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Indian General Elections - 2014

Whom will you Vote for in 2014 General Elections??

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The Philosopher Prince and His Speechwriters : Centre Right India

Rahul’s speechwriters made him look like an ill-prepared management consultant. He wants to “unlock value’ (out of what we don’t know). He wants to create “open political architecture” that is accessible to every Indian. Would that open up politics as a career option for the hoi polloi or make politicians more accessible? We don’t know. What precisely do phrases such as empowerment, structural change and giving people a voice mean? Maybe someday, his speechwriters will care to educate us. Even when he wasn’t reading from a piece of paper, and was posed two pointed questions on centre-state relationship, and the country’s water crisis he responded with some zoological insights. For the most part he had the manner of a call centre executive who has the same stock answer for every poser. Only in the tele-caller’s case you bang the phone on her. Rahul is called a visionary.
@jha @Mritunjaya

even now in Karnataka all is not lost.

Yeddy has been sending regular signals that he is willing to come back to BJP or have an alliance with it if the Delhi gang of BJP is cut to size. He has also said the "real BJP is the BJP of Modi, Chauhan, Raman Singh, Parrikar " etc which clearly shows his issue is not with BJP but with certain individuals in it.

I feel Yeddy as a mass vote grabber is mroe important than people like Venkaiah Naidu, Ananth Kumar or even Jaitely who have no mass base.

Which was always my point.....NaMo is waiting for Karnataka election result to bring Yedurappa back into BJP and side line those who stood against him............maybe bring yedurappa to the center and let present karnataka BJP remain at state level.

Yedurappa is not a great visionary but has good mass base .....and is a fan of NaMo......that makes him good enough in my books.

There are some rumors going on in twitter that Sachin Tendulkar has plans to join Congress...

Sachin please dont do that and loose your respect for money.

Sachin is barely a high school passout ....and is certainly is not a 'brain'. He has extraordinary talent in hitting a ball with a wooden stick....that is just about it. But he was smart enough to marry a gold medalist doctor so there is hope for his kids ;)

Anyway congress strategy was clear from day one when they brought him into Rajya sabha......he has to return the favour and campaign for congress. That is given.
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Apart from the riots,

Modi has actually done some development in Gujarat.

If he`s not a religious freak or extremist then he could turn out to be a gem for India and the development in the country.

Politician build a personality to suit themselves...It is just one kind of acting they perform to win masses...It is absolutely true that who ever will become the PM of India he will be a personality who knows how to work with all section of Socieety...

My gut feeling is that Modi may not be a PM candidate, but BJP will try to get maximum seats by putting Modi as a front line leader...But in election, BJP may go for Adavani/Susma Swaraaj or Arun Jaitley.....But internally Modi will become a king maker like Sonia Gandhi controls Congress Party...In this way...allies of NDA will not have any complain too..Because there are so many allies who likes to part of the NDA if Modi is not the PM candidate.... And if follows this statergy, then i feel it is the best way to go for 2014 election...Otherwise...I am really pessimistic about chances of Modi declared as PM candidate and NDA winning the election...

Oh okay..

Lets hope he`s a good one.

I hope he and InshAllah Imran Khan as our next PMs can build a good Pak-Ind relation.

Peace is the way forward!

Spot on...Comparing modi as religious freak is the same way like some people of your nation like to compare Imaran Khan as a Taliban Khan...But at lease educated people know that Imaran Khan is most honest guy in the Pakistan politics now....
@arp2041 @samantk @KRAIT @Ayush @Koovie @kurup


Aligarh Muslim University Students Union president says he was suspended for refusing to join Congress

NEW DELHI: Aligarh Muslim University Students' Union (AMUSU) president Shahzad Alam on Sunday alleged he was suspended a day before at the behest of the Congress after he refused to join the party.

Alam claimed vice-chancellor Zameer Ud din Shah had asked him to join the Congress ahead of Union minister Jitin Prasada's AMU visit on Friday. "Since the president (Alam) refused to join the party, the vice-chancellor with Prasada and the Congress's consent suspended him on the day of the minister's arrival,'' an AMUSU press release said. The AMUSU urged the administration to publicize the CCTV footage of Alam's meeting with Shah as evidence.

Alam said Shah had earlier in February pressurised him not to oppose Congress chief Sonia Gandhi's visit to AMU. He accused Shah of "misusing the University for fulfilling the Congress agenda ahead of the Lok Sabha polls''. Alam said he had evidence that it was being done for "the requirements of Sonia and her son Rahul Gandhi''.

He questioned whether Shah was AMUSU patron or a Congress "mouthpiece" and why only Congress leaders were invited to the University.

The AMUSU accused Shah of "malign(ing) the sanctified image of the varsity''. It said he had been asking its office bearers to join the Congress to further "his vested interest''.

But AMU public relations officer Rahat Abrar rubbished Alam's allegations and said he has a long record of indiscipline for which he had been repeatedly warned. "He was suspended for his unruly behaviour and disrupting a function in Prasada's presence while the national anthem and the University tarana were being played,'' he said. He said Alam was first warned on February 28 that his "unlawful activities and breach of discipline'' were unbecoming as a student and an AMUSA officer bearer.

Abrar said he had earlier led a "violent mob that attacked Shah's car'' on March 23. "Prasada had nothing to do with what the AMUSU is alleging and that he was in Aligarh to launch a website, release a journal and inaugurate a Badminton Hall.''

But Alam said Shah had prevented them from raising issues related to AMU's minority character and Muslim reservation with the minister, the issues for which they have been elected. "The questions we tried to raise are detrimental to the Congress.''

Aligarh Muslim University Students Union president says he was suspended for refusing to join Congress - The Times of India
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@KRAIT @Ayush @Koovie @kurup @arp2041 @samantk

RSS at it again, stymieing Modi and trying to weaken him. As it is Advani spoke up against Modi yesterday and now we've got this brewing.

When you go to bed tonight, you can be sure of waking up to a cacophony on your TV screen that would easily eclipse the IPL fireworks. Expect another blitzkrieg from Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi on Monday, this time at a Ficci meeting in Delhi.

Modi will be taking the stage just weeks after storming back into the BJP's parliamentary board and just days after the surprise show on a CII stage by the usually reticent Rahul Gandhi. That should be inspiration enough for Modi to deliver a power-packed speech at his dream destination — the Dilli Durbar.

BJP leaders should be panting in anticipation at Modi's counter to Gandhi. But would they be? Far from it. Truth is the Modi bluster is not music to the ears of the BJP brass because it complicates the party's urgency to project a cohesive leadership and rope in more allies to expand the NDA and take on the Congress-led UPA in the approaching elections.

For once, the BJP leadership is scenting power in Delhi given the multiple crises and image meltdown of the UPA. Yet, Modi's unprecedented and aggressive projection of himself as prime minister-inwaiting is creating a simmering tension among BJP leaders, rifts with existing allies and roadblocks to roping in new pre-poll partners. The irony is that Modi is also BJP's most visible, popular and successful leader. In other words, Modi poses a problem and opportunity for the BJP.

Look at the bundle of conflicts within the BJP. When Modi was brought back into the BJP's parliamentary board, his camp painted the town red by projecting it as a decisive step towards him becoming the NDA's candidate for prime minister. The attitude of other BJP leaders couldn't have been more different. They chose to play it down as an unrealistic and avoidable hype. After all, Modi was only back where he was six years ago — as one of the 12 members in the parliamentary board.


Party sources familiar with the BJP's innards helped dissect the larger politics in the organisational reshuffle. According to them, for every gain cornered by Modi, his rivals forced him to concede in equal measure. While Modi has definitely tightened his grip in the BJP central leadership in the reshuffle, it also marked the re-emergence of the never-say-die LK Advani as a rallying counter force with the backing of the likes of Sushma Swaraj, Ananth Kumar, anti-Modi RSS sections, much to the dismay of the Modi camp made up of Arun Jaitley, Yashwant Sinha, Amit Shah and Smriti Irani, among others.

Modi forced himself as the only CM in the parliamentary board by checkmating Advani's push for Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan. He also got confidant Amit Shah, out on bail in a fake-encounter case, named as party general secretary.

But Advani exacted a few decisions for himself from party president Rajnath Singh: his and RSS' nominee Murlidhar Rao was made general secretary (GS). He also ensured Ananth Kumar remained as GS and Uma ****** became a vice-president. The Advani camp, along with Singh and Nitin Gadkari, also backed Varun Gandhi's elevation as GS. The Advani camp also ambushed the Modi-Jaitley push to make Smriti Irani general secretary, forcing her to settle for the less important vice-president's post.


If Jaitley had earlier allied with Gadkari to deny Swaraj backer SS Ahluwalia a re-nomination to the Rajya Sabha, this time she had the support of Advani in ensuring that Ahluwallia was made vice-president. They also ousted Modi-Jaitley backer Navjot Singh Sidhu from the organisational setup. On his part, Jaitley managed to retain Dharmendra Pradhan as general secretary and Anurag Thakur as youth wing chief. Yashwant Sinha ended up with no post.

Equally interesting was the tact of Rajnath Singh in humouring the two groups by positioning himself as a neutral leader, a potential consensus candidate, if the need arises. While Singh tactically "gave into" the rival pushes, he deftly propped up his own supporters while retaining the goodwill of RSS and support of ex-party bosses, MM Joshi and Venkaiah Naidu. Insiders say another significant consequence of these inner machinations is Advani, RSS chief Mohan Bhagawat and Gadkari moving closer. This despite Advani having single-handedly mobilised resistance against a second term for RSS-backed Gadkari as party chief.

While some project Advani's reasserting role as a sign of his lingering prime ministerial ambition, others say the veteran is using his stature to act as a corrective force. He stood up to the RSS when he understood that the Nagpur bosses' open micromanagement of BJP affairs was stunting the party's growth beyond its core saffron constituency. He blocked Gadkari when he became a liability. Many recall how Advani, BJP's original hard-liner, tactically sacrificed his own interest to let the "liberal" Vajpayee lead the party to victory with many allies. Advani, they say, is now firmly resisting Modi's all-out attempt to impose a personality cult at a time when many RSS and BJP leaders are just as wary of it. There are two reasons: first, they think Modi's polarising persona could politically isolate or limit BJP's reach — think Nitish Kumar — and help Congress to replay the unifying secular card; second, Modi's record of banishing or cutting down to size rivals in the party in Gujarat.

As Modi prepares "to repay his debt to the nation", his real challenge will be winning the acceptability test within his party and among the BJP's present and potential allies. Only then can Modi hope to fight a Gandhi-led Congress.

Twin dilemmas for BJP: Narendra Modi poses a problem and opportunity - Page2 - The Economic Times
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Modi as Indian PM ??? advance RIP to indian muslims and Pakistan need to get its weapons ready as BJP especially Modi coming to power .. and world knows that whenever bjp come to power it always try to engage in conflicts with Pakistan ...
Modi as Indian PM ??? advance RIP to indian muslims and Pakistan need to get its weapons ready as BJP especially Modi coming to power .. and world knows that whenever bjp come to power it always try to engage in conflicts with Pakistan ...

Thanks for your concern to Indian Muslims....But this is one part of your political view...What about dozens of people that on an average being killed in Pakistan....Are they not Muslims???.....Please spend your energy in saving your Muslim and your country people first? It will be a big help that you will do to your nation....
Thanks for your concern to Indian Muslims....But this is one part of your political view...What about dozens of people that on an average being killed in Pakistan....Are they not Muslims???.....Please spend your energy in saving your Muslim and your country people first? It will be a big help that you will do to your nation....

Being a Pakistani i am not answerable to some indian. but yeah i do support Akbarudin awasi who stood against crooks like modi, when modi kills muslims no judiciary charge him with nothing in so called free india. but akbar get sentence when he speaks truth .. so focus on your own "Incredible india" where as per indian report 2500 girls get raped every single day ..
Being a Pakistani i am not answerable to some indian. but yeah i do support Akbarudin awasi who stood against crooks like modi, when modi kills muslims no judiciary charge him with nothing in so called free india. but akbar get sentence when he speaks truth .. so focus on your own "Incredible india" where as per indian report 2500 girls get raped every single day ..

1. Akbarudin is not worth a spec in National Politics. Those two are not in the same league so get your dillusion cleared.
2. How do you know, he came and killed your relative and you watched the whole event? Please send the proof to Congress they will reward you beyond your imaginations, maybe they will make you a proxy PM :lol:
3. When did Akbar get sentenced, he was arrested for charges of sedition.. When was he sentenced, any links :yahoo:
@KRAIT @Ayush @Koovie @kurup @arp2041 @samantk

RSS at it again, stymieing Modi and trying to weaken him. As it is Advani spoke up against Modi yesterday and now we've got this brewing.

Excellent analysis, there is no questiont hat Modi has a very strong opposition from RSS and others, it will be interesting to watch how things go

1. BJP shuns away the attitude towards the coalation dharma (read MMS) and hence Modi comes to the fore and start the process of strengthning the party.
2. They kill all the chance of forming a strong BJP again, maybe with a loss in 2014 but in the future. The infighting in BJP is the reason there is no clear direction BJP takes. No matter how dumbly Congress moves, they stick to a line and this quality beats BJP.
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Being a Pakistani i am not answerable to some indian. but yeah i do support Akbarudin awasi who stood against crooks like modi, when modi kills muslims no judiciary charge him with nothing in so called free india. but akbar get sentence when he speaks truth .. so focus on your own "Incredible india" where as per indian report 2500 girls get raped every single day ..

You should also know that , you being a pakistani , we don't give a $hit about your views regarding Indian politics or politicians.
And every single person in this planet knows that even with all the problems our India is 1000 times better than your pure pakistan any given day ......... :wave:
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