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Narendra Modi to be sworn in as Gujarat CM for the fourth consecutive time

Modi is not corrupt ...dont know where people get such news ...india needs modi time toi kick US stooges manmohan and the italian waitress "sonia" .
Modi winning Gujarat was bound to happen, he has made the state into an economic power house and people are happy with his work. Regardless of the past, he has stepped forward and has tried and mended the mistakes by giving people better opportunity in his state.
Modi is not corrupt ...dont know where people get such news ...india needs modi time toi kick US stooges manmohan and the italian waitress "sonia" .

If you think Modi is not corrupt then you are a fool gullible enough to be taken for a ride.

The annual illicit liquor business in Gujarat alone is worth INR 4000 Crore. Where does that money go to? The congress? How does Modi keep paying his party workers? Through Charity? or do they work for free?
If you think Modi is not corrupt then you are a fool gullible enough to be taken for a ride.

The annual illicit liquor business in Gujarat alone is worth INR 4000 Crore. Where does that money go to? The congress? How does Modi keep paying his party workers? Through Charity? or do they work for free?

1.illicit things provide cash mainly to police not to politician or party funds .
2.In India Personal Corruption is counted as a corrupt act .
If you think Modi is not corrupt then you are a fool gullible enough to be taken for a ride.

The annual illicit liquor business in Gujarat alone is worth INR 4000 Crore. Where does that money go to? The congress? How does Modi keep paying his party workers? Through Charity? or do they work for free?

And you are foolish enough to think people will fall for that absurd allegation .....

.....Gujarat government looses Rs. 3000 Crores every year in excise duty due to ban on liquor. If Modi wanted to make money on liquor like the congress does in Kerala then all he had to do was allow sale of alcohol in Gujarat.

He has tried to develop Gujarat and raise revenue by doing things the hard way and not take short cuts. He is following advice given by Mahatma Gandhi by enforcing prohibition. How come I dont see the other 'Gandhi's' (sonia, rahul) in delhi try implement the advice of the Original Gandhi ?

And why should Modi pay his party workers ? :lol: you think party workers are full time employees of BJP who's job all day long is to wave flags and shout ? what an idiot!!! 90% of BJP party workers are RSS swayam sevak. Do you know what 'swayam sevak' means ?

Maybe you think because congress steals money in the Billions of $ and fund their election and propaganda machinery you think RSS operates on the same principle ? or the communists operate on the same principle ? :disagree:
Narendra Modi knocks on doors of Delhi: Uddhav Thackeray

After the resounding hat-trick in the Gujarat elections, Chief Minister Narendra Modi is now "knocking on the doors of Delhi", Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray said on Friday.

The Shiv Sena executive president said in an editorial in the party mouthpiece Saamna that Modi had more or less repeated his past performance.

"Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Rahul Gandhi and other top Congress leaders called Modi all kinds of names. Even the CBI was used to contain Modi. All NGOs painted Modi as a villain at the international level, but it was all in vain," Thackeray said.

The Gujarat Parivartan Party, headed by former chief minister Keshubhai Patel also tried to contain Modi but failed, Thackeray noted.

By the end of the day on Thursday, Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee chief Arjun Modwadia had to quit. Even Leader of Opposition in the outgoing house S.S. Gohil had to bite the dust of defeat, he pointed out.

After Modi's resounding third straight win over Gujarat, the Congress could not even celebrate its own victory in Himachal Pradesh, which it wrested from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Thackeray said.

"Actually, the Congress campaigned against Modi as a prospective prime ministerial candidate, rather than targetting the BJP. Now, Modi is knocking on the doors of Delhi."

Giving full credit to the Gujarat strongman, Thackeray said that "Modi has won the hearts of the people first, and then the elections."

"He has dedicated his victory to the people of Gujarat and vowed to work for them for the next five years. As long as he understands the plight of the common man and continues in the same vein, Modi will continue to blacken the faces of the people with black money," Thackeray said.

The Sena leader said that the manner in which Modi displayed humility by touching rival Keshubhai Patel's feet "raised his stature even more; and in the long run, it could benefit the BJP."

Thackeray did not raise the sensitive issue of the next prime ministerial candidate, especially since the late Bal Thackeray had already expressed his admiration and support for senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj, and claimed that she was "prime minister material".

Narendra Modi knocks on doors of Delhi: Uddhav Thackeray : Maharashtra, News - India Today

i always knew Shiv Sena will be the first ally to Support Modiji as PM...
1.illicit things provide cash mainly to police not to politician or party funds .
2.In India Personal Corruption is counted as a corrupt act .

Are you joking? How old are you? Police which works under the State Govt keeps the money and doesnt funnel it to the Party. Now please dont joke around again.
Are you joking? How old are you? Police which works under the State Govt keeps the money and doesnt funnel it to the Party. Now please dont joke around again.

You got one thing right. That is how it works in congress ruled states especially Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh where the police are required to collect 'hafta' and give a part of that to the chief minister. They have their monthly quota which they are required to fill.
Although I support Modi , I know this for sure. Kashmir will burn if he is elected PM. Separatists will have support like never before. LOL it will be way too easy for them. All they have to say is , look , the person who slaughtered so many Muslims is now the prime minister of India. So many gullible idiots will take the bait, become stone throwers or militants , and will be shot dead.
Although I support Modi , I know this for sure. Kashmir will burn if he is elected PM. Separatists will have support like never before. LOL it will be way too easy for them. All they have to say is , look , the person who slaughtered so many Muslims is now the prime minister of India. So many gullible idiots will take the bait, become stone throwers or militants , and will be shot dead.

No it would not have any effect on kashmir. Kashmiris are already anti india jehadis. Modi getting elected will not change that. It's not like kashmiris are sitting on fence whether to support india or pakistan. They can hardly think straight, their minds are brainwashed since birth by militants and stone pelting is part of kashmiri culture.
Although I support Modi , I know this for sure. Kashmir will burn if he is elected PM. Separatists will have support like never before. LOL it will be way too easy for them. All they have to say is , look , the person who slaughtered so many Muslims is now the prime minister of India. So many gullible idiots will take the bait, become stone throwers or militants , and will be shot dead.

Golly gee......you may be right. I too am 'afraid' that if Modi is PM Kashmiris would throw stones and become militants (not terrorist ...that is only for hindu 'militants') ......so we should let that 'fear' guide our thought and action. That way by letting fear guide us, we become 'responsible and secular' :enjoy:

Living in fear is the path to showcase you responsibility and secular credentials in India. :tup:

...but wait ....Kashmir did not even stir when Babri Masjid was broken and there was Hindu Muslim riots in India.....so maybe this is all .......you know the word.
Gujarat given great leaders like MK Gandhiji , Sardar Vallabhai patel , NAMO to India , royal salute to Gujarat. BJP not having strong hold in UP otherwise NAMO is unbeatable , India fate lies in the hands of UP people. I hope they will vote for him.

People of UP are the biggest nuts and that is the only reason why they elect idiots like Mulayam Singh and Mayawati. Trust me both of them are equivalent to Lalu of Bihar. Mulayam Singh was a local goon of Ettawa and Mayawati a characterless lawyer who used Kansi ram (leader of dalits) to rise on the ladder of politics in UP. Mulayam singh had many murder charges against him most of them have now dropped in his successive rule of UP. Both these idiots have looted the land like no where else but still people vote for them.
...I think spike meant that UP contributes maximum seat to Lok Sabha so whoever controls UP gets to play an important role.
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