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What happens when a muslim prays in a public area in US

why i was in my school
Well as long as you brought up this pertinent question, I bet your parents as well as several other wise folks must be wondering the same thing!

Joke intended. Peace Bro. You "seem" like a good guy. Time will tell
This thread is definitely NOT 14 pages of amusement, but definitely about indians freaking out!! Deny all you may!!

Selective memory or just habitual dishonesty? My guess would be the latter. You conveniently ignored the posts of some Pakistanis who are echoing similar sentiments. You preaching religious freedom to a country like the USA is as amusing as it can get.
That's True. but Some People can't understand simple rules of Christian Countries.
Good you can educate us on a different forum.
Thanks in advance.
Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
Looking forward to a mutually beneficial relationship.
Selective memory or just habitual dishonesty, my guess would be the latter. You conveniently ignored the posts of some Pakistanis who are echoing similar sentiments. You preaching religious freedom to a country like the USA is as amusing as it can get.
@Abu Nasar When did you start preaching bro? :pop:
You just pounce on any thread saying Islam or anything related to it ...thats not very healthy! :unsure:

i hate when people cling to mediveal customs whether they are hindu,muslim,jew.........sikhs or whatever.
i hate when people cling to mediveal customs whether they are hindu,muslim,jew.........sikhs or whatever.
Good to know your likes and hates we will submit it to shadi.com

Anything else we need to know about you...kindly update your profile on shadi.com now that your account has been activated :pop:
Well as long as you brought up this pertinent question, I bet your parents as well as several other wise folks must be wondering the same thing!

Joke intended. Peace Bro. You "seem" like a good guy. Time will tell
When i was in School......
This opera browser sucks how can i stop annoying spelling Checking application ? or can u suggest me a good mobile browser ?
That's True. but Some People can't understand simple rules of Christian Countries.

its not about christian country or muslim country or jewish country.

the point is the need for doing it.
Good to know your likes and hates we will submit it to shadi.com

Anything else we need to know about you...kindly update your profile on shadi.com now that your account has been activated :pop:

that i hate mullahs like u
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