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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

That Geo analyst has said one very good thing.

The next incident is going to happen on Sohrab Ghot, Karachi. It's ripe for the pickings of our enemies, with hundreds of thousands of Afghanis, all undocumented, living in ghettos.
The problem is the beast supporting these Jihadis. Obviously it's not Pakistan, unless Pakistan wants to destroy itself. There has to be some foreign power supporting these Jihadis. Doing this on their own is virtually impossible.

I know its incredibly hard to believe that those jihadis now see state of Pakistan as their primary target. But there is little foreign powers can do in this. Whether or not you believe me, but India wants a safe and a prosperous Pakistan. Even we fret at the thought of a Talibani Pakistan, cuz then the repucussions of that are immense for India than for any other country.

On the other hand, there is overwhelming evidence that sections of the ISI and the army are particularly sympatheitc and are supporting extremism. Suggestively those agents that were born/brought up in tribal areas.

Same was said after attacks on Srilankn team, same nationalistic and anti- Indian logic. But al lon the leve of people and the media, not GoP which throws a light on where the problem is.
Its a bad case - I think pakistani need to understand -
AND it calms down pakistani people?????
wtf -Wake up - this is just a propegenda by govt. to blind people . are take their eyes from - their lapse in security.
us ? israel ? afghan ? ltte ? bangla ? india ? or just the -so called : NON STATE ACTORS OF PAKISTAN ?
I bet govt will again get away w ith it - ITS their fault - they must save pakistan from their enemies .

Presumably it means a foreign country supported the guys that carried out the attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers. It says country.

It's not blind at all. The people that deny India could do such a thing as support these people, given its record of seeking the breakup of Pakistan as policy since 1971, are excluding a strong motivation. The time is right for India to meddle in Pakistan and break it up. This will be its best chance. It won't get another.
Its a bad case - I think pakistani need to understand -
AND it calms down pakistani people?????
wtf -Wake up - this is just a propegenda by govt. to blind people . are take their eyes from - their lapse in security.
us ? israel ? afghan ? ltte ? bangla ? india ? or just the -so called : NON STATE ACTORS OF PAKISTAN ?
I bet govt will again get away w ith it - ITS their fault - they must save pakistan from their enemies .

Relax! At least we're not pumping up WAR hysteria while this operation is going on. Neither are we pointing fingers at Indians. If some Pakistani's here are blaming India for this attack then it's their own opinion and they have a right to share it with you or anyone else for that matter.

Go through this ENTIRE thread and check out the posts from Pakistani's. Even in our darkest times, we are sensible enough to not point fingers at India or other elements which are OBVIOUSLY there. Most of us have repeatedly said that it's too soon to speculate. And we aren't jumping to ANY conclusions just yet.

But don't forget how Indians reacted during the whole Mumbai carnage. Your entire nation was thirsty for Pakistani blood. Guess that's what sets us apart from our neighbours. We're dealing with our problem using ALL our resources, and will definitely give everyone an answer when we have a SOLID case against ANY organization or individual for carrying out this attack.
I know its incredibly hard to believe that those jihadis now see state of Pakistan as their primary target. But there is little foreign powers can do in this. Whether or not you believe me, but India wants a safe and a prosperous Pakistan. Even we fret at the thought of a Talibani Pakistan, cuz then the repucussions of that are immense for India than for any other country.

On the other hand, there is overwhelming evidence that sections of the ISI and the army are particularly sympatheitc and are supporting extremism. Suggestively those agents that were born/brought up in tribal areas.

Same was said after attacks on Srilankn team, same nationalistic and anti- Indian logic. But al lon the leve of people and the media, not GoP which throws a light on where the problem is.

Oh Bullshyt.

Indians on here constantly say, "but we love you, we want you to be safe, we want you to be stable". That is crap. Only the kiddies on here, you're going to convince with that.

Everyone knows Indian policy.

Everyone knows this is India's time to do it.
the terrorist was trying to throw grenade inside the a parked helicopter and freak was arrested.
Praise Allah
Oh Bullshyt.

Indians on here constantly say, "but we love you, we want you to be safe, we want you to be stable". That is crap. Only the kiddies on here, you're going to convince with that.

Everyone knows Indian policy.

Everyone knows this is India's time to do it.

I told you, whether or not you would believe me is different. But what I have said is actually true, ask any hardcore nationalistic Indian, and he doesnt want what he is seeing today.

And I'm saying this score a sympathy point, or just going with the flow of the moment.
Jihadi ???? loool what a fcking joke. these s.o.b are not jihadi they are fasadi !
Islam only tells to kill such crazy people. i hope they are shot dead.
Great recovery work by forces.
Any body know if these pi gs were able to lay their hands on - arms godown ?

Normally the weponary used for drills etc. would have been made unusable (they will punch a hole in the guns so that they cannot be used for firing, even if bullets are inserted and trigger is pulled). Thats how our weapons were when we were in NCC.

The real weapons will usually be more secure and put in an armoury. As this facility is in the city, I assume that it does not have a firing range inside, and thence there is no armoury.

This is good (because the terrorist cannot capture these real weapons) and bad (because the trainees do not have access to weapons for defending themselves).
I told you, whether or not you would believe me is different. But what I have said is actually true, ask any hardcore nationalistic Indian, and he doesnt want what he is seeing today.

And I'm saying this score a sympathy point, or just going with the flow of the moment.

I don't think that's true. Why would Indian thinking change from 1971 to today?
According to news sources, the captured terrorist tried to throw some grenades at a landed surveillance helicopter near a field when he was captured by Army Rangers! Now that's an AWESOME news! I'm PROUD of our forces for this victory!

In other updates, Terrorists are constantly using Hand Grenades on the troops deployed along the compound walls. Tune in to GEO news for more information!
they are using a lot grenades. there is very heavy firing coming.
i just heard from Geo that the guy that was captured was speaking pushto.
he is about 22 & is a pathan................... did you see teh footeage where they caught him & gave him a good beating desi style?

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