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Elephant in the pakistan room!!

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You don't get it do you ? Its India, not Britain. People are too much emotional about religion. Don't take me as supporter of the protesters.

@Bang Galore My point has been that we have idiots filled in our society who kill people over petty issues. There is so much problem with Indian society. I have a idiot Bajrang Dal activist and a rational artist. I can reason with the artist and can tell him that this idiot Bajrang Dal might cause problem and may lead to death of an innocent.

The artist will understand that the society we live in is still not open for rationality over religion.

So for practicality, and taking rationality into account along with the close mindedness of these people, I have to first educate these idiots about the same religion they fight for.

One has to mature the society first.

Mate Indian society do have problems, no society is perfect and needs changes. There are goons who wear saffron color but that is not the topic of this thread.
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You don't get it do you ? Its India, not Britain. People are too much emotional about religion. Don't take me as supporter of the protesters.

@Bang Galore My point has been that we have idiots filled in our society who kill people over petty issues. There is so much problem with Indian society. I have a idiot Bajrang Dal activist and a rational artist. I can reason with the artist and can tell him that this idiot Bajrang Dal might cause problem and may lead to death of an innocent.

The artist will understand that the society we live in is still not open for rationality over religion.

So for practicality, and taking rationality into account along with the close mindedness of these people, I have to first educate these idiots about the same religion they fight for.

One has to mature the society first.

We aren't going to mature our society by pandering to the Bajrang Dal creep. He takes it as vindication of his offensive behaviour and continues. We lose the art. That leads to a desiccation of society.

We need to tackle the Bajrang Dal cretin first.

If that is what we advise the Pakistanis, it must be that the same medicine works for us.
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You don't get it do you ? Its India, not Britain. People are too much emotional about religion. Don't take me as supporter of the protesters.

@Bang Galore My point has been that we have idiots filled in our society who kill people over petty issues. There is so much problem with Indian society. I have a idiot Bajrang Dal activist and a rational artist. I can reason with the artist and can tell him that this idiot Bajrang Dal might cause problem and may lead to death of an innocent.

The artist will understand that the society we live in is still not open for rationality over religion.

So for practicality, and taking rationality into account along with the close mindedness of these people, I have to first educate these idiots about the same religion they fight for.

One has to mature the society first.

.....and how do you think a society matures? It does by constantly challenging social norms & conventions. If we all did what you are suggesting, we will be pandering to the lowest common denominator & effectively giving the nutters complete control. That is not how it is done & you shouldn't be quick to acquiesce to such demands.

The idiots need a kick in their pants, we should not live our lives in fear of the idiot's kick.
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We aren't going to mature our society by pandering to the Bajrang Dal creep. He takes it as vindication of his offensive behaviour and continues. We lose the art. That leads to a desiccation of society.

We need to tackle the Bajrang Dal cretin first.

If that is what we advise the Pakistanis, it must be that the same medicine works for us.

you don't understand Bajrang dal is product of social environment and definitely need of Hindus up to level .
we need goon to face Islamic goons in our country.

it's just reaction to islami culture , Briton don't have 15% Muslims population 90% of which hate non-muslims and dream about islamization of india .

look UK has only 2-3% muslims and chaos started , Muslims started their hate business in UK and EDL(English defense league----bajrang Dal of UK ) took birth .

islam is root problem in world
With due respect to the authors views, this article is quite simplistic and degatory. I really think the 'cultural critic' tag should be removed, the study and critique of culture is a proper academic discipline not a vehicle for promoting ones own prejudices.

The author is just pandering to a particular constituency -- on full display here. If he was interested in, or capable of, actual cultural analysis, this piece certainly doesn't show it.

Note that he does not examine the condition, and history of, the Hind Zoo when Malsi arrived. Examining the behavior of existing animals would lead into uncomfortable areas which would not be acceptable to his target audience. Hence the intellectual dishonesty.
The author is just pandering to a particular constituency -- on full display here. If he was interested in, or capable of, actual cultural analysis, this piece certainly doesn't show it.

Is there a constituency in Pakistan that would appreciate such overt attacks on Malsi?
you don't understand Bajrang dal is product of social environment and definitely need of Hindus up to level .
we need goon to face Islamic goons in our country.

it's just reaction to islami culture , Briton don't have 15% Muslims population 90% of which hate non-muslims and dream about islamization of india .

look UK has only 2-3% muslims and chaos started , Muslims started their hate business in UK and EDL(English defense league----bajrang Dal of UK ) took birth .

islam is root problem in world

Not adhering to the rule of law is the problem, not Islam. And the mistake we made was to allow stupid things like section 295A of the CrPC. We should not allow anything which gives priests an excuse to raise a fuss.

The author is just pandering to a particular constituency -- on full display here. If he was interested in, or capable of, actual cultural analysis, this piece certainly doesn't show it.

And which would that constituency be, Chief?
I accept that you have a valid point, but I happen to disagree, with respect. This is a debate peculiar to non-European countries which are trying to cope with imposed democratic systems, and I agree with you regarding the problem, but I disagree with its definition and its solutions.
Well your agreement on problem and disagreement with solution is only rational way to find practical solution.

I don't believe in idealistic situations.
Well your agreement on problem and disagreement with solution is only rational way to find practical solution.

I don't believe in idealistic situations.

And what will we do when the Pakistanis argue the same arguments in self-defence? How come we are so clothed in spotless virtue telling them to curb their extremists, but suddenly become overwhelmed by the need to mature society, very,very slowly, when it comes to our extremists?

Do you think they might call us hypocrites?
Not adhering to the rule of law is the problem, not Islam. And the mistake we made was to allow stupid things like section 295A of the CrPC. We should not allow anything which gives priests an excuse to raise a fuss.

And which would that constituency be, Chief?

well it's complicated , whom you going to ban ...Islamic scripture say Christen and Jews are pigs , quran say kill or convert idol worshiper . Islamic Scripture revolves around only two things . and their children recite this every day .....just imagine you recite you child that Jews and christen are pigs ! what they make forward in life ?

1.kuffurs 2. women(sex)

then what going to preach Islamic priest ? exactly what written in quran of course hate non-Muslims.

now will you ban Quran ???
Is there a constituency in Pakistan that would appreciate such overt attacks on Malsi?

There is a constituency that would be open to honest, comparative analysis in the full historical context of the zoo. Preferably, the wider zoo than just the subcontinent.

There are others who believe that fate has placed a cruel trick on them by having them born brown and Pakistani and that, by shedding their own culture and attacking Malsi by parroting the white man's words, they can pretend, for a while, to be white and sophisticated.

And which would that constituency be, Chief?

The constituency which believes that all Pakistan's ills are caused by Malsi and the Arabs, and that all would be heavenly if Malsi would just leave.

To quote, "it is extremely obvious that for Pak Zoo to live on, Malsi must depart."

The ills of Pakistan are no different than those in many other parts of the (developing) world, including parts where Malsi never set foot. Such simplistic analyses as in the OP do nothing to address the core issues, which are endemic to human nature, and instead offer trendy soundbites about politically acceptable scapegoats (Arabs, Malsi).
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