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Officials: Israel launches airstrike into Syria

For a person who was born here , unfortunately, you don't understand what living off the welfare of a state means. Your family was given the opportunity because of America and Americans vs living among the rubbish in Palestine- and yet you taunt the country with calling it ' Master'. Go back to Palestine and in one piece- far better than the coffin you would send us Americans back in-had we disrespected and acted seditious while being a citizen of Palestine.

This is bigotry. He supports palestine. I don't. Everyone has a right to express their own views in a democracy/free speech no matter what the view itself may be.
This is bigotry. He supports palestine. I don't. Everyone has a right to express their own views in a democracy/free speech no matter what the view itself may be.

I see some of your older threads and you have a title calling Israel 'Israhell', I can understand that your views may have changed since then but could you explain a little?
I see some of your older threads and you have a title calling Israel 'Israhell', I can understand that your views may have changed since then but could you explain a little?

Yes, after research and further reading (on both sides/point of views).
Israel strikes Syria again. Syria calls it an act of war. Obviously Israel wants to strike Iran but Hezbollah's Iranian rockets can level Tel Aviv. So this campaign intends to interdict the rockets to make way for an Israeli strike on Iran.

Syria: Attack on military site was a 'declaration of war' by Israel - CNN.com

Fars News Agency :: Presidential Hopeful Vows to Protect Iran's N. Achievements

That was last night, and I don't think Hezbollah can do extensive damage to tel aviv. It's hard to see how that war will play out because things have changed since then.
So what is your general view towards the conflict now?

Basically, what is necessary for peace between Israel and Arabs. Specifically:

1. Democratic Israeli rule in whole of Israel. Palestinian Authority rule in arab majority areas of west bank and gaza.

2. Dismantling of Hamas and Hezbollah.

3. Removal of anti jewish curriculum in Palestinian and Arab textbooks.

4. Freeze in settlement expansions.

5. Peace treaty with all neighbours (including PA).

6. Naturalisation and absorption of Palestinian Arab refugees in their host countries.
Basically, what is necessary for peace between Israel and Arabs. Specifically:

1. Democratic Israeli rule in whole of Israel. Palestinian Authority rule in arab majority areas of west bank and gaza.

2. Dismantling of Hamas and Hezbollah.

3. Removal of anti jewish curriculum in Palestinian and Arab textbooks.

4. Freeze in settlement expansions.

5. Peace treaty with all neighbours (including PA).

6. Naturalisation and absorption of Palestinian Arab refugees in their host countries.

1. Reasonable, Gaza is all Arab. West Bank isn't. But Arab majority areas won't work. There can't be two parties ruling the West Bank but this brings us to the settlers there.

2. Very unlikely, they always have necessary security measures just as all people do. Especially when Israel has consistent military activities against them.

3. Not true, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textbooks_in_the_Israeli–Palestinian_conflict

A comprehensive three year study (2009-2012), regarded by its researchers as ' the most definitive and balanced study to date on the topic,'[4][5] found that incitement, demonization or negative depictions of the other in children's education was "extremely rare" in both Israeli and Palestinian school texts, with only 6 instances discovered in over 9,964 pages of Palestinian textbooks, none of which consisted of "general dehumanising characterisations of personal traits of Jews or Israelis".[4] Israeli officials rejected the study as biased, while Palestinian Authority officials claimed it vindicated their view that their textbooks are as fair and balanced as Israel’s.[6]
Textbooks in Israel also have been studied and some problems found. Israel has ordered the word Nakba (referring to the 1948 forced Palestinian exodus from Israeli-occupied lands) to be removed from Israeli Arab textbooks. The term was introduced in books for use in Arab schools in 2007 when the Education Ministry was run by Yuli Tamir of the Labour party. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu justified the ban by saying that the term was "propaganda against Israel."[7]

The study found that, while most schoolbooks on either side were factually accurate, both Israel and the Palestinians failed to adequately and positively represent each other,[6] and presented "exclusive unilateral national narratives".[13] 40% of Israeli, and 15% of Palestinian textbooks were judged to contain neutral depictions of the other.[12] While the majority of both countries' textbooks represent the other as the enemy, Israeli state school texts were more likely to portray Palestinians in a positive light, with 11% of their textbooks and 1% of

4. No freeze, complete end to it as a part of a agreement.

5. Which neighbors? Most neighbors are at peace

6. No, the right of return should be considered, Palestinians are Palestinians, not Arabs. Remove the settlers from Palestinian territory.

Here's another 6 we should consider:

1. End to Israel's siege on the Gaza Strip and attempt to keep its economy and a brink of collapse. Also show the list of items israel bans from entering the Gaza Strip. They've refused to do so.

2. End all unprovoked military hostilities and activities against the Gaza Strip.

3. Removal of Israel's forces from the West Bank and allow the PA to control their areas.

4. End all settlement construction

5. Borders presented by Israel. Borders must be present and there must be two states.

6. End all incitement by Israeli officials and government members, also their attempts to Judacize the West Bank.
Iran is more than capable of doing MASSIVE damage to Israel. Israel wont be intercepting all Iranian missiles. That's why there has been no attack on Iran thus far. Iran can pack a punch.

The question is can Iran intercept Israeli aircrafts? missiles?
Attacking another country is illegal act , Asia needs Russia and China to be leaders

Officially speaking Israel and Syria are still at war, claiming that an air strike during wartime is illegal is absurd.
Every day , it becomes more and more clear

Russia and China are really the Leaders of Modern Asia

Russia has cold regions , cold cold winters but you don't see Russia invading Saudi Arabia , same as China always respecting borders and smaller natiosn...
I personally really don't burn inside because of the Palestinian suffering , if I've ever jumped on that issue was because it's hot , but I've met jews in Canada and they don't treat us alright , like i'm not sure if I go to Israel and say meet 500 in a café , how they would react to me and her sitting at the same table ?
I personally really don't burn inside because of the Palestinian suffering , if I've ever jumped on that issue was because it's hot , but I've met jews in Canada and they don't treat us alright , like i'm not sure if I go to Israel and say meet 500 in a café , how they would react to me and her sitting at the same table ?

Wouldn't mind
like i'm not sure if I go to Israel and say meet 500 in a café , how they would react to me and her sitting at the same table

They would not react at all, since it's not their business.
You might have to go through a long process in the Air port if you have any Islamic nations stamps in your passport though.
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