of the subsequent comments.

Title changed.
Don't you think the situation is ripe for a revolution? People ought to decide the course of their future offspring. The handful of criminal seed that has looted Pakistan for so long need to be brought to justice one or the other way. Of course, this plea will go unheard, but what's wrong in being frank, right?

And how many deaths would civil war in Pakistan cause. How far back would it set the economy. Yes people should descide the future of Pakistan but the place for that choice is in the courts and the ballot box.
Revolution is a lovley romantic word, the reality of revolution is bodies ******* in the street and starving children.
The Indian will have to take heart burn medication 6 times a day. If that does not help the dose can be increased to 12 with every 2 hours of 1000mg of Zantac and PepcidAC. If the Indian still has heartburn, the anti-acid dose can be increased to every 30 minutes with 3000mg of Zantac with cold showers every 15 minutes. If that still does not help he should stay in the swiwmming pool the entire day and keep sipping on hearburn medication with a complete liquid diet. If that still does not help, he should resign and work at McDonalds.
The Indian will have to take heart burn medication 6 times a day. If that does not help the dose can be increased to 12 with every 2 hours of 1000mg of Zantac and PepcidAC. If the Indian still has heartburn, the anti-acid dose can be increased to every 30 minutes with 3000mg of Zantac with cold showers every 15 minutes. If that still does not help he should stay in the swiwmming pool the entire day and keep sipping on hearburn medication with a complete liquid diet. If that still does not help, he should resign and work at McDonalds.

Why should we have our heart burn when some body is giving your country Aid?
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