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Google will not return to China because it is spying on its people


Jun 26, 2012
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Don’t expect Google to return to China anytime soon

By Dan Graziano | BGR News – Fri, Jun 7, 2013
Google pulled out of China in 2010 as a result of numerous hacking attacks on the U.S. that originated from inside the country. Despite the fact that China has more than 560 million people who use the Internet, Google has no plans to return its services there. CNET reports that during Google’s annual shareholder meeting on Thursday, chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt said he was “troubled by continued reports of censorship and spying on people” by the Chinese government. He explained that until China changes the way it treats its citizens, Google has no plans to invest more resources into the country. Prior to pulling out of the country, Google’s search engine controlled 29% of the Chinese market. The company’s market share plummeted to just 5% in 2012, however.

Now that we know Google is helping US government continuously spy on its people, I wonder when they will pull out of the states. I am sure that Google can read this message, so don't be evil, Schmidt!
this is such a shame to the business world,

Google the ******.....
Don’t expect Google to return to China anytime soon

Now that we know Google is helping US government continuously spy on its people, I wonder when they will pull out of the states. I am sure that Google can read this message, so don't be evil, Schmidt!

Google is helping US government continuously spy on its people?????:what:

Correction: Google is helping US government Spy on 6 billion people in 196 Countries in the World.


everyone should get together and let America know we wouldn't tolerate this. BOYCOTT GOOGLE.
Google might have been the first bunch of companies that fowardly engaged itself in the pursue of hacking innocent people.

Worst business entity ever seen.
:omghaha: what about US? the recent reports suggest that google should stop services in US too on the same pretext
Google is helping US government continuously spy on its people?????:what:

Correction: Google is helping US government Spy on 6 billion people in 196 Countries in the World.


everyone should get together and let America know we wouldn't tolerate this. BOYCOTT GOOGLE.

I am already using tune.pk (A Pakistani video sharing website), which is alternative to YouTube (a product of Google) for its boycott.
Someone at google should have searched on google for the latest spying scandal news and shut up this hypocrisy over China.
Guys google has a prescense on this site through adsense, you know that right?
10 years from now people will be talking about whatever happened to Google
Don’t expect Google to return to China anytime soon

Now that we know Google is helping US government continuously spy on its people, I wonder when they will pull out of the states. I am sure that Google can read this message, so don't be evil, Schmidt!
Please...Google may cooperate with the government on what people search, but Google is far from what Baidu does, which is literally obeying any order from the government on what people will receive from their search.
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