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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Mumbai Monorail



This changes everything :smitten: , and maybe that
(vid. below re: Bangalore IT Parks, check the size and scale in miilions of sq. ft., only in India) :

(c) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRJjy-rFREM&feature=player_embedded
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Jaipur Metro's double decker platform for elevated road and metro.

Aaayee Shabaash..:)
Which part is the road, the top one or the lower one?
yeah i was really taken aback. it doesn't get its share of the limelight then. the Kankaria lake looks out of the world.

Kankaria is fine, but the water is dirty......and i just wondered when i saw an ZOO in that park.....
Jaipur Metro's double decker platform for elevated road and metro.

Aaayee Shabaash..:)
Which part is the road, the top one or the lower one?


Obviously bottom, more load re: center of gravity for metro train and shock-wave absorption etc.

Agree though about 'shabaash'; Jaipur always had good infra like roads, pavement's, bazaar's and other public buildings.

Exceptional case, like Chandigarh, or Delhi, or Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata earlier under Colonial mgmt.!

Colonial infra., best-of-class for it's time (think Bombay's Queen's Necklace / Chowpatty or Lutyen's Delhi) ran it's course and was run down by the 80's, degraded in the 90's and then self - ghettoised, phenominally re: pop. & industrial pressure.

Now that India's got money to re-do it's infra. that's been overdue for a generation at least; like France and Saudi Arabia (no really!), this thread shows it's the best thing to happen in India since .. hehe ... sliced bread :agree: .


Re: Nishan's post, agree 100% ! Probably better.

Give it time, and some good political stability. Already parts of Karachi are like so re: Clifton DHA.
Also India has some catching up to do vs. Karachi, Isloo & Lahore too, specially infra & service ind. side.


Indo-Carib, if that's Chennai 'downtown', I'll be damned. Where River meets sea is speciall like Manhattan or New York! Old school MAdras was a British port we know, so is this pic. 'downtown'?
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