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India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest


Apr 8, 2007
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By Mohammad Zainal Abedin

What language, Pinak Ranjan Chokrabartee, the Indian High Commission in Bangladesh, who has already been branded by some analysts as Indian Governor in Bangladesh, for his naked and direct dictation to Bangladesh, should use condemning Indian plunder in Bangladesh in 1971? He said Bangladesh could not get its independence so early lest India militarily involved itself in our war of liberation. Through its participation in our war of liberation India, in the truest sense of the term, as if, restarted the Maratha cavalry attacks of 18th century Bengal. India now repeats the same in Bangladesh. It only changed the version and technique of plundering Bangladesh. Maratha cavalry attacked Bengal in broad daylight and looted, but modern Indian bandits loot Bangladesh under the cover of friendship.

Pinak claimed that without Indian military involvement Bangladesh liberation war could be prolonged. I fully agreed with his comment. But Indian policies and activities over the last 37 years uncovered the truth that India militarily involved in our war of liberation not for our sake, but entirely for the sake of India?s hegemonic and economic interest. The events and incidents that occurred since 1972 prove that it could be better for Bangladesh if we could liberate our country ourselves. India did not allow us to be liberated without Indian assistance.

Indians do not have any legal and moral rights to claim that it liberated Bangladesh. When we were on the verge of victory and liberated about 99 per cent portion of Bangladesh, except some pockets of urban areas, India declared war against Pakistan. When we, the freedom fighters, made the defeat of the Pakistan forces inevitable, India, for a number of ulterior reasons, directly involved in this war under the disguise of so-called allied forces. India earlier fought twice with Pakistan, but suffered shameful defeat.

In 1971 India though claimed its victory over Pakistan in Bangladesh, its forces could not capture even a district in West Pakistan, rather hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers were captured by Pakistani troops and many Indian soldiers surrendered to Pakistan. So the so-called victory of Indian army in Bangladesh against Pakistan was possible due to the Bangladeshis in general and the freedom fighters in particular. Pinak directly admitted that the freedom fighter could liberate the country, however, later on. Yes, we the freedom fighters desired so. We never wanted India’s direct military involvement in our war of liberation.

Our leaders failed to foresee the ultimate outcome of Indian friendship would be so sour, bitter and suicidal. If they could anticipate in
what treacherous way India, in the name of friendship, would behave with us they would prefer to die, rather agreeing to take India’s military assistance. It is now known to all that India compelled the then revolutionary government of Bangladesh, exiled in India, to sign in an uneven agreement that paved the way for India to invade Bangladesh under the cover of allied forces. Our fake friends now through their overt and covert designs and hegemonic policies dream to make us their slaves. We are going to lose our independence to India.

During Pakistan period we could raise slogans against Pakistani exploitation and we could demand to stop such exploitation. Now India not only exploits us more nakedly, but also ruins our country applying many-fold designs. Our leaders could not imagine that after the dismemberment of Pakistan, India would pose to become our master under the cover of friendship and conspire to annex our country to India.

If we were allowed to liberate our country ourselves, India would not get the chance to loot our country after 16th December that included machineries and accessories of jute mills, textile mills, sugar mills, steel mills and their raw materials stored in the godowns, food, banks, markets, schools, colleges, universities, even residential houses and offices, even toilet materials of worth Tk. 90,000 crores. On the other hand, India misappropriated cash money and relief materials like food, baby food, clothes, blankets, medicines, etc., that were donated by several international agencies and groups for the Bangladeshi refugees sheltered in India in 1971. India took away all the arms and ammunitions, equipment and military-related materials to India which, were later distributed among the three branches of Indian armed forces. Poor India boomed within years with the money that the Indian army looted after 16th December. India arrested all the 93,000 soldiers of Pakistan to India and used them as tool to release the Indian soldiers arrested in Pakistan in 1971.

Besides, India compelled Pakistan to sign uneven treaty in exchange of releasing Pakistani troops from Indian jails. It is difficult to calculate how many billions of dollars India looted from Bangladesh through monopoly business since 1972. Through the independence war of Bangladesh India was immensely benefited economically, militarily, strategically, and internationally. So India involved in our war of liberation was for Indian interest, not for us.

India now keeps Bangladesh economically poor and shaky and politically disunited and disturbed. India undertook many criminal policies in order to make Bangladesh initially a subservient country and finally a part of India. It is never possible to present statistics and the extent of property worth of how many billions dollars were damaged by India’s overt and covert subversive activities in Bangladesh. None has the actual records how many billions of dollars Bangladesh lost in its agriculture, fishery, communication, industry, health and housing sectors due to India?s blockade of water during the dry season and flooding it during the rainy season. It is equally difficult to enumerate how much amount of money Bangladesh lost over the years due to Indian sabotage and subversive activities. All these might not be possible, if we did not take Indian help in 1971. Pinak Ranjan or

Jacob or all other Indians should remain grateful to us as it was our liberation war that paved way for India to emerge economically solvent, militarily strong and regionally and strategically powerful.

India helped B'desh in the best interests of everyone - India's interests, Pakistan's interest, and Bangladesh's interests.
I didnt read the articlebut onlt the title. Whats wrong with that we did what was required for our country.
Bangladesh independence anniversary : Public recognition of Indian role in freedom struggle
Thirty years after Bangladesh was born out of East Pakistan in an operation where India played midwife, its people are finally coming to acknowledge that country’s contribution to its freedom after abnegating it all these years.

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the fall of Dhaka to joint Bangladesh and Indian forces, intellectuals, politicians, freedom fighters and bureaucrats concede that would have been impossible for this country to gain independence in such a short span of time without Indian help.

It was on December 16, 1971, that the 93,000-strong Pakistani forces led by Lt. Gen. A.A.K. Niazi surrendered to Gen. M.A.G. Osmani, chief of the Mukti Bahini (Bangladesh Liberation Force), and Lt. Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora, Chief of Eastern Command of the Indian Army, at Suhrawardy Uddayan in downtown Dhaka. Bangladesh celebrates the day as Victory Day.

Serajul Islam, a political analyst, said it would have been impossible for the Bangladesh leadership to liberate the country without India’s cooperation.

The leadership, he said, was not prepared for the war in the broader sense. Besides, there was no shelter for Bangladeshi freedom fighters other than India.

“I remember the role of late Indian Prime minister Indira Gandhi. She did a lot for the cause of Bangladesh’s liberation, especially in mobilising world opinion”.

Retired General C.R. Dutta, who led the Mukti Bahini in one of the 11 sectors, said: “You cannot isolate India’s contribution from ours. You must accept their contribution.”

He recalled that India sheltered 10 million Bangladeshi refugees during the war, when Pakistani forces killed three million people and violated 200,000 women. He too hailed Indira Gandhi for her efforts to swing world opinion in favour of Bangladesh’s independence.

Even Abdul Quader Mollah, publicity secretary of the Jamaat-e-Islami, a party that opposed freedom, said without India’s help independence would have been difficult or the war would have stretched on for much longer.

But, like many in this country, he ascribed ulterior motives to India’s role. “New Delhi’s treatment of Bangladesh afterwards shows that they actually wanted to weaken their traditional foe, Pakistan, by liberating Bangladesh,” he alleged.

Former Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor A.K. Azad Chowdhury said without India’s support, Bangladesh might have become another Vietnam, which fought for 30 years against the US.

Shahadat Chowdhury, a freedom fighter who now edits a Bengali weekly, said: “I think India helped in our liberation war for its vested interests. But we must not forget those 4,000 Indian soldiers who sacrificed lives for Bangladesh’s liberation.”

“It is a shame for Bangladesh that we have done nothing to honour their memory,” he added. “Not even a memorial has come up 30 years after their sacrifice. We must recognise the sacrifices they made for us.”

No memorial was constructed at the site of surrender of the Pakistani forces at Suhrawardy Uddayan for more than two decades after independence. The Sheikh Hasina government, after coming to power in 1996, started building a memorial there. It is still under construction.

Bangladesh independence anniversary : Public recognition of Indian role in freedom struggle,Security Issues, News Analysis, India News Online

What ever ulterior motive we had.. the truth is we helped you.!!! And you cannot erase that part from your history dear..!!!! And Mr. Munshi you can keep trying to spread the anti india hate virus across bangladesh..and lets see how successful you are getting to..!!! ;)
Is it the truths in the article that hurt, else what?

it is human nature to deem things we like to hear as truthful...can what the article says be proved?it's a useless and a flaming article.The influx of the bangla immigrants was the biggest threat to our national security which was the biggest reason for us to attack pakistan.all our previous wars were confined to the western front.
I didnt read the articlebut onlt the title. Whats wrong with that we did what was required for our country.

You unlawfuly attacked Pakisan for your requirment so when we will do the same i hope you will have some guts not to cry foul.
There are no free lunches in the world.

The post is too long , mundane, cliched & stupid to read & comment in detail.
You unlawfuly attacked Pakisan for your requirment so when we will do the same i hope you will have some guts not to cry foul.

those are big words, you know pak is fighting several fights already so you should not overload your self with overtime:agree:
save what you have now ,other wise you may lose it
Was India Foolish?
Friday May 27 2005 18:23:59 PM BDT
Tuhin Reza from UK

This article is in response to Dr. A K Biswas’s comments (25 May 2005) on my article ‘General Aurora and the looting by Indian Soldiers’. Dr. Biswas rejects my account because how could an ordinary mortal like me be invited to a high profile wedding in Delhi? For him, as he implies, it is only people with an impressive designation should be worthy of being regarded as a witness.

The suitability of a witness does not depend on his educational qualifications or the position he holds in the society (unless he is an expert witness) but on how close he was to the scene of occurrence. I narrated clearly what I had heard during my visit to Delhi.

For the record of Dr Biswas, I was in the same dormitory where General Aurora’s relative was and we became very good friends. My invitation to his wedding came through this connection. It was a high profile wedding. My friend’s father was a senior civil servant and his father-in-law was a commodore in the Indian Navy. I was well received by my friend’s relatives and friends. I gracefully acknowledge their hospitality, love and affection.

Before addressing some other points raised by Dr Biswas, I would like to correct him about one point. Yes, there was one Bengali core commander in the Pakistan Army, Lt. Gen. Khaja Wasiuddin. But I accept his point that Bengalis were not given a proper representation in Pakistan Military. Not only that, Bengalis were denied their due representation in other central services. During the days of united Pakistan, Bengalis were very badly treated, and that was the main reason for their discontent.

If the Bengalis were given their fair share in every sphere then there was no need for 1971, no question for receiving India’s help; India could have saved the ‘30 billion dollars’ and use it for the development of the country. Had the Pakistani authorities accepted the 1970 election results, allowed Awami League to form a government in Islamabad with Mujib as the prime minister, there would have been no question of proclamation of independence from Pakistan.

The mistreatment suffered by the Bengalis for 24 years and the brutal army crack down in March 1971 left Bangladeshis with no option but to go for the war of independence. The united Pakistan died on the night of 25 march 1971 when the Pakistanis fired the first bullet. One should note that the Bangladeshis did not go to war to change masters; they did not want the Pindiwallas to be replaced by Delhiwallas.

Was India foolish in helping Bangladesh in 1971? No. Dr. Biswas admits that Pakistan is dangerous to India. The central aim of India’s intervention in 1971 was to dismember and weaken Pakistan, which they did. India took full advantage of the Pakistan-Bangladesh conflict. Without the help of the Bangladeshis, it was not possible for India to achieve such an outright victory within such a short span of time. After the surrender of the Pakistani forces at Dhaka, Indian leadership commented, “Tarain has been avenged.” In the second battle of Tarain (sometimes spelt as Taraori) in 1192 the Muslim Army led by Mohammed Guri (sometimes spelt as Ghurid) defeated the Hindu Army of Prithvi Raj and conquered Delhi. This paved the way for eight hundred years of Muslim rule in Delhi.

So in 1971 India took revenge for the defeat in 1192. However, the way the Pakistanis treated Bengalis, they well deserved to suffer such a humiliating defeat. So India was not foolish, they got what they principally wanted.

If they had spent $30 billions as Dr. Biswas claims, then it was worth for what they had actually got in return. The thing that went wrong in India’s design was that Bangladesh gradually slipped out of her pocket. It is the Bangladesh’s stubbornness to accept India’s hegemony that landed her in troubles with successive Indian regimes and some intellectuals and members of the media.

Even if one accepts that Bangladesh had no valuable moveable properties, which the Indian troops could take then one should ask what about the arms and ammunitions left by the Pakistanis? As the successor to the Pakistan State in Bangladesh, the state of Bangladesh should have had the ownership of those. Why not a single rifle was left for Bangladesh? If they were treated as the booties of the war then Bangladesh should have received half of the shares. After all, the Pakistani troops did not surrender to Indian Army, but to the Indo-Bangla joint forces. If one has doubts then one can see the actual document of surrender.

The fact remains that the Indian troops went on a high scale of looting from Industries, Banks, and even from shops and houses. The late Major Jalil, who was one of the sector commanders for Bangladesh during the war, protested India’s action and because of this ended up as the first political prisoner in free Bangladesh.

Dr. Biswas considers Bangladesh more cancerous and dangerous than Pakistan. Irony is that it was only few days ago that Dr. Biswas was the champion of unity of Bengalis (east and west). It looks like that he has now abandoned this noble cause. After all, who would want to graft a cancerous limb to an otherwise healthy (!) body?

Dr. Biswas admitted that in the pre-partition period the wealth in Bangladesh was in the hands of the Hindus. Well, was there not a case then for the Muslims to seek partition as they thought that in a Hindu dominated country poor Muslims would even grow poorer? Should the campaign for a separate homeland for Muslims then be classed as a campaign by the ‘have nots’ against the ‘haves’?

Finally, I wish Dr. Biswas a very good health.

Tuhin Reza

Is it the truths in the article that hurt, else what?


In 1971 India though claimed its victory over Pakistan in Bangladesh, its forces could not capture even a district in West Pakistan, rather hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers were captured by Pakistani troops and many Indian soldiers surrendered to Pakistan

Seems to be good stuff hes smoking, can you guys pass it around :cheesy:

If we were allowed to liberate our country ourselves, India would not get the chance to loot our country after 16th December that included machineries and accessories of jute mills, textile mills, sugar mills, steel mills and their raw materials stored in the godowns, food, banks, markets, schools, colleges, universities, even residential houses and offices, even toilet materials of worth Tk. 90,000 crores. On the other hand, India misappropriated cash money and relief materials like food, baby food, clothes, blankets, medicines, etc., that were donated by several international agencies and groups for the Bangladeshi refugees sheltered in India in 1971. India took away all the arms and ammunitions, equipment and military-related materials to India which, were later distributed among the three branches of Indian armed forces. Poor India boomed within years with the money that the Indian army looted after 16th December. India arrested all the 93,000 soldiers of Pakistan to India and used them as tool to release the Indian soldiers arrested in Pakistan in 1971.

yada yada yada . not one official bangladeshi report corraborates the above. - I have already addressed in the so-called 'looting' thread.

the people who write this kind of stuff are a bunch of ingrates who were formerly aligned with the razakar JeI

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