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Pakistan Army restricts Geo Channels in its offices

Well they are traitors. I can point many incidents in the past where they have worked directly or indirectly against the interests of the state of Pakistan. Geo reporting after Mumbai attacks comes in mind for example. So I don't think anything is wrong by what army has proposed. We Pakistanis should boycott Geo.

to be traitor one needs to prove conspiring with help of foreign elements. otherwise its not treason.

Yes we should boycott Geo but not ban and Army should not get involved in it.
to be traitor one needs to prove conspiring with help of foreign elements. otherwise its not treason.

Yes we should boycott Geo but not ban and Army should not get involved in it.
it should

its personal this time. this group has been running a baseless spear campaign on the bases of unproven allegation. why should army not react and continue to give it its custom?

your definition of a traitor is interesting.. consider letting the special court know this definition that is trying Musharraf for "high treason"?

If you have decided for yourself that you do not wish to watch Geo, that is great. But please allow the courtesy of the same freedom of choice and decide for themselves if they do or do not want to watch Geo. After all, your remote has the Channel and Power switches for a reason. You control them. Let others control theirs.
it is a sick channel . they were going on commercial breaks with dances and deals while terrorists were massacring Ahemdis in Lahore. even American rednecks show more respect to their kills than these people... the level of our journalism is as high as our democracy

it is a sick channel . they were going on commercial breaks with dances and deals while terrorists were massacring Ahemdis in Lahore. even American rednecks show more respect to their kills than these people... the level of our journalism is as high as our democracy

That is your opinion Sir, and you have every right to exercise it - on your remote and your television. Switch it off or watch something else, and let others the same rights as you want for yourself, to watch what they please. Is that too difficult a concept to accept?
They are both legal activities. :D

You understand very well what I am getting to; so do not try to wiggle your way around it.

What is the difference between Journalism and Activism ?

Are they mutually exclusive activities ?

How is a news channel different from Taliban who practice fundamentalism in behind the pretense of religion versus news channel which practices Activism in guise of Journalism.
There is a very thin line between criticism and insult /defaming.
Why did they not take such action 7 or 8 years ago? Its not like news channels have been shut since then. Why now?
They are trying to win a war, that they know they will win, did you not see the support they enjoy in general public....
And some might take it offensive,but the truth is, Generals would not get better opportunity then this to slaughter this goat, which has been running for long now....bakray ki maa akhur kab tak khair manaye gi....
I would go for blowing up option enough we have tolerated this traitor media groups for enough lets clean the earth from this filth

Pakistani journalist and television anchor Hamid Mir in November 2012.
Geo News -- a CNN affiliate -- reported similar blackouts in Okara, Murree and Dera Ghazi Khan as well.

And that could be just the beginning.

The director general of ISI, Pakistan's powerful intelligence agency, formally complained to the nation's military about Geo's coverage after an attack on one of its anchors, Hamid Mir. The defense ministry then asked the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority to act against Geo News, including possibly suspending and ultimately canceling its license to broadcast.

Pakistan Press Foundation -- accuses Geo News of waging "a vicious campaign ... wherein false accusations were made against a state institution tasked to work for the defense, sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan." This telecast tried to tarnish state agency's image by "falsely linking it with ... terrorist outfits/activities," the complaint said.

"(This) false, malicious and irresponsible reporting is a continuation of the policy of Geo Network for maligning the state institutions," added the complaint.

Geo has strongly defended itself against these allegations, in addition to citing other journalists and ordinary Pakistanis who likewise have rallied to its side.

Benjamin Ismail, the head of Reporters Without Borders Asia-Pacific desk, said the interview with Hamid Mir's brother "does not constitute an offense" and noted that Pakistani authorities "are perfectly free to address the suspicions against them. His group ranks Pakistan 158th out of 180 countries on its latest World Press Freedom Index.

And Bob Dietz, the Asia program coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists, urged the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority not to act against Geo News based on what he called "a spurious complaint."

"We call on Pakistan's security services to recognize the critical role of the media and exercise tolerance and maturity," Dietz said in a statement. "The ISI is free to rebut allegations in the media but should not try to censor coverage."

In an earlier statement, Dietz had called the targeting of Mir "an indicator that the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has not been able to reverse the country's appalling record of violence against journalists, despite pledges to do so."

A former newspaper reporter and editor, Hamid Mir writes columns and hosts a political talk show on Geo News. His guests have included members of Pakistan's ruling government and the opposition. Mir is also writing a book on Osama bin Laden, the late al Qaeda leader whose escape from the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan he extensively reported on.

Two Pakistani governments -- once in 2007 and again in 2008 -- banned him from appearing on Pakistani television.

READ: 2 UNICEF staffers missing in Pakistan

READ: Attack targets polio workers in Pakistan, kills 11

Journalists Syed Ali Shah in Quetta, Pakistan, and Zahir Shah Sherazi in Peshawar contributed to this report.
Geo's impulsivity would cause the credibility of the entire media of Pakistan.
Geo should be banned! period and Hamir Mir should be trailed under treason act. This group has on numerous occasions brought bad name to Pakistan.
People of Pakistan have a very short memory if any 1 remembers what did when 26/11 happened, they were the 1st ones to call Ajmal Kasab a Pakistani. They need to be put to place irrespective of what these so called champions of freedom say.

Freedom works where poeple have tameez to use that freedom. In Pakistan freedom means treachery and people are doing it with impunity. This needs to stop by whatever means necessary.
it should

its personal this time. this group has been running a baseless spear campaign on the bases of unproven allegation. why should army not react and continue to give it its custom?

your definition of a traitor is interesting.. consider letting the special court know this definition that is trying Musharraf for "high treason"?

it is a sick channel . they were going on commercial breaks with dances and deals while terrorists were massacring Ahemdis in Lahore. even American rednecks show more respect to their kills than these people... the level of our journalism is as high as our democracy

No its not personal. it can never be personal. we must act mature and civilied all the time... this is no wild west that you call it personal this time.. Army has no right to react, it has no place to react, more than ISPR issuing a presser, the proper channel is Ministry of Defence, which has been used to put a show cause notice to Geo through PEMRA.

In personal capacity, Yes boycott Geo and Jung group. that is fair.

My definition of treason is from the law...this is probably called treason against the State. High Treason is by article 6 which gives protection to the constitution. these two types of treason are different categories..
You understand very well what I am getting to; so do not try to wiggle your way around it.

What is the difference between Journalism and Activism ?

Are they mutually exclusive activities ?

How is a news channel different from Taliban who practice fundamentalism in behind the pretense of religion versus news channel which practices Activism in guise of Journalism.

Activism is "the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change". What is wrong with that, no matter who practices it, be it a new channel or not? There is nothing wrong about that.
Pakistan Army has banned its officers from watching Geo news and also reading Jang group news papers in its offices

As far as I know there is no official ban or instructions instead officers have voluntarily stopped Jung group publication and other than officers in armed forces many civilians don't watch geo news even there is a good number in my office too.
As far as I know there is no official ban or instructions instead officers have voluntarily stopped Jung group publication and other than officers in armed forces many civilians don't watch geo news even there is a good number in my office too.

Without an official ban, shutting down transmissions represents an illegal restraint of lawful trade.
Without an official ban, shutting down transmissions represents an illegal restraint of lawful trade.

There is no shutting down of geo channels they are working in cantonments may be somewhere geo news may hav fallen down the channel sequence. Nothing more than that sir.
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