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The Day After a Strike on Iran

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Commentary: The Day After a Strike on Iran | The National Interest

All eyes are on what it will take to prevent Iran from getting its hands on a nuclear weapon. If sanctions and diplomacy prove incapable of containing Tehran’s nuclear ambitions—and soon—a military strike to destroy or at the very least delay its program is seen as the least bad option available. Iran gaining a nuclear-weapons capability is a red line that the United States and Israel just won’t let it cross.

But not enough thought has been given to what happens after a strike is actually carried out.

Debate in the United States ends at how to prevent Iran from getting the bomb, while the repercussions of a military strike are not widely discussed. This ominously echoes the run up to the war in Iraq.

When Washington was preparing to invade Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, little consideration was given to what came next. Ten years later, the mistakes are evident. Iraq did not pose the immediate security threat that Washington believed, forcefully building a democracy was easier said than done, and the difficulties bogged U.S. troops down for years. The war cost trillions of dollars and damaged America’s standing in the Arab world.

And now the real issues are being left unaddressed again. Conventional wisdom holds that a military strike on Iran is the best thing to do in the face of a legitimate fear. But tough questions must not be avoided.

Will a strike stop Tehran from pursuing a nuclear weapon or push it to weaponize?

A successful military attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities will likely set the country’s program back, but it won’t be enough to end its nuclear activities for good. A strike could actually have the opposite effect. If Tehran hasn’t yet decided to weaponize, as many intelligence experts presume, an attack could certainly make its leaders feel the need to speed up their efforts.

Will hitting Iran help the region, or hurt those standing against extremism?

Moderate voices in the Arab world, as weak as they are presently, are finally beginning to be heard with the outbreak of the Arab Awakening. But an attack on Iran could have significant ramifications. A strike that is perceived as illegitimate in the region could push more people toward extremist views, increase negative perceptions of the United States, and deal a fatal blow to the moderates.

Will a strike weaken Iran in the Middle East, or resurrect it from the dead?

Tehran lost popularity and legitimacy following its crackdown on protesters in the aftermath of its 2009 election and by supporting the brutal Syrian regime. Damaging Iran’s nuclear program won’t necessarily weaken Iran further, however, as the action could flip the script. Tehran could be seen in a more positive light as the latest victim of an unwarranted attack and actually gain influence in the Middle East.

Until these three questions are answered, the military option should be left off the table.

A strike is taken as a fait accompli if negotiations fail. This is wrong. I think it’s clear that a military attempt to derail Iran’s nuclear program will push Tehran to weaponize, threaten the moderates emerging in the Middle East, and give Iran newfound legitimacy across the region as the country standing up to imperialist America.

But don’t take my word for it. These questions need to be properly considered and openly debated. Proponents of military action need to analyze the long-term repercussions and defend how this will serve wider interests and not just tackle an immediate concern. Opponents need to publicly discuss how they believe diplomacy serves U.S. interests more than war.

Today, everyone recognizes the mistakes made waging the battle in Iraq. Washington rushed into a conflict without a proper assessment of the risks or plans for what came after the smoke had cleared. Let’s not let history repeat itself only a decade later.

The United States should not start something it does not want to finish. Serious thought needs to be given to the day after a strike on Iran to avoid its downsides or plan for its consequences.

Marwan Muasher is vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He previously served as foreign minister and deputy prime minister of Jordan.
Be warned, if Iran is invaded, it would be given nukes by its kind allies.

Iran would destabilize the the region from Israel to Afghanistan if it is invaded.
If that point comes, Pakistan and Iran will sign a defence pact to protect each other's country
If that point comes, Pakistan and Iran will sign a defence pact to protect each other's country

This very thinking is why pakistan will never succeed. You have nothing to gain by helping Iran and everything to lose. Did anyone come to your aid during 47, 65, 71 or 99 in the manner you want to come to Iran's aid?
Be warned, if Iran is invaded, it would be given nukes by its kind allies.

Iran would destabilize the the region from Israel to Afghanistan if it is invaded.
you are not iran's ally, KSA will kick you as* if you do anything funny...
This very thinking is why pakistan will never succeed. You have nothing to gain by helping Iran and everything to lose. Did anyone come to your aid during 47, 65, 71 or 99 in the manner you want to come to Iran's aid?

Man you have no idea how Iran helped Pakistan in its time of need .. In 71, when Pakistan was practically bankrupt, all oil debts of Pakistan were waived off by Iran, in addition to giving free oil for few years .. In 65, a squadron of fighter planes landed on Karachi base for help with the war.
Man you have no idea how Iran helped Pakistan in its time of need .. In 71, when Pakistan was practically bankrupt, all oil debts of Pakistan were waived off by Iran, in addition to giving free oil for few years .. In 65, a squadron of fighter planes landed on Karachi base for help with the war.

USA helped you far more than Iran ever did in both those wars. so shouldnt you be taking their side?
I don't believe the West is considering the invasion option for Iran. But, if an Airstrike was launched the Iranians will be given the right to respond.
But not enough thought has been given to what happens after a strike is actually carried out.

Maybe not by the guy who wrote this, there were literally dozens of studies both in Israel and USA about exactly this, not to mention additional European studies. This is where the guy who wrote this lost credibility for me.

Debate in the United States ends at how to prevent Iran from getting the bomb, while the repercussions of a military strike are not widely discussed. This ominously echoes the run up to the war in Iraq.

When Washington was preparing to invade Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, little consideration was given to what came next. Ten years later, the mistakes are evident.

1. not true, there was a lot of debate.
2. Drawing parallel lines between examples with no similarity is a sign of a weak argument. The parallels to an Airs strike should be strikes on Tamuz (Iraqi reactor), Syrian reactor, Lybia, Air strikes in Somalia, Serbia etc. not a ground invasion.

A strike could actually have the opposite effect. If Tehran hasn’t yet decided to weaponize

The key words are could and if. History shows that when a nuclear program was bombed (Iraq, Syria, Libya) it was halted. When it wasn't a nuclear weapon was produced (North Korea).
The only thing that ever stalled the Irani nuclear program was a military threat (2003 invasion of Iraq) there were talks at the time of a possible strike at Iran.

Moderate voices in the Arab world, as weak as they are presently, are finally beginning to be heard with the outbreak of the Arab Awakening.

Indeed the Salafist/Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt is a great example of that...
No, I mean the Al- nosra fighting in Syria...
Oops wrong again, I meant the stable regime in Libya with no Al Quida influence on their land... :)

Iran would destabilize the the region from Israel to Afghanistan if it is invaded.

Newsflash #1: no one is considering invading Iran.
Newsflash #2: Iran is already destabilizing the region from Israel (Hamas, Islamic Jihad), Lebanon (Hezballah), Syria (need I elaborate?), Iraq, Baharein, Yemen, Sudan and Afghanistan.
The only way you stop Iran from getting a nuke is regime change. And you can't do that without a big war.
And you are so sure because...? As I noted in my previous post, historically speaking a regime change was not needed, what was required is conclusive action.
I am not sure where you got that "big war" from, but that's not what anyone is suggesting.
lets see what happens in the first 8 hours .
israel uses turkey airlines to strike tehran(parchin) and US uses their standby careers to strike bushehr and they will use very exact missiles to completely ruin iran bases. suddenly CNN and BBC start with this : Breaking News : NATO organized a complete attack on iran. iran is no danger anymore. less than half an hour iran will use its secret missile launchers to strike israel turky afghanistan. the system of these missiles is that the last time we checked they can not be hit by any anti missile system. as defense minister once said at least 1000 missiles and rockets will be fired in the first hour of the war against US allies. the next hour iran will launch modern anti career missile khalij fars which is the best in its type. 7 of them is enough to finish a careers job for 100% certainty. in 3 hours after the strike of US , 3 of its careers will be hit for sure. in this time also more than 10000 drones will fly toward US navy in khalij fars which can completely distract US radars.the next hour iran will start another missile launching against bahrain and turkey. fateh 110 one of the best pinpoint accurate missiles in the world will hit US bases in afghanistan and turkey. all azarbayjans airports will be hit that israel will never be able to use again. in less than 7 hours from the start of the NATO s ambition move hezbollah will completely distract israeel by launching rockets against israeel . let alone drones and irans long range missiles. after 8 hours from the start of the strike most of US allies and US itself have got serious payback and then BBC and CNN will go on air and say negotiations are still on the table. it's right iran will be damaged very badly but attack against iran will also ruin israeel and its allies. now you tell me does it worth striking?
lets see what happens in the first 8 hours .
israel uses turkey airlines to strike tehran(parchin) and US uses their standby careers to strike bushehr and they will use very exact missiles to completely ruin iran bases. suddenly CNN and BBC start with this : Breaking News : NATO organized a complete attack on iran. iran is no danger anymore. less than half an hour iran will use its secret missile launchers to strike israel turky afghanistan. the system of these missiles is that the last time we checked they can not be hit by any anti missile system. as defense minister once said at least 1000 missiles and rockets will be fired in the first hour of the war against US allies. the next hour iran will launch modern anti career missile khalij fars which is the best in its type. 7 of them is enough to finish a careers job for 100% certainty. in 3 hours after the strike of US , 3 of its careers will be hit for sure. in this time also more than 10000 drones will fly toward US navy in khalij fars which can completely distract US radars.the next hour iran will start another missile launching against bahrain and turkey. fateh 110 one of the best pinpoint accurate missiles in the world will hit US bases in afghanistan and turkey. all azarbayjans airports will be hit that israel will never be able to use again. in less than 7 hours from the start of the NATO s ambition move hezbollah will completely distract israeel by launching rockets against israeel . let alone drones and irans long range missiles. after 8 hours from the start of the strike most of US allies and US itself have got serious payback and then BBC and CNN will go on air and say negotiations are still on the table. it's right iran will be damaged very badly but attack against iran will also ruin israeel and its allies. now you tell me does it worth striking?

An then Persia will take over the world. Khomeini will be the new God King. Realistically speaking if Iran were to retaliate she would be destroyed. To attack an American carrier will result in a nuclear attack against Iran.
The only way you stop Iran from getting a nuke is regime change. And you can't do that without a big war.

Regime change will occur normally. Mahmood Ahmedinejad is not running for re-election in the next election.:D

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