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Mitt Romney mocks China over Olympics and Moon Landing

The funny thing is IF he wins the elections he will be kissing up to china's a$$
I dont know about what context it has been said but these are normal tactics by politicians to compare about their achievement against other country. Obama always does with India/China and here Mr Romney.

One more context may be he was talking humorously. :)
He forgot to mention where China has started initially and how soon China has bridged the gap???

Historically, China is the NO.1 economy in the world. The past invasions and civil wars indeed made China suffer greatly. However, China is just on her track to be back to historical norm.

As for sports, moon, mars or whatsoever, we will get there. If you have not paid attention to China speed, I am not sure what you are paying attention to for the past 30 years.

Boasting of recent American success at London 2012 Olympics and on Mars, the Republican presidential candidate takes a swipe at China's efforts to land on the Moon.

Mr Romney taunted China during an election rally in Miami over plans to land an unmanned probe on the Moon.

"I know the Chinese are planning on getting to the Moon, they are actually working very hard to get a rocket to the moon, they will get there I'm sure, congratulations, and when they do they will find an American flag that has been there for 43 years," he said to the cheers.

China announced its ambitions to send a manned mission to the Moon last December.

The Republican presidential hopeful also stirred the crowd's patriotic fervour by hailing the recent success of US athletes and scientists.

"I know there are some people who are critical of America and think our best days are past, but I know something about the heart of the American people."

"Don't forget who just won the most medals at the Olympics, we did. Don't forget who put a vehicle all the Mars, who put us there? We did," Mr Romney said to chants of 'USA'.


Video: US election: Mitt Romney taunts China over Moon landing - Telegraph

Romney Taunts China on Space, Olympics

Romney Taunts China on Olympic Medal Count, Space Program « VOA Breaking News

BTW, I do not think Romney will be a bad president. I think the relation between China and USA could be better if he is elected. History has shown that China and US relation is better under GOP's rule.

I dont know about what context it has been said but these are normal tactics by politicians to compare about their achievement against other country. Obama always does with India/China and here Mr Romney.

One more context may be he was talking humorously. :)
Quite clever of him actually. He knew the right things to say to fire up the crowds patriotism, hence earning him more support.
A moron - I really fear for America if this clown became President - this fool wants to attack Iran. It is sad, that Obama will actually be the good guy in this election.
After watching American Presidential elections I am of the firm belief that for India atleast, the parliamentary democracy styled along the lines of Westminster is much better then a Presidential form of government. Ofcourse coalition governments are unstable but atleast we are spared this sort of idiotic drama every 5 years.
After watching American Presidential elections I am of the firm belief that for India atleast, the parliamentary democracy styled along the lines of Westminster is much better then a Presidential form of government. Ofcourse coalition governments are unstable but atleast we are spared this sort of idiotic drama every 5 years.

It depends upon what you prefer......
If you prefer corruption/inaction over 'drama', then the Indian style is the Best.....
If you don't mind few days of 'drama' and you're against corruption/govt. inaction, then I think the American style is better...

By the way, the Indian style has no less 'drama'......
American politic always need an imaginary enemy number one, without it, the politicians would be lost for words.

It's election time, the Americans (especially the right wing) will pick enemies to trash during campaigns to boost their popularity to win votes. What Americans wouldn't do to get votes. I've never seen other democratic countries in EU that would use these tactics to gain people's hearts during election times. It's typical American thing to brag about their country's performances compared to other countries. Just look at him "we just won the most Olympic medals", "we have put an American flag on the moon 43 years ago" and the crowd all getting excited. These crowd are so dumb to realize medals or a flag on the moon or a rover in Mars won't improve their economy nor their national debt. Romney forgot to tell the crowd that USA owes China a lot of money.
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