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Afghan Taliban commander expresses disassociation with TTP

Islamists & most Pakistanis have a little regard for truth. They still believe 911 was a inside job

A lot like the americans.....it was americans that have been making all these 9-11 movies saying its an inside job.
So the taliban is not made up of afghans and mullah omar is not a afghan?

And the US has never killed innocent people.

But the Statistics shows that The score of Al qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan,Iraq and Pakistan is far more high than US.
Can you prove that the majority dont back the taliban?

I didnt claim any specific number so it will be unfair to ask me to back it up. you claimed that specific number and here i am asking you to provide a back up for it, if you cant then where did you get the number from. all i can do is to give you the list of afghan provices with or against the taliban.

So the taliban is not made up of afghans and mullah omar is not a afghan?

When did I say that the taliban are not from afghanistan(although large number of foreigners are with them and in the past TTP along with afghani taliban were actively cooperating with the afghani taliban by sending them alot of men). i am sure there are armed robbers in pakistan and they are indeed pakistanis, but you cant say they are good pakistanis becasue they are terrorizing pakistnais, the same thing can be said about the afghani taliban.

And the US has never killed innocent people

when did i say that the americans havent killed the civillians? they have , but majority of the civilian death is due to taliban attacks and suicide bombing, over 60% of civilian casualty is due to taliban operations and suicide bombing.
What about it.? did the talban attack the wtc or the taliban.

You mean, al-Qeda and Talibans? It was al-Qaeda that was alleged of attacking WTC, not the Taliban. Both are different perpetuating entities.

al-Qaeda is majorly based on the people having Arab origin, while Talibans have Afghani origin.
you should know that there is a region between waziristan and khost area of afghanistan that some people dont circumcize, it will look strange to you, but this is true.

That's wrong, absolutely!! Tell me the area name with proof? :blink:

My housemate is from Khost province. He of course is of Afghani origin, with the personal knowings on all adjoining areas. There's nothing like that.
So the taliban is not made up of afghans and mullah omar is not a afghan?

And the US has never killed innocent people.

Talibans are basically of Afghan origin, I agree to the first part of the post.

The latter part, about killing of innocents, you should review your post I think :confused:
Are you sure you're right?
That's wrong, absolutely!! Tell me the area name with proof? :blink:

My housemate is from Khost province. He of course is of Afghani origin, with the personal knowings on all adjoining areas. There's nothing like that.

not all of the area is like that, but there are a few specific places. the name of that area is Zamr, i will see if i can find more information for you. and dont ask that poor guy as Khostis take an offence if you ask them this question.
not all of the area is like that, but there are a few specific places. the name of that area is Zamr, i will see if i can find more information for you. and dont ask that poor guy as Khostis take an offence if you ask them this question.

Nah, he would tell me loads of things and yeah, a stranger may take it as an offense if you ask him, not a friend -- like my housemate.

I'll ask you to back your claim from authentic sources, not blogging sort of sources.

I know nothing of such sort exists. Circumcision is noncontroversial thing in Islam. It's religiously imperative to be circumcised, everyone knows.
Some see the Afghan Taliban as waging a just fight against occupation in Afghanistan, however they see the Pakistani Taliban as trying to destroy the democratic system in Pakistan and enforce their ideology through force and murder.

My question is, to those that do support the Afghan Taliban and oppose the TTP, would you agree that if given the opportunity of a free and fair electoral process, the Afghan Taliban should participate in that process and let the people of Afghanistan decide whether they should have a chance to govern?

Whatever the reason for the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan (occupation etc.) if the UN or any other impartial entity can ensure free and fair elections, the Taliban should cease hostilities and participate in the political process. I would assume that Pakistanis would want the Afghans to have the same options we do.

It is another matter that the US presence in Afghanistan complicates issues in terms of political participation by the Taliban and a cessation of hostilities due to lack of trust, but shouldn't the Taliban at least express their intention of laying down arms and participation in the political process given the option of free and fair elections and no/reduced US presence?

If they have not expressed such, what is the Afghan Taliban end goal for Afghanistan? Will they rule Afghanistan like the barbaric and medieval way the TTP ruled in Swat and Waziristan? Some may argue that the Afghans are a Tribal and extremely conservative society and the Taliban system is one that is not too far from the conservative Afghan culture, but if that is the case then the Afghans would choose the Taliban to govern them at the polls.

So while it is clear that some support the Afghan Taliban as fighting a just war against an occupation, what end goal for Afghanistan do you support? Are you willing to let the Taliban impose their dictatorship over Afghans, or, as in Pakistan, you support a political process in Afghanistan (not necessarily a Western style democracy) in which the Taliban can participate and the Afghans can make their own decisions on who shall govern them?
The ONLY data available is from the U.N. and HRW. Does U.N. or HRW data matter?

Here's what UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission Afghanistan) says-

Afghanistan Mid-Year Bulletin On Protection Of Civilians In Armed Conflict- UNAMA July 2009

"UNAMA Human Right figures indicate that more civilians are being killed by AGEs [Anti-Government Elements] than by PGF [Pro-Government Forces]. In the first six months of 2009, 59% of
civilians were killed by AGEs and 30.5% by PGF. This represents a significant shift from 2007 when PGF were responsible for 41% and AGEs for 46% of civilian deaths."

I'll make my own assertion here. Not only do the Afghan taliban kill more afghan civilians than ISAF, they do so in too many cases by INTENT. Not once has anybody accused ISAF or pro-government forces with the intentional targeting of civilians. When civilians have been killed, it has been recognized with DEEP regret by all involved-

A Vow To Cut Afghan Civilian Deaths-NYT May 19, 2009

Contrast that with this report from HRW-

The Human Cost: The Consequences Of Insurgent Attacks In Afghanistan- April 2007

If fair, any will read and judge the information provided. Clearly, there is more than simply this and it includes the killing of afghan civilians by ISAF/ANA/American forces.

Those incidents are, however, adequately covered daily by the press and invariably are accompanied by our own recognition of culpability where investigated and determined. Naturally, America refuses to acknowledge immediate accusations of guilt until we've investigated matters, but we've too often found ourselves guilty of inadequate provisions to safeguard innocent to suggest that we avoid complicity where proven by our own hand.

Little of that can be said of the taliban. I hope those here will take the time to carefully read all of both reports. They are revealing about the conduct of these so-called freedom fighters and their regard for their own kind.

I ALSO look forward to any here providing contravening data which disputes UNAMA's data on casualties. If not, then there's little ground to dispute the findings to date.

Not trying to defend the Taliban or anything. Just a different perspective from an American reporter.

Why a surge is not a sure thing in Afghanistan - Afghanistan- msnbc.com

Afghans aren’t asking for American protection.

The Taliban and other militant groups are unpopular in Afghanistan, with opinion polls suggesting that the Taliban has support only among six percent of Afghans. But most people here don’t feel threatened by the Taliban in their daily lives. There are no bodies in the streets of Kabul. The Taliban mostly attacks international and Afghan security forces. They rarely carry out attacks in markets. If they kill civilians, they deny it. They are actively trying to win hearts and minds.
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