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Turkey to build 3 hospital ships

İ dont sure but those ships may be help to Gaza strip so israel can not operation these ships easily in international waters in contrast to mavi marmara
Your right but some people think dua alone is enough, thats why so many people die on Turkish streets.

So are you telling me the next time I think of running towards a speeding train & tackle it as practice for Rugby, just because I had decided to utter a dua before hand, the train would still win ? :unsure:
So are you telling me the next time I think of running towards a speeding train & tackle it as practice for Rugby, just because I had decided to utter a dua before hand, the train would still win ? :unsure:
Why dont you wanna try it? :D
i dodnt know that? cuz of the problems we have internally, we dont have much time for eternal news, sorry :p
i read that article, so was it bad? they were delievering aid were they not? so why did Israel shoot?
Its an old and long story its better not to talk about this here, just read the wiki article.
in one of the comments of the news, here is a screenie
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