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Partition of India-the story


Mar 31, 2008
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i have decided to open this thread as an endeavor to make PDF members discuss the history of Partition of India.

We the Pakistanis have lot of books and stuff on the subject and sure the indians would also be having the same.

We (and definitely the indians) have been reading about the partition and all the atrocities from both sides in a version we probably had suited us both-the Pakistanis cherishing their sacrifices and struggles by which they got Pakistan and the indians trying to justify that the partition was a mistake.

But here we would discuss each recorded event like:
the War of Independence 1857
The dominance of East india Company
Two Nation Theoary
Partition of Bengal
Simla Deputation
Formation of All india Muslim League
Minto-Morely reforms
Luckhnow Pact
The Non Cooperation Movement
Simon Commission
Nehru Report
Qauid -e- Azam's 14 Points
The Partition Plan
etc etc
which lead to the partition one by one so that we can get the true account of the story.

The main purpose of this thread is to see what the indians teach their youth about the partition story and what version is that which we find in our books.

As the discussion would commence and due to the fact that i would not be able to put the entire event in one piece due to the length of the stuff itself and the fact that i have to type it all, i'll be placing links below each post that would lead you to the next episode of the event. By this one can directly read about the event in one go so that he/she can comment about it after complete comprehension.
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i will start with the War of Independence 1857


Lord Canning succeeded Lord Dalhousie as the next governor-general of india in 1856. When Dalhousie retired the people took a sigh of relief. Dalhousie, because of his autocratic and expansionist style, left behind a people simmering with discontent. The Muslims were the most affected, in that they felt that they have been badly treated.

It is true that originally they English had been somewhat afraid of Muslims and felt that they had snatched the sub-continent from them. They had, therefore, treated the Muslims with undue severity. The annexation of Sindh and Oudh, the utterly humiliating position of the last emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar, who lived on a small pension, rankled in the minds of all Muslims. The Hindus were incensed by the 'Doctrine of Lapse' and what they called interference with their religious practices. The majority of them were unhappy and resentful, in spite of the settled government law and order, commerce and communications, schools and colleges which the British and established.
A little background from another source:

By 1845, the British Empire had expanded from Bengal to Sindh, and all that remained free was Punjab. The Sikhs were ruling over Punjab and after the Second Sikh War in 1848, the British gained control over the Indus. The Koh-i-Noor diamond that Ranjit Singh had worn in his headdress now became a part of the crown jewels at Westminster.
i will start with the War of Independence 1857

he Hindus were incensed by the 'Doctrine of Lapse' and what they called interference with their religious practices.

Doctrine of lapse was the policy under which Britishers would take over kingdoms if the King died without a child or if British thought the ruler was incompetent. Fair to say most kings hated it. Not sure if there was a religious tinge to it.
It is true that originally they English had been somewhat afraid of Muslims and felt that they had snatched the sub-continent from them. They had, therefore, treated the Muslims with undue severity. The annexation of Sindh and Oudh, the utterly humiliating position of the last emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar, who lived on a small pension, rankled in the minds of all Muslims

Bogus history. It was after 1857 revoly by Hindus and Muslims alike, that the British East India company became wary of the discontent among Indians. Bahadur Shah Zafar was the weakest Mughal emperor, I doubt the British would have dared to speak the word "India" had Akbar been the ruler.
Doctrine of lapse was the policy under which Britishers would take over kingdoms if the King died without a child or if British thought the ruler was incompetent. Fair to say most kings hated it. Not sure if there was a religious tinge to it.

Thnx for your view. This is exactly what i want-a comparision with our version and yours. Here is some more:

1. Political
The war of Independence can be attributed to many cause. As regards the political cause, Dalhouse's Doctrine of Lapse and annexxtion of the terrotoories of the native rulers which created feelings of uneasinesss and suspicion through india.

The Punjab was annexed in 1949. The Raja of Satara died in 1848 and Dalhousie did not recognise the adoption of son made by the Raja before his death and annexed the state of Satara ubder the Dictrine of Lapse.

The Raja of Nagpur died in 1853. Dalhousie also did not recognize the adopted son and the British Resident took possession of the territory.

The ruler of Jhansi died in 1853 and Dalhousie refused to recognize hid adopted son and annexed the state.

The Britishers treacherously attacked and annexed the Kingdom of Oudh and its 80,000 strong army was disbanded. These annexations gravely enraged the people and angered the soldiers of English East India Company.
Most of the soldiers came from Oudh.

More coming....i have to type it down so it's gonna be slow:)


To follow directly to the cause click on the arrow against my nick.

1. Political
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Thnx for your view. This is exactly what i want-a comparision with our version and yours. Here is some more:

1. Political
The war of Independence can be attributed to many cause. As regards the political cause, Dalhouse's Doctrine of Lapse and annexxtion of the terrotoories of the native rulers which created feelings of uneasinesss and suspicion through india.

The Punjab was annexed in 1949. The Raja of Satara died in 1848 and Dalhousie did not recognise the adoption of son made by the Raja before his death and annexed the state of Satara ubder the Dictrine of Lapse.

The Raja of Nagpur died in 1853. Dalhousie also did not recognize the adopted son and the British Resident took possession of the territory.

The ruler of Jhansi died in 1853 and Dalhousie refused to recognize hid adopted son and annexed the state.

The Britishers treacherously attacked and annexed the Kingdom of Oudh and its 80,000 strong army was disbanded. These annexations gravely enraged the people and angered the soldiers of English East India Company.
Most of the soldiers came from Oudh.

More coming....i have to type it down so it's gonna be slow:)


I agree to all that. So far our views are the same. But what had religion got to do with this ? Is there something about Doctrine of Lapse that I am missing ?
I agree to all that. So far our views are the same. But what had religion got to do with this ? Is there something about Doctrine of Lapse that I am missing ?

Yup, Doctrine of lapse had nothing to do with religion.

I think the only thing to do with religion was the greased cartridges (which had to be torn open by biting :sniper:), made with pig and cow fat, which was highly unacceptable to Hindu and Muslim sepoy's, and hence they revolted.
Your attempt to discuss our history is laudable.

However, lets not bring a communal tinge where it did not exist. As we move forward from 1857, there are bound to be religious undertones. Till then there were not to the fore.
....continued from post#6

1. Political

The British government confiscated the estates of a majority of the Taludars or Zamidars who became the opponents of the British rule in india. The annexation of Oudh was not resented by the Muslims only but also by the other rulers of india. It developed a sense of despair among the people who became uncertain of their future.

The English officers kept aloof. They were exacting and unimaginative. Most of them insulted the native gentry most often. The administrative machinery was inefficient and insufficient.

The landlords were denied the right of adoption and their estates were confiscated by the government. There was a lot of uncertainty about land. The government officials very often canceled private transfers of land and interfered even with the decisions of courts. Heavy assessments and duties made the landlords frantic.

To follow directly to the causes click on the arrow against my nick.
....continued from post # 11
2. Religious
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....continued from post # 11
2. Religious
The British desired to impose Christianity on every indian national. The policy of converting the locals to Christianity was systematically pursued with the assistance of Christian missionaries. The people were offered different incentives to enter the folds of Christianity. In 1850 a bill was passed by which the right of those indians was acknowledged who became Christians. A number of other benefits were offered to attract the people to defect their religion and accept Christianity. When these tactics failed to induce the people. attempts were made to convert the people by force.

The British policy of imposing Christianity forcibly on the indians developed a fear among the people and especially the Hindus that their religion will be damaged by Christianity. Both the army and civil population feared that the government intended to make everybody a Christian/ Missionary activity was extended by the Englishmen in all parts of the country. The Hindu law of property was changed with a motive to facilitate the conversion of Hindus to Christianity. The British openly tried to convert the indians to Christianity.

Most of the missionaries who came to india were intolerant, dogmatic and fired by the Victorian zeal and they quoted the old Testament more often then the new. They regarded the conversion of the whole country to Christianity as only a matter of time and they considered it 'ripe for the harvest.' They were everywhere. not only in their churches, but in prisons, schools and markets places. The indians did not object to their propagating of religion, but they found that they were not content with explaining Christ, but were also busy ridiculing the rites and practices of the indians.

No wonder, the leadres of the revolution of 1857 raised the cry of religion and faith in danger and the indian sepoys rallied round their banner. the leaders issued proclamation and condemned the Englishmen. They appealed to their brethren to join the holy was against the English who stood condemned by the Sunnah and the Sastras.

To follow directly to the causes click on the arrow against my nick.
.....continued from post #12
3. Military
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Your attempt to discuss our history is laudable.

However, lets not bring a communal tinge where it did not exist. As we move forward from 1857, there are bound to be religious undertones. Till then there were not to the fore.

Yup, Doctrine of lapse had nothing to do with religion.

I think the only thing to do with religion was the greased cartridges (which had to be torn open by biting :sniper:), made with pig and cow fat, which was highly unacceptable to Hindu and Muslim sepoy's, and hence they revolted.

You both are probably right, but this is how it is known to us. i my opinion the relation between the Doctrine of Lapse and the hindu religion was that as the right of adoption was a 'traditional' process but by denying this the Britishers were interfering with the 'holy' or i must say the sacred culture of monarchy!
.....continued from post #12
3. Military

As regards the military causes of the revolt, there was alot of discontentment among the indians soldiers. The indian army mostly consisted of Hindu and Muslim soldiers. The highest pay of a sepoy of the infantry was less than the minimum pay of a raw European recruit. There was no promotion of an indian soldier. the government did not trust the indian soldiers. The self-respect of sepoys was trampled upon at every step. It was very common for an officer to curse and swear at his men on parade and use most degrading terms of abuse to them.

To follow directly to the causes click on the arrow against my nick.
....continued from post #14
4. The greased Cartridges
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....continued from post #14
4. The greased Cartridges

In 1856 a new Lee Enfiled rifle was introduced into the army which worked with the cartridges which were greased. the government decided to replace the old heavy brown Bess smooth-broke musket with new Enfield rifle which had proven effective in the Crimean war. In those days there were no synthetic greases. The soldiers began to suspect that the grease must be animal fat, either of Cow or pig. Both Hindus and Muslims recoiled against using these cartridges, one end of which they had to hold with their teeth when loading the rifle. To both Hinus and Muslims the use of greased cartridges was against their religion. The sepoys saw in it an attempt to break their caste and force them to become Christians.

To follow the story....
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