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G-20 summit: More power to India


When was Tibet ever a foreign land? The Dalai Lama and Prachen Lama were given political power by the then Chinese Emperor only a few hundred years ago - the reason was that as a REGIONAL GOVERNMENT it is easier for them to administer. Then enter the Nazis-Zionists who "taught the then child Dalai Lama the ways of the world". There's a fine article thread that discusses this relationship, please do read up on it. :azn:
see who is barking now and wants to be heard by using CAPS !!!:tongue::tongue:
u keep barking, nobody esp from india is going to give a **** abt what u scream at the top of ur lungs !!!:azn::azn:

Congrate. to my Indians friend=More powder , i mean more power

to India.

Allow me to share some experience of how to deal with barking

dogs. Once upon a time in 1962, a bunch of dogs bark at us;

So we kicked them badly where it hurt, the dogs stop barking for a

long time. But then after 47 years the dogs started to bark again,

Whats we need to do ? simple, kick them again, it will sure work.

Any risk ? hardly any, because barking dog seldom bite. :smitten:

Congrate. to my Indians friend=More powder , i mean more power

to India.

Allow me to share some experience of how to deal with barking

dogs. Once upon a time in 1962, a bunch of dogs bark at us;

So we kicked them badly where it hurt, the dogs stop barking for a

long time. But then after 47 years the dogs started to bark again,

Whats we need to do ? simple, kick them again, it will sure work.

Any risk ? hardly any, because barking dog seldom bite. :smitten:


well u seem to be too eager to shower "thank you" notes to ur fellow countrymen sino-whatever crap friendship, when they use "bark" w.r.t india but feel bad when i direct "bark" towards an individual....

Do me a favor, never respond to my post !! ur arguments most of the times are flames with no meaningful gist to comment on....

U r happy abt 1962, gud for u... we were unhappy and we don't want it to repeat. period.-

I wonder how many times guys like u keep on repeating the same points again and again and again- one day its kashmir, then arunachal pradesh then sth nonsense:blah::blah: on those lines... what did we add to the discussion ???!!! sick of this ...:devil::devil:
Typical India gains ground on the global stage.
And People divert attention to regional issues with illogical arguments

everything comes full circle so dont worry people will get what they deserve
whom ever and what ever that may be
Anyway coming back to the topic....

India got more power at the G 20 Summit and said at point blank at obama's face that it will not sign NPT.
What is the point of signing a NPT when countries which have signed are continuing in open proliferation like china which keeps supplying nuclear technology to Pakistan.

India stays firm, rejects NPT, CTBT- Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

India will not adhere to discriminatory NPT: Tharoor

Wow ! Thats cool; by saying no to US of signing NPT= more

power for India, interesting logic !

China continuing in open proliferation supplying Pakistan with nuclear

technology ?

Did you happened to find prove or source out of your A@S ?

Please calm down a little of your so called moral victory .:smitten:

congratulation Friends.... but it has not come on its Own... remember some days back we had given 10 billion USD to IMF.. Hope china will Bark less in ADB meet next... otherwise ... we buy tht also..

India to lend $ 10 billion to the IMF | Others | News | DARE - Because Entrepreneurs Do |

:rofl: As if only India is given more power.

If I remember it correctly China's contribution to IMF is US$50B.
Back to the topic I read the 'more power' news everywhere(except India media) the emphasis is more on China. Of course NDTV simply replaced the word China with India :azn:
New world economic order takes shape at G20
More voice to India can only be appropriate due to her large population. If we accept (rather than just lip-service) that every human being is 'equal' and should be valued 'equally' then more voice (and power) should be allotted based on # of people. That means Africa needs a louder voice, Asia needs a louder voice, and Aboriginals (who even now are ignored) deserved a louder voice!
Ahkand Bharat is the Areas in dark purple. India didn't exist before British Raj, and now they are using Brutish Illegally occupied foreign lands as their "map" for "India".

Look carefully, you see the DARK PURPLE areas --- that's not part of "India".

Wise words of advice: "DON'T BE TOO GREEDY, OR YOU'LL RISK LOSING EVERYTHING! :hang2: Wake up to reality so before this loose 'confederation' of desperate serfdoms disintegrates. Return stolen foreign land and revert back to proper borders AND tend the rampant internal corruption and incompetence." :angel:


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Congrate. to my Indians friend=More powder , i mean more power

to India.

Allow me to share some experience of how to deal with barking

dogs. Once upon a time in 1962, a bunch of dogs bark at us;

So we kicked them badly where it hurt, the dogs stop barking for a

long time. But then after 47 years the dogs started to bark again,

Whats we need to do ? simple, kick them again, it will sure work.

Any risk ? hardly any, because barking dog seldom bite. :smitten:


Worthless is your monkey screech, lover boy!
Wow ! Thats cool; by saying no to US of signing NPT= more

power for India, interesting logic !

China continuing in open proliferation supplying Pakistan with nuclear

technology ?

Did you happened to find prove or source out of your A@S ?

Please calm down a little of your so called moral victory

Your incomprehensible English makes it hard for me to respond to you.
Anyway from the some what time spent on reading your post I will answer what I can make sense of your question.
That Khan's disclosures have revealed a deep connection between Pakistan and China is disconcerting because it confirms that Beijing's policy is to dominate South Asia.
Gulfnews: Ignore Dr Khan, focus on Islamabad
May be you should spend more time is reading stuff than making a fool out of your self.
Even a fool is thought to be intelligent if he keeps his mouth shut.

Applies to you.
Anyway coming back to the topic....

India got more power at the G 20 Summit and said at point blank at obama's face that it will not sign NPT.
What is the point of signing a NPT when countries which have signed are continuing in open proliferation like China keeps supply nuclear
technology to Pakistan.

Mr. Shakespeare; Is this your post ?

Did your B.S. link mentioned China still supplying Pakistan with nuclear

technology till now ?

BTW; Any more tricks from you other than bitching people for poor

English ? Typical loser Indian mentality=Weak !!

Please do feel free to continue your mental mast.......tion :smitten:


Any non-indian who looks at this map can tell you that Kashmir is more of a part of Pakistan and Arunachal Pradesh is more of a part of China than it can ever be part of India. These disputed regions are far away from the center of India.

BTW since when did India have any control on Gilgit-Baltistan?
The Karakoram Highway is known as the China-Pakistan friendship highway that connects Pakistan to China, it got nothing to do with india.

Any non-indian who looks at this map can tell you that Kashmir is more of a part of Pakistan and Arunachal Pradesh is more of a part of China than it can ever be part of India. These disputed regions are far away from the center of India.

BTW since when did India have any control on Gilgit-Baltistan?
The Karakoram Highway is known as the China-Pakistan friendship highway that connects Pakistan to China, it got nothing to do with india.


I have read that Pakistan is preparing for $USD100bn aid from FoDP country,good going man.Really Pakistan has real skill in......you know.

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