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India far behind Pakistan, China in nuclear technology: experts

R&D is a function of funds. India with better funds must be ahead of Pakistan, while China may be ahead of India.
I call BS- India has always had a better funded program, it started earlier too. India proboably has less nukes but that means nothing, India has a much better delivery mechnnism and with its nuclear triad coming online soon it has clear supremacy over Pakistan. I'd say there's not too much in it between India and China.

For civil nuke tech I'd say India was streaks ahead of Pakistan and up there with China.

Not exactly as this point.. but very soon.. yes..
When Nuclear Brahmos, Shaurya go active.
The Agni V is aimed at china so I am purposefully leaving it out of the equation and any other information I may be privy to.
When Pakistan will be having ? naval base with a harbour and a runway Naval Station with air craft carrier war ships?
The United States, Russia, France, India and Israel have all developed missile defense systems CHINA AND PAKISTAN STILL SLEEPING India copy Russia Pakistan purely home made or Chinese but the thing is when both nations will stop these shitts wasting huge amount of precious tax paid money of their nation on useless things where nation in both countries in majority is deprived of important basic things of life roti kapra mukan many still sleeping on foot paths might be UK USA and some other global powers never want them to be united and become one super power beside that they lived 300 years together Muslim ruled entire Iran Afghanistan Pakistan India Hindu ruled later both remained slaves of English nation GOD bless both of them to get rid of this hate history.
:rofl::rofl: Another thread

How the hell on earth Chinese technology is better then any other technology ??

Because any other technology is from India :D...well it's not for from the true :whistle:

Really????Then why PRC was so much agitated in april this year.

Nah..we were trying to sell Indian threat to our critical audience.

it's that proving how well you Indian can sleep? :rofl:
Lol....pakistani newspaper claiming that Pakistan has better technology... :P

Read again;

The world’s leading nuclear experts have revealed that Indian nuclear technology and capabilities are far behind than its putative adversaries, Pakistan and China.

Are you claiming that the world's "leading nuclear experts" don't have sufficient knowledge about India or Pakistan's nuclear capabilities?
That is just one spoke of this wheel. AQ Khan was but one "mole" in the european Nuclear knowledge circle. There were other "moles" at various points in time in specific electronic manufacturers which singularly did not quantify any suspicion but as a whole(servo's,actuators, Gyros, DSP, Embedded systems, Guidance means etc) formed a design team.
The Shaheen series in its latest guise for eg is better in many respects from a comparable Chinese counterpart when it comes to guidance. Electronic packaging(almost everything except what is essential is solid state now).
The design "inspiration" coming from sources as diverse as SA and Japan.
However.. the focus is still kept on reverse engineering foriegn innovations,which I shall highlight in..3.2.

1.. The Pakistani R&D is still focused on making quick gains by replicating an advanced system purchased/smuggled from abroad at home. This system is adapted for local use and only slight improvements made. While there are a number of indigenous programs in play.. which offer better alternatives at times and have been used.. the focus by the bureaucratic setup is still on reverse engineering or "quick fix".
This approach while offering quicker short term advances over India has ensured that unless the sources that provide these "jumps" stay abreast of India stay constant.. there will be a sudden stop in capability surge if they stop and India will leap ahead by bounds.

Both, India has worked on the ground up through creating capable scientists.. along with a local manufacturing setup
that process started out late in Pakistan since the initial philosophy was to get it done by hook or by crook.
.. so even well educated folks looked for shortcuts(as I have too at times while working as part of this system)
This process did initially keep India behind Pakistan.. but the effect has been that of the three little pigs..
One's house is mostly made of straws but quicker.. while the other is a brick and mortar foundation that took long but is better placed to provide R&D impetus at its maturity.

as for the Jingoism part..
by claiming that 90% Indians dont do it and Pakistanis do.. among other things.
somebody has been jingoistic themselves.

there is a difference in the Psyche of the Indian and the Pakistani.. one considers the military part of a larger system.. the other considers the military the system..
Hence the greater appeal of the latter and louder support.

@1st bolded part> the reason is, according to my understanding, India trusts no one completely

the US and USSR refusal to provide extended deterrence to India, it seems, further reinforced this belief of India

hence India decided to develop capability to build and develop Ballistic Missiles and CMs on its own, with as less help as possible from Russia, thus avoiding a scenario where IGDMP is completely dependent on Russia help

You're close. There are no silos though. They were earlier deployed in Pune. That's all I should say.

One thing I wanna tell you is that Beijing is in range and on target.

when A 3 was deployed in Pune?

and how Beijing is in range when A 5 is not in service?

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