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Syrian fighter jet reported missing lands in Jordan; pilot asks for politic


May 9, 2007
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A Syrian air force Russian-made MiG, which was reported missing by Syrian state TV on Thursday afternoon amid reports that its pilot had defected to Jordan, made an emergency landing at a military base in the neighboring country, reports AFP.

Syrian state television named the pilot as Colonel Hassan Hamada, saying communications were lost with his plane while he was on a training mission near the border with Jordan.

Hamada has asked for political asylum in Jordan, the country’s Minister of State for Information Samih al-Maaytah said.

“The Syrian air force Russian-made MiG made an emergency landing at the King Hussein air base in Mafraq,” in northern Jordan near the border with Syria.

“[The pilot] is being debriefed at the moment,” Maaytah told Reuters.

Syrian state television said communication was lost with a plane of the same model at 10:34 a.m. .

The Syrian National Council along with activists had claimed the pilot had defected prior to confirmation of the news.

Georges Sabra, spokesman for the SNC told AFP: “The plane took off at high speed and flew at low altitude from a military base situated between Daraa and Sweida in the south of the country. These planes usually fly in twos or threes, not alone.

“It is certain that the pilot has defected,” he added. “It is not normal that a jet should take off at such speed. It is to avoid detection by the radars.”

He added that the pilot is from Deir Ezzor (in eastern Syria) “and his family is known for its opposition” to Assad’s regime.

Activists said this was the first defection involving an aircraft since the start of the 15-month-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.

More than 120,000 Syrians fleeing the violence in their homeland have taken refuge in Jordan, according to the Amman government. The United Nations has registered 20,000 of them.

More than 15,000 people have been killed in the Syrian uprising, according to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Thursday.

BE where is the link to this news please

يو بي آي : وزير الاعلام الاردني يؤكد ان الطيار السوري طلب اللجوء السياسي - روسيا اليوم

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انشقاق طائرة Ø*ربية سورية وهبوطها في الأردن - البيان

From Al Bayan (UAE daily)

قال الاردن اليوم (الخميس) ان قائد الطائرة الحربية السورية التي هبطت في قاعدة عسكرية جوية شمال المملكة طلب اللجوء السياسي.

وافاد سميح المعايطة، وزير الدولة لشؤون الاعلام والاتصال الناطق الرسمي باسم الحكومة الاردنية لوكالة فرانس برس بان قائد الطائرة الحربية السورية "التي هبطت في احدى قواعد سلاح الجو الملكي شمال المملكة طلب اللجوء السياسي".

من جانبه، قال مصدر مسؤول في القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة الاردنية في بيان انه "في تمام الساعة العاشرة وخمس واربعين دقيقة (0745 تغ) صباح اليوم (الخميس) دخلت الاجواء الاردنية طائرة ميغ 21 تابعة لسلاح الجو السوري".

واضاف ان "الطائرة هبطت بسلام في احدى قواعد سلاح الجو الملكي وقد طلب قائد الطائرة منحه حق اللجوء السياسي".

وكان مصدر حكومي اردني اكد الخميس لوكالة فرانس برس بان "طائرة حربية سورية من طراز +ميغ+ الروسية الصنع هبطت اضطراريا في قاعدة الملك حسين العسكرية الجوية في منطقة المفرق (شمال المملكة) قرب الحدود الاردنية السورية".

وفي دمشق اعلن التلفزيون السوري الرسمي ان السلطات فقدت الاتصال مع طائرة من طراز ميغ 21 كانت في طلعة تدريبية.

واشار التلفزيون السوري نقلا عن مصدر رسمي لم يكشف عنه في شريط اخباري عاجل الى "فقدان الاتصال مع طائرة ميغ 21 كانت في طلعة تدريبية".

واضاف المصدر ان "الطائرة التي كان يقودها العقيد الطيار حسن مرعي الحمادة كانت بالقرب من الحدود الجنوبية لسوريا قبل فقدان الاتصال بها في تمام الساعة العاشرة واربع وثلاثين دقيقة" (7,34 ت غ).​
Any chance of a translation?

Jordanian spokesman said that a Syrian pilot has defected to Jordan and has landed his jet in a Jordanian military Airport and asked for political asylum.

That is the translation in a nutshell.

Another syrian defector!

If I was in the Army and the Officers demanded I kill Civilians I would defect too.

Well the noose is tying harder and harder around Assad's neck. Also an Anti-Air battalion that includes Shilkas, Pantsyrs and SAMs have defected to FSA last week.
Jordanian spokesman said that a Syrian pilot has defected to Jordan and has landed his jet in a Jordanian military Airport and asked for political asylum.

That is the translation in a nutshell.

If I was in the Army and the Officers demanded I kill Civilians I would defect too.

Well the noose is tying harder and harder around Assad's neck. Also an Anti-Air battalion that includes Shilkas, Pantsyrs and SAMs have defected to FSA last week.
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I wonder whatever happened to the so call Libyan defector. This is so silly.
Blackeagle, is that airport close to you? do you live in the capital Amman.. where did it land? i heard some 80 kilometers from there. if you are close to it, can you by any chance take some photos of it?
Blackeagle, is that airport close to you? do you live in the capital Amman.. where did it land? i heard some 80 kilometers from there. if you are close to it, can you by any chance take some photos of it?

Actually, it's about 70km away from my city, and even if you were there, it's prohibited to enter the airport area or take a picture of what's inside.
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