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Instead of Turkic Union

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Apr 11, 2011
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Recently Iran has proposed an idea of building up IMO Islamic Military Organization. So, why don't Turkey put the first brick for IU Islamic Union instead of planning for Turkic Union?

Thank you!
Forget an Islamic Military Organization, Muslim countries cant even hold a sports festival. (BBC News - Islamic Solidarity Games cancelled over Gulf dispute). Why should Turkey try and convince Muslim countries to join a military organization when Muslim countries are at each others throats at the smallest issues (like the naming of a body of water, seriously???). A Turkic organization (at least one with Azerbaijan) is more realistic.
Forget an Islamic Military Organization, Muslim countries cant even hold a sports festival. (BBC News - Islamic Solidarity Games cancelled over Gulf dispute). Why should Turkey try and convince Muslim countries to join a military organization when Muslim countries are at each others throats at the smallest issues (like the naming of a body of water, seriously???). A Turkic organization (at least one with Azerbaijan is a lot more realistic).

Easy bro .... after every downdraft there is an updraft so let's hope for good. :)

Recently Iran has proposed an idea of building up IMO Islamic Military Organization. So, why don't Turkey put the first brick for IU Islamic Union instead of planning for Turkic Union?

Thank you!

Muslim cant co-exist, Its simple as that. @Bamxa is right, Why waste time and resourches, Every muslim nation has there own national interest, Everyone has its way of leading a nation... Turkey and Iran for one example.
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Muslim cant co-exist, Its simple as that. @Bamxa is right, Why waste time and resourches, Every muslim nation has there own national interest, Everyone has its way of leading a nation... Turkey and Iran for one example.

Quran 3:103

And hold fast to the rope of Allah, all of you together, and do not generate dissension and factions. But call to mind the blessing of Allah upon you when you were enemies (one to another). Then He created the bond of love amongst your hearts, and by His blessing you became brothers.

At least give it a try :agree:
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a few things
1. Turkey is part of Nato and an extremists secular country. Any mention of an Islamic Union or what ever will have the population frothing at the mouth and probably assassination attempts against the leaders who advocate it.
2. Islamic countries are poorly run and immature. They are not ready to form any union that will help them. They rather cower in front of super powers than do something about it.
3. if something like this was to happen you need to start slow. Start with trade treaties and such and build relation ships over decades and then go from there.
The EU didn't happen overnight, it took almost 50 years of work for it to happen.
Bordo have said it all:
Muslim cant co-exist, Its simple as that. @Bamxa is right, Why waste time and resourches, Every muslim nation has there own national interest, Everyone has its way of leading a nation... Turkey and Iran for one example.
It'd be easier to re-unite Yugoslavia then to unite "muslim countries". It's ridiculous :D

Pakistan is the only country I'd want Turkey in a union with. But due to Chinese influence it may not be possible. Turkic union is the only way to go. We must develop economic and military ties with all Turkic states starting with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.
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Bordo have said it all:

It'd be easier to re-unite Yugoslavia then to unite "muslim countries". It's ridiculous :D

Pakistan is the only country I'd want Turkey in a union with. But due to Chinese influence it may not be possible. Turkic union is the only way to go. We must develop economic and military ties with all Turkic states starting with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

But they are in queue for Eurasian Union. How is that possible?
Bordo have said it all:

It'd be easier to re-unite Yugoslavia then to unite "muslim countries". It's ridiculous :D

Pakistan is the only country I'd want Turkey in a union with. But due to Chinese influence it may not be possible. Turkic union is the only way to go. We must develop economic and military ties with all Turkic states starting with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

The problem with Turkey is that it does not have geographical connectivity with any of Turkic state (Nakchivan is an exclave). Until and unless there will be some changes in the map of region “here & there “the Turkic Union will remain a distant dream. The second most important factor is Russian influence and ofcourse the Soviet era leadership in most of the said countries.
Karimov as an individual is a biggest stumbling block in the formation of any union be it Central Asian Union or Turkic Union. In my view Turkish leadership has put this project on hold may be they waiting for some leaders to die naturally or an Arab spring kind of revolution that would send them in exile.
Bordo have said it all:

It'd be easier to re-unite Yugoslavia then to unite "muslim countries". It's ridiculous :D

Pakistan is the only country I'd want Turkey in a union with.
I understand the Iranian-Turkish rivalry, but what's the problem with Arabs, if I may ask?
The problem with Turkey is that it does not have geographical connectivity with any of Turkic state (Nakchivan is an exclave).
Now this is the military part of the problem. Northern Iran, especially Tabriz and it's surroundings are natural Turkish populated areas of centuries. Normally I wouldn't bring this up but recent acts of Iran, their suport to Armenia and PKK in particular have switched our view. I personally thought of Iran as a potential ally in the region. Now I don't give a sh.t about ther territorial integrity. We find ways and means to get this done. Politically solving differences between Uzbek, Turkmen and Kazakh states is a more important challenge at this moment.
Karimov as an individual is a biggest stumbling block in the formation of any union be it Central Asian Union or Turkic Union. In my view Turkish leadership has put this project on hold may be they waiting for some leaders to die naturally or an Arab spring kind of revolution that would send them in exile.
We must be extremely careful, any hostile act could fvck up the whole future of the Turkic unity. We must be friendly instead of manipulative. In this modern world trust is hard to come by.
Ḥashshāshīn;3894505 said:
I understand the Iranian-Turkish rivalry, but what's the problem with Arabs, if I may ask?
Even sunni or shia arabs in seperate groups can't unite. Sad truth is they are not in a civilization level that can support such an idea.

Also I don't like them but that's not the point :) We don't discriminate people
Even if a Eurasian Military Union is established, such Union could also put it's Military Power in Benefit for the interests of Islamic World ! On the other Side Turkey can also Increase Military Cooperation with northern African States and give them help to establish an industrial Base !

Recently Iran has proposed an idea of building up IMO Islamic Military Organization. So, why don't Turkey put the first brick for IU Islamic Union instead of planning for Turkic Union?

Thank you!

OIC doesn't work properly. So, an Islamic Military Organization is impossible. It doesn't even worth trying, especially with Iran.
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