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Elephant in the pakistan room!!

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@Joe Shearer Sir, there is a temple whre they worship vagina of Goddess which is said to be fell from sky. People literally put red color on the goddess vagina and it is depicted as Mesnstaural cycle of Goddess.

Aghori Sadhus worship it.

But I also think given the number of idiots in our country, few things be avoided by artists. We haven't got enough power to stop the basic crimes and here these things create more problems.

I sketch women but I have to think of if someone don't get hurt over my creation. Responsibility extends to me a I am part of society.

Personally, I don't have any problem in discussion of sex and its depiction in Hinduism. Its he dogma and closed mindedness of people who ignore the fact that these are acceptable in our religion.

I accept that you have a valid point, but I happen to disagree, with respect. This is a debate peculiar to non-European countries which are trying to cope with imposed democratic systems, and I agree with you regarding the problem, but I disagree with its definition and its solutions.
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I understand linga worship is part of Hindu beliefs. but isn't it also a fact that godess were never painted in full nudity, and what we see in cave arts in nude are not exactly godess, that's what I heard.

That is precisely correct.

In case you are referring to Ajanta and Ellora, those were not nude women, those were women clothed as they were until mediaeval times.
Artists are not bound by your artificially created mental boundaries. Art allows us to question and push those boundaries.
I dont like this 'but you should be responsible' doublespeak.

You cannot push your boundary into mine. If you do, then I will push back harder. Then till the law steps in, it is up to how many of you versus how many of me. And how hard and painfully who can push. There is a limit to artistic license. As there is to other freedoms we should never abuse or take for granted.

See those with proper upbringing can make an argument without name calling.
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and nawgahb is a pigz name

You deserve each other. The author is playing your song.

You cannot push your boundary into mine. If you do, then I will push back harder. Then till the law steps in, it is up to how many of you versus how many of me. And how hard and painfully who can push. There is a limit to artistic license. As there is to other freedoms we should never abuse or take for granted.

See those with proper upbringing can make an argument without name calling.

You can push back verbally, you cannot use force. You can paint a picture back, you cannot destroy somebody else's paintings.

It isn't difficult.
You cannot push your boundary into mine. If you do, then I will push back harder. Then till the law steps in, it is up to how many of you versus how many of me. And how hard and painfully who can push. There is a limit to artistic license. As there is to other freedoms we should never abuse or take for granted.

See those with proper upbringing can make an argument without name calling.
There is no limit to artistic license other than the law deviced by society. But an artist should never self-censor himself/herself.
And many artists do explore and push those boundaries (supported by laws), get arrested, and laws get changed.
I am pointing more to self-censorship, or 'being responsible'. Its a no-no.

(I have already agreed about my unfortunate upbringing, sorry for any inconvenience caused... :rofl: )

While the satirical aspects are fine, though laughably puerile, the piece ultimately devalues itself by deliberately misrepresenting facts and avoiding intellectual consistency.

The fact is that Malsi shares the same DNA as other animals in the zoo and the game is -- always has been -- about who becomes top dog. The other animals are also engaged in this game since time immemorial; they have had their own periods of vicious conquest and domination. Many spread their tentacles through Imperial decree (His Imperial Majesty will be most pleased, wink wink, to see his subjects follow this beast).

In the context of the subcontinent, animals have come and gone. Some have swallowed up others, while others left the area to flourish (and conquer) other lands. Just because Malsi has won some latest rounds, it is fashionable to claim that Malsi is unduly vicious but history says otherwise.
Artists are not bound by your artificially created mental boundaries. Art allows us to question and push those boundaries.
I dont like this 'but you should be responsible' doublespeak.
You don't get it do you ? Its India, not Britain. People are too much emotional about religion. Don't take me as supporter of the protesters.

@Bang Galore My point has been that we have idiots filled in our society who kill people over petty issues. There is so much problem with Indian society. I have a idiot Bajrang Dal activist and a rational artist. I can reason with the artist and can tell him that this idiot Bajrang Dal might cause problem and may lead to death of an innocent.

The artist will understand that the society we live in is still not open for rationality over religion.

So for practicality, and taking rationality into account along with the close mindedness of these people, I have to first educate these idiots about the same religion they fight for.

One has to mature the society first.
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@Joe Shearer Sir, there is a temple whre they worship vagina of Goddess which is said to be fell from sky. People literally put red color on the goddess vagina and it is depicted as Mesnstaural cycle of Goddess.

Aghori Sadhus worship it.

But I also think given the number of idiots in our country, few things be avoided by artists. We haven't got enough power to stop the basic crimes and here these things create more problems.

I sketch women but I have to think of if someone don't get hurt over my creation. Responsibility extends to me a I am part of society.

Personally, I don't have any problem in discussion of sex and its depiction in Hinduism. Its he dogma and closed mindedness of people who ignore the fact that these are acceptable in our religion.

that's not an agreement krait. if it was part of Hinduism then nobody can oppose if some artist paints a godess nude. we in India are not comfortable with nudity as much as the westerners are, but the same western people don't paint mary in nude.. do they ?
in general I would say painting someone's god, is offensive unless there is a tradition.
painting someone in nude is offensive unless he/she approves it or she is a hot nude super model, actress who appear in nude etc. ;-)
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