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Can West Capture Pakistani Nukes using Same Strategy as for Syrian Weapons

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May 12, 2012
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If we look on Syrian crisis, we can conclude that USA/West has achieved what they wanted and without firing a single Missile.Let's Just review the whole scenario and try to understand that can this strategy be used against PAKISTANI NUKES!!!!
A fight is provoked between Syrian government and armed rebels. A news is broadcast on International media that Chemical Weapons are used in this fight. Then an blame game starts from both sides(Syrian Govt. and rebels) that other party has used it. As use of chemical weapons is forbidden by UN so a hype is created in international media. And this news once again threatens the National Security of Uncle SAM(none other country). Uncle Sam feels threatened and send his Aircraft Carriers to attack Syria. Now the other major countries like Russia and China also get involved as their interests are also at stake.So another hype is created.To cut the story short all the big powers make Syria to agree that it should give away its most potent defence weapons i.e Chemical Weapons.
Now a propaganda has already been started against Pakistan Nukes that they can fall into hands of terrorists. Not only politically but also Hollywood movies are propagating this idea.
I am curious that USA can use the same strategy,as a war is already going on in Pakistan between State and terrorists. If this war becomes more serious and a news is shown on international media that a nuclear weapons is used in Pakistan by terrorists or Pakistan Govt. then definitely National Security of Uncle Sam will be compromised once again and it will send its fleet to attack Pakistan. Again China ,Russia will be involved and a decision will be made that Pakistan should let go its nukes.
I just want to know the opinion of PDF members that is this possible or if this situation is created in future what options does Pakistan has????
Indian members should use Read Only mode for this thread :lol:

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pakistna army is much stronger the Syria. This is very unlikely in case of pakistan.
Indian members should use Read Only mode for this thread :lol:

On topic:

pakistna army is much stronger the Syria. This is very unlikely in case of pakistan.

I doubt Syria will hand over all the chemical weapons.Likely Syria's chemical weapons will be under Russian Control. Russia is just trying to delay the attack or worse complete its preparations for world war coming in 2015-18.
I doubt Syria will hand over all the chemical weapons.Likely Syria's chemical weapons will be under Russian Control. Russia is just trying to delay the attack or worse complete its preparations for world war coming in 2015-18.

Exactly, but situation was like that no-one was in position to attack/defend Syria. It is just about face saving and with in no time, US accepted Russia proposal :lol:
If we look on Syrian crisis, we can conclude that USA/West has achieved what they wanted and without firing a single Missile.Let's Just review the whole scenario and try to understand that can this strategy be used against PAKISTANI NUKES!!!!
A fight is provoked between Syrian government and armed rebels. A news is broadcast on International media that Chemical Weapons are used in this fight. Then an blame game starts from both sides(Syrian Govt. and rebels) that other party has used it. As use of chemical weapons is forbidden by UN so a hype is created in international media. And this news once again threatens the National Security of Uncle SAM(none other country). Uncle Sam feels threatened and send his Aircraft Carriers to attack Syria. Now the other major countries like Russia and China also get involved as their interests are also at stake.So another hype is created.To cut the story short all the big powers make Syria to agree that it should give away its most potent defence weapons i.e Chemical Weapons.
Now a propaganda has already been started against Pakistan Nukes that they can fall into hands of terrorists. Not only politically but also Hollywood movies are propagating this idea.
I am curious that USA can use the same strategy,as a war is already going on in Pakistan between State and terrorists. If this war becomes more serious and a news is shown on international media that a nuclear weapons is used in Pakistan by terrorists or Pakistan Govt. then definitely National Security of Uncle Sam will be compromised once again and it will send its fleet to attack Pakistan. Again China ,Russia will be involved and a decision will be made that Pakistan should let go its nukes.
I just want to know the opinion of PDF members that is this possible or if this situation is created in future what options does Pakistan has????

If the ****** Taliban and other terrorist groups continue to destabilize Pakistan and our incompetent Politicians and Generals continue on their path then i am afraid the ''West'' would find any excuse to destroy Pakistan's nuclear capability.
The only instance of Pakistan being stripped off its nuclear arsenal by US N Its allies is if the internal turmoil of terrorism n economic mess is not sorted out by its political leaders and military generals together since both these issues are co related to each other now. Other wise there is no threat to Pakistan from these war mongering US n Its allies
If the ****** Taliban and other terrorist groups continue to destabilize Pakistan and our incompetent Politicians and Generals continue on their path then i am afraid the ''West'' would find any excuse to destroy Pakistan's nuclear capability.

They won't do shyt, we will blow the neighbourhood up, we might be gone too but its a mission accomplished.
What @Jaanbaz and [MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION] has said is true, but the biggest problem for US & cronies face is the ownership of the asset by the people. I will not be surprised if someone says that US & cronies will have to fight urban gorilla war to do that. I dont think it is as easy as it is considered by many.
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They can't just simply capture Pakistans nukes! No one can! We are not Syria.

Considering that ISI is infiltrated by CIA and the Pakistan elite is scared of USA,Pakistan will surrender its nukes if push came to shove.
Considering that ISI is infiltrated by CIA and the Pakistan elite is scared of USA,Pakistan will surrender its nukes if push came to shove.

Go have a break have a kit kat, last time i checked India was run by an Italian, so who is infiltrated and who is not is easily visible.
First of all Its Nukes not Potato that one can simply come pick it up and just walks away just like what happen in GI Joe movie that someone killed President and American forces did the quick strike and took away ONE Bomb as if Pakistan has only one bomb what a pusssy script it was.

Pakistan's Nukes are as secure as it should be there is a complete army just to protect them from GI Joes and terrorists.

And this hype is not new Now most people know its just propaganda nothing more. Its used achieve some target by putting some pressure on Pakistani govt by using such media tactics.

Uncle SAM couldnt take away some nukes from NK with so small Geographic and demographic footprint then how in the blue world will they take the 100s of Nukes from Pakistan that is much bigger then NK and with a strong and Professional Army that can deliver pain on enemy.

Trust on Allah there is a reason Pakistan still exists and He gave Pakistan this shield in shape of Nukes so that enemy thinks 100 times of adventure orgasm.

They plan and Allah also plans and Allah is the best of Planers.
Well then why did pakistan release Raymond davis despite the fact he killed two ISI officers?

The parents of those two individuals took compensation and withdrew charges, it was not isi, please do read news and update yourself before making such statements.
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