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Is Israel really Pakistan’s enemy?

That feeling is not mutual. You think Israel wants to be your ally?

I'm not an expert on international relations and stuff like that but I would imagine they sure dont need more enemies that's for sure

quite frankly - if the Palestine issue is resolved (wishful thinking for now) then there's simply no reason for ANYONE to hate tiny israel

we should not view it as a religious issue - but a political one. Only the crazy people on both sides claim it to be a clash of Islam and Judaism -which it is not. Even you have secular and orthodox jews who are against zionist-minded militaristic nationalism

we have enough enemies in our region to tend to.......those who keep bringing up israel should delete it from their memory and prioritize

That feeling is not mutual. You think Israel wants to be your ally?

I'm not an expert on international relations and stuff like that but I would imagine they sure dont need more enemies that's for sure

quite frankly - if the Palestine issue is resolved (wishful thinking for now) then there's simply no reason for ANYONE to hate tiny israel

we should not view it as a religious issue - but a political one. Only the crazy people on both sides claim it to be a clash of Islam and Judaism -which it is not. Even you have secular and orthodox jews who are against zionist-minded militaristic nationalism

we have enough enemies in our region to tend to.......those who keep bringing up israel should delete it from their memory and prioritize
We will all normalize the relations with Israel, it has the right to exist. We have been trying to achieve that but unfortunately Iran and it's proxies have been always there to foil them. Iran and it's proxies are the main obstacles in the way of peace. As soon as they get finished, ME will much better place to live in.
And here you have the retardation of Arabs summed in one post. This thread is about PAKISTAN AND ISRAEL, but somehow your obsession with Iran managed you to post nonesense. Hehe, good, burn further, we enjoy your burning hehe
Go back to page 1 to see what I was responding to, Mr Historian.

ARe you referring to your post #3 on page 1?

If so, there was no quotation from Quran in that post. Like verse and chapter number. Only your words, and it would be blasphemous to use words of a human (let alone someone posting on PDF) to treated as Quranic words.

Hope you understand.
ARe you referring to your post #3 on page 1?

If so, there was no quotation from Quran in that post. Like verse and chapter number. Only your words, and it would be blasphemous to use words of a human (let alone someone posting on PDF) to treated as Quranic words.

Hope you understand.

I've had infractions for merely quoting the scriptures which went against some moderators Islamic view.

Hope you understand.
Pakistan has maintained a hot-line to cooperate with Israel and vice versa ,especially in terms of intelligence gatherings, counterterrorism effort which is positive and legitimate. However, the ISI ,which controls the Pakistani Army and by extension the Military installations in the country, will never make a comprehensive agreement with Israel due to the the current conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. Technically, the ISI doctrine isn't merely restricted on its national interests ,but also a religious identity. I doubt that Pakistan will develop a its diplomatic relation with the Jewish State. :police:
I've had infractions for merely quoting the scriptures which went against some moderators Islamic view.

Hope you understand.

Quoting Quranic verse and chapter in itself is no ground for infractions.

Spilling hatred and prejudice in the name of Quran is.
1.Quoting Quranic verse and chapter in itself is no ground for infractions.

2.Spilling hatred and prejudice in the name of Quran is.

1. My infraction says otherwise.
2. If indeed one spills hatred and prejudice in the name of quran, then there must be serious grounds within the Quran for one to do so. Scripture is based on interpretation after all, and one's interpretation might differ from anothers. Discuss it and attempt to change the others view. Silencing opposing views whether they are correct to one or not shouldn't be relevent in a spirit of a free dialouge.

That being said, I've disussed this contention with the relevant authorities many times already, and will commit no further. Good day to you.
Pakistan has maintained a hot-line to cooperate with Israel and vice versa ,especially in terms of intelligence gatherings, counterterrorism effort which is positive and legitimate. However, the ISI ,which controls the Pakistani Army and by extension the Military installations in the country, will never make a comprehensive agreement with Israel due to the the current conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. Technically, the ISI doctrine isn't merely restricted on its national interests ,but also a religious identity. I doubt that Pakistan will develop a its diplomatic relation with the Jewish State. :police:

There are avenues of contact for both sides.

ISI provided intel to Mossad regarding potential terrorist attacks on Jew targets in neighboring India. For example.

Diplomatic recognition would happen when 2 state solution would be agreed upon - God knows when that'll be. Hopefully in our lifetime
1. My infraction says otherwise.
2. If indeed one spills hatred and prejudice in the name of quran, then there must be serious grounds within the Quran for one to do so. Scripture is based on interpretation after all, and one's interpretation might differ from anothers. Discuss it and attempt to change the others view. Silencing opposing views whether they are correct to one or not shouldn't be relevent in a spirit of a free dialouge.

That being said, I've disussed this contention with the relevant authorities many times already, and will commit no further. Good day to you.

OK. Then quit saying "Quran says so...." in a purely political discussion. You are not doing any justice to the thread or to Quran.

Many Pakistanis quote Quran for one liner attacks on others, so do not be the one-line Quran quoter in a thread on political/economic relations between Israel and Pakistan.

Thank you.

Diplomatic recognition would happen when 2 state solution would be agreed upon - God knows when that'll be. Hopefully in our lifetime

Diplomatic recognition has already happened. The only thing left over is to establish embassies in each other's countries.

Which I believe will happen the day Pakistan gets a green signal from Saudi Arabia or (when Saudi establishes embassy in Israel).


Here are excerpts from 2005 meetings between Israelis and Pakistan.

UNITEDNATIONS - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon shook hands with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf at a reception during the United Nations' World Summit yesterday.

Musharraf also introduced his wife to Sharon.

Sharon spokesman Asaf Shariv said the two leaders did not discuss diplomatic issues at the reception, which was hosted by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. "They shook hands. Musharraf introduced his wife to Sharon, and he said, `Nice to meet you'," Shariv said.

Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, who met with his Pakistani counterpart in Istanbul on September 1, will not meet with him again at the summit. However, the two agreed that their respective subordinates would continue the contacts, and their offices have set up a mechanism for staying in touch.

PM Sharon shakes hands with Pakistan's Musharraf - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Indo-Israeli secret alliance

How come an Indian is quoting some constipated conspiracy theories about Indo-Israel $hit?

The hilarious part from the quoted "news".

In this respect, we should remember that the major cause of the World War 1 was the secret alliance among Austria-Hungary and Germany—then Italy joined the Austro-German alliance, initiated by German leader Bismark. On the other side, France and Britain concluded counter alliance—ultimately all that resulted into militarisation of Europe and the World War 1. So, if not checked in time by the international community, Indo-Israeli secret alliance could culminate into third world war in case of particularly Israeli prospective attack on Iran or use of America for this purpose.


Jokes never end so do the conspiracy theories about Israel.

Pakistan has maintained a hot-line to cooperate with Israel and vice versa ,especially in terms of intelligence gatherings, counterterrorism effort which is positive and legitimate. However, the ISI ,which controls the Pakistani Army and by extension the Military installations in the country, will never make a comprehensive agreement with Israel due to the the current conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.
Maybe it's not just the ISI. I suspect the Mossad, which handles much of Israel's covert relations and trade, might also prefer to keep things as they are, acting out of the usual bureaucratic motive to keep "our department" as close to the top of the pecking order as possible. The Mossadniks may well gently push their ISI counterparts away from recognition for that very reason. (Israelis' problem is that the Mossad has very limited oversight, so expanding trade and other relations through the Mossad weakens Israel's democracy overall.)

So for Pakistan-Israel relations to break out of their current constraints and really improve a bold step needs to be taken. Since anything Israel could possibly do will either be spurned or met with no response (like Oslo was) that initiative has to come from Pakistan. Israel will, of course, be receptive and even thrilled - and even more than that puzzled, as I think few Israelis follow Pakistani affairs.

But I have no doubt that Pakistan has far more to gain by improved public relations with Israel than Israel has to gain by improved relations with Pakistan. As the OP notes, Israel-hatred is a disease hammered into Pakistani minds without justifiable foundation.

What the author didn't know was the original reason cited by Jinnah not to recognize Israel: that since the Jews were a minority in Palestine, they had no rights save those granted by the majority. And that thinking has been integrated into the Pakistani mind-set from that day until today, has it not? Is it not at the root of all evils from Day One to 1971 to the Talibs and Baluchi separatists and beyond? Isn't Pakistan Orwellian to call itself a democracy yet deny - in practice at least - its individual citizens fundamental rights of life, liberty, due process, and property?

Recognizing and furthermore championing Israel is a necessary step in fixing all this, because otherwise anybody can object to improved democratic processes on the grounds that one is a Zionist. So you have to command the history, raise civility over bigotry, and thus crush the Islamo-fundies by their own theological and demonstrated inadequacies. Thus the forces of moderation will take heart and gain strength and bigotry will diminish or retreat to the shadows.
Use your brain and learn to comprehend a sentence first.:tup:

problem is not with my comprehension. some times try to understand others also, it will help you maintaining good communication with others, and, if the tone of my previous reply may have offended you then it is regretted, but it was not intended to offend you.

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