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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan

Why should Pakistan interfere in a region it is so far away from? Turkey and Egypt should be more responsible Muslim leaders as they are actually there in the region.
I mean that military intervention is currently impossible and when it comes to other forms of aid Pakistan isn't doing more than what we are doing.
Jihad, meaning actual combat to free our brothers and sisters, is a fard.

That is not the only meaning of Jihad, fighting against ones greed is also jihad, fighting against corruption and injustice is also jihad, fighting against tyranny and oppression is also jihad. People who go around killing civilians indiscriminately with bombs or guns cannot be jihadists. They commit murder in the name of jihad.

That remains true irrespective of what our strength is like in comparison to the enemy.

Who's debating whether we should oppose oppression and injustice or not, the question is how and with what. During the times of our Prophet he did not fight the enemies of Islam with stones, he fought them with swords because it was the age of swords. Now it's the age of computers and laser weapons, so Muslims must be able to produce computers and lasers weapons before jumping onto the band-wagon of qitaal.
That is not the only meaning of Jihad, fighting against ones greed is also jihad, fighting against corruption and injustice is also jihad, fighting against tyranny and oppression is also jihad. People who go around killing civilians indiscriminately with bombs or guns cannot be jihadists. They commit murder in the name of jihad.

Who's debating whether we should oppose oppression and injustice or not, the question is how and with what. During the times of our Prophet he did not fight the enemies of Islam with stones, he fought them with swords because it was the age of swords. Now it's the age of computers and laser weapons, so Muslims must be able to produce computers and lasers weapons before jumping onto the band-wagon of qitaal.

That is partially true. That is the linguistic meaning of jihad, but that is not the shari meaning. The shari meaning refers to battle specifically.

A proper comparisons to swords would be guns, missiles etc. Anyway, it is incorrect that we need to have good enough weapons before engaging the enemy. The proper method is that we prepare to the best of our ability and then put our trust in Allah.
Alhamdullilah.. I joined to protest against the terrorist state of Israel in London.
watch at 6:00
Erdogan and Turkish gov. Are shedding crocodile tears.
Turkey is among few Muslim countries who has recognized isreal and have strategic relations with is real .
Before doing this drama bazi, he should better expel iraeli ambassador. Call off its ambassador from isreal and derecognize isreal if is isreal don.,t stop killing of Gaza people.

The leaders of qatar, kwait, Jordan, Iraq, turkey Egypt are hypocrites, they are all with isreal and equally responsible for Gaza killings.
Egypt is working closely with isreal to ensure Gaza cease. Their borders are close.Egypt son,t even allow to pass on medicine and food supplies to Gaza city.
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How is he great? For simply stating something and not acting upon what he said? He is a hypocrite in my opinion.
Yes, he may have done some good, but if he were to be pro-Muslim & pro-Palestinian he would actually take action rather than just words.
Stop dealing with the Israelis, and forming alliances with Europe through NATO.

Erdogan has no right to act against interests of Turkey for a foreign country.
Why is there no proper response from the Arab countries? or have i missed something? All this mess in the ME is just happening because there is no unity, all of them leaders are after their own interests and wealth. People and the leaders seem to have been lost in their own religious sects and tribes. If those leaders had half a pair, they would form a common front with other Arab countries to stomp out isil, dictators, puppets and deal with Israel. Israel can only do such things because the Arabic leaders themselves are divided and controlled. Dont look elsewhere to put the blame, put the blame where it firstly and rightly belongs; Arab leaders.
Total BS. The man is terribly ignorant about history. He is a politician pandering to his voters.
Why kidding? I am wondering to know what would you do if some desert dweller terrorists were bombing your family or attacking you with rockets? I, myself, would have skinned them out. Israel has every rights to destroy these pre-medieval terrorists.
Azeri and racist? :lol: Before you skin anybody out. Show us how you skinned Armenians :) Or shall I say show us how Persians skin you out?

Arabs always play Islam, and being muslim card to fool poor Pakistani, Iranian and turks when it suits their interests, and will play the Arab nationalism card when it suits them to fight against Iranians, Turks, ...
No sane person would give a damn about your playing with religious card.
No they don't, it's just Muslims like Arabs. Jealous because Persians and Armenians phuck you up on regular basis and no body cares. Poor Azeri.
Why is there no proper response from the Arab countries? or have i missed something? All this mess in the ME is just happening because there is no unity, all of them leaders are after their own interests and wealth. People and the leaders seem to have been lost in their own religious sects and tribes. If those leaders had half a pair, they would form a common front with other Arab countries to stomp out isil, dictators, puppets and deal with Israel. Israel can only do such things because the Arabic leaders themselves are divided and controlled. Dont look elsewhere to put the blame, put the blame where it firstly and rightly belongs; Arab leaders.

There is but you must have slept.

There is very much unity in most Arab countries as most are completely peaceful and all cooperate closely with each other with a few exceptions. There are also very close economic, military and political organizations out there in the Arab world.

Maybe you have heard about some of those organizations below? All Arab.

Arab League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Council of Arab Economic Unity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arab Maghreb Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's only Syria, Libya and Iraq that are on fire. We know the reasons for that and those are international conflicts were world players are involved in case that you have not noticed yet. USA and Russia mainly.

If Arab countries are puppets then so is Turkey and all other Muslim countries which they are as the Muslim world is not fully independent.

Yes, why don't you deal with Israel yourself? Did we see any response when they murdered 9 of your citizens? All we see is empty talk from Erdogan while he cooperates with Israel under the table (economic wise).

Did Israel not even sell weapons to you?

Also nobody will go to war for tiny Gaza and jeopardize years of progress, risk economic sanctions, political isolation etc.

Just like you Turks are not going to war because of what China is doing in Xinjiang. International politics are not a computer game when you are not a world power.

Israel is the main ME power due to being a nuclear power and having the backing of the entire Western world. What do you think would happen if their existence was threatened or if any nation went to war with them?

Try and guess.
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Paliban means Talibans with so called Palestinian identity. They are terrorists with exactly the same mentality that kill your poor fellow Pakistanis.
BTW, you are falsifying about warning system of Israel. BTW, No normal civilian would live along military terrorists at the first place, and no military man with even one iota of honor would place his military presence among civilians to use them as human shield at the first place.
Azeris are obedient and subservient to ones who captured their lands, and the ones who treat them like crap doesn't mean others should do the same.
What I am saying is very clear. These arabs fought against Iran for 8 years, and fought against Ottomans in world war with the arab nationalism card, and they call Iranians as Rafidi. while, now, out of a sudden, We have became their muslim brethren since they need our money and equipment. Isn't it clear for you?
What money poor Azeri? Al-Masjed Al-Aqssa happens to be the third holiest mosque in Islam, and the ones who fought and sacrified and still for it are Arabs not you. You only get your lands back and stop Persians from treating you like crap and we are fine.
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