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'India an emerging power, but at loss how to exercise it'


Apr 4, 2012
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The viability of the envisaged United States-India strategic partnership was once again under the microscope at a major conference on 'Power, identity, and security in Asia: Views on regional cooperation and the US role', which was part of the Sigur Center for Asian Studies' multi-year, multi-project research effort, the Rising Powers Initiative.

Dr Deepa Ollapally, associate director of the Sigur Center for Asian Studies and associate research professor of international studies at George Washington University's Elliot School of International Affairs, kicked off the discussion on power and identity in India and how it relates to ties with the US. "India's new popular image of being sort of a confident, energetic, purposeful actor integrating into the international system to play a major role, is at odds when you look at its behaviour."

"On one hand," she said, "India labeling itself as a developing country at the WTO (World Trade Organisation), but then also seeing itself as a major power when it seeks entry into the United Nations Security Council (as a permanent member)."

The discussion was moderated by senior Obama administration official and longtime South Asia hand Alyssa Ayres, deputy assistant secretary of state for South Asian Affairs."

Ollapally said this dichotomy "is well captured by the 2010 National Security Annual Review," put out by an independent body but commissioned by the Indian government where "on the first page and the opening sentence, says, 'India is emerging as a ranking power, but it is at a loss as to how to exercise that power'. That really does capture the kind of crossroads that India is at this point."

This has been a burgeoning argument in recent months, where in some quarters there has been a re-think by senior administration officials -- albeit privately -- and leading policy wonks -- very publicly -- as during the recent conference organised by the American Enterprise Institute titled, 'US-India Relationship Oversold?' whether the concept of the US-India Strategic Partnership where Washington looks to New Delhi to take on global responsibilities and leadership, was overly optimistic and quixotic.

Ollapally argued that "the dominant international profile that India has sought is one of autonomous power since 1947 and at this point of time, there is indeed, the beginning of a debate, but only the pressure of autonomy as a representation of a core value and also the need of efficacy of foreign policy that means some outcomes of the core value of autonomy."

She explained, "There is a three-way competition in the making of India's foreign policy orientation -- nationalist approach, a nationalist normative identity approach, and a realist power approach."

"From a power politics perspective, India has demonstrated significant failures at different periods in time," she said. "For example, it's under-balancing China in the 1960s, its uncertain pursuit of nuclear weapons, and others that include an excessive focus on the non-aligned movement and nuclear disarmament and also its decision not to push its clear advantage over the Bangladesh war in 1971 -- to push its advantage in the west and settle Kashmir vis-a-vis Pakistan."

But Ollapally acknowledged that India's "dominant identity variable -- autonomy -- has remained fairly resilient through major global and regional shifts," and cited the example of "the shock of the 1962 war with China -- what I would call strategic isolation in the 1970s, when China, the US and Pakistan, were kind of a triangle and the end of the Cold War in 1991."

She said, "In fact, the most serious domestic contention over Indian foreign policy did not come until 2005 -- a good decade-and-a-half -- after the end of the Cold War, and this was, I would say, marked by the US-India nuclear accord where clear battle-lines were drawn in India about how close India was going to the United States."

Ollapally said, "The issue really was not at all about the nuclear accord, but all about how close India was going to the US -- was it surrendering its political sovereignty to a untrustworthy and imperial US, or was it kind of becoming a poodle of the Americans and so forth."

"Never mind the US had expended an enormous amount of political capital to get the India exception through US Congress and that India has been railing against nuclear sanctions the US had slapped on its sometime before," when the May 1998 Pokhran nuclear tests were conducted, she said.

Reminiscent of this domestic contention, although at a much lower decibel in recent months, has been the perceived US pressure for India to join in the US-led campaign to isolate Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons programme and also on a another front to walk back from the nuclear liability law approved by the Parliament that has incensed US companies that were looking for a chunk of pie in the nuclear power market, after all of the lobbying they did to get the nuclear deal through the US Congress, and now believe they were taken for a ride by India.

Ollapally said, "From a realist perspective, this development has to be rather ironic. The consensus on the policy seems to be factoring more in response to a perceived ideological shift rather than a structural shift in 2005."

She said, "We see this sort of domestic tension by the release of this new report, Non-alignment 2.0, and I think it was released in part because there is this rising new challenge to perhaps introducing a more realist perspective."

Ollapally predicted that "the contentions are going to be not just about the needs, but also some extent the idea of integrating more into the US-led world order even at the possible cost of some autonomy."

She said, "Two major taboos governing Indian foreign policy in terms of what it is willing to do and what it's not, and that is, no formal alliance structure or the appearance of an alliance, and two, no use of force to settle disputes or fulfill ambitions."

"But these taboos have nothing to do with the material in capacity or lack of structural imperatives," she said. "It has to do with the nature of India's state identity. Both these tend to make India more open or more favourable to a regional cooperation in Asia, but less and more difficult for cooperation with the US and the US role in Asia."

Ollapally said, "The nationalists in India are suspicious of great powers and the role that if you bring a strong US presence into Asia, what that means for an Indian role and the kind of impact that might have."

"But the realists see US inclusion as a way to balance China," she said.

Earlier, in a preamble to this dichotomy, Ollapally pointed out, "Even though India is one of the most consistently biggest arms importers and is building up its army capability, international reaction is quite favourable for India, compared to China's rise."

"And, I suspect, most people would say that's something to do with India's democracy, which goes right to the matter of the nature of India, rather than raw power," she argued.

'India an emerging power, but at loss how to exercise it' - Rediff.com India News
You forgot the most important one
1. lift hundreds of millions of Indians out of poverty.
What use is power if your people are starving?

I mean this in the most sincer way possible, before you guys go out and become a super power, solve the poverty issue first.
You forgot the most important one
1. lift hundreds of millions of Indians out of poverty.
What use is power if your people are starving?

I mean this in the most sincer way possible, before you guys go out and become a super power, solve the poverty issue first.

look at the bad condition pakistan is in still does that stop you from calling yourself the protector of muslim ummah....

when you point one finger at us don't forget that three fingers are pointing towards you:enjoy:
look at the bad condition pakistan is in still does that stop you from calling yourself the protector of muslim ummah....

when you point one finger at us don't forget that three fingers are pointing towards you:enjoy:

Why do you people always do this?
This thread is about India, not Pakistan.
Why do you feel so insecure that you need to compare yourself to a country 6x smaller then you?
Does it make you feel good to compare yourself to a much smaller country?
Is it a self defense mechanism since you can't compare to a country your own size?
I really want to know what is it.
Why do you people always do this?
This thread is about India, not Pakistan.
Why do you feel so insecure that you need to compare yourself to a country 6x smaller then you?
Does it make you feel good to compare yourself to a much smaller country?
Is it a self defense mechanism since you can't compare to a country your own size?
I really want to know what is it.

ha ha who compares our country to yours...
but when an economically failed, terrorist infested, poverty ridden, radicalised country's citizen badmouths my country then i have to show you your place.....living in white's man world has made you feel like a white man huh...
Why do you people always do this?

Because you derailled from the topic of the article, where the author tries to make points that India gets closer to the US and join them as an ally to:

...balance China...

So you replaced the silly US propaganda, with Pakistani propaganda that always hints to poverty when it comes to India beeing a major power. But what the author and you didn't understand is, that because of the non-alignment and inspite of all the poverty problems, India turned out to be what this major power (regional in a defence sense, but global in a political sense). So no matter if the US or you like it or not, we have our own ways and we are doing pretty good with sticking to them!
2 Million kids die of malnutrition each year in this 'Emerging Power' even before they could understand what the term means.
please don't post such threads. it burns the backside of leader of islam "pakistan"(land of pure). :rofl: :rofl:
You forgot the most important one
1. lift hundreds of millions of Indians out of poverty.
What use is power if your people are starving?

I mean this in the most sincer way possible, before you guys go out and become a super power, solve the poverty issue first.

Every ****ing time!!! It is not a case of either or! Do you think the GoI is NOT bringing millions out of poverty every year?!! You need to educate yourself- India is lifting 1% (~10,000,000 people) out of poverty EVERY YEAR. Defence spending is ~2% of GDP (lower than the world average and far lower than the average in the region), poverty alleviation, health care, social housing etc all receive FAR, FAR higher proportions of GDP than defence. India is one of only 2 countries ON EARTH that is set to meet UN MDGs regarding poverty reduction- btw Pakistan isn't the other nation.

India is a sovereign nation who can spend what it likes on defence and doesn't need others to comment EVERYTIME such news is made.
Have to laugh at these Pakistani's and Chinese do they think that there is no poverty and suffering in their countries? At least India is trying to do something about it, at least India and Indians are talking and debating about, but the Chinese just want the world to believe that they are this perfect country where there is no poverty etc.

The funny thing is that there is poverty and suffering allover the world, no country or person is perfect, and there is no magic wand for India to use to put an end to poverty, India is making strides, they have just recently destroyed Polio and that is a massive accomplishment for a country with the population India has.
India solve the poverty issue first!

your poor people is more than 27 poorest african countries combined!

ha ha who compares our country to yours...
but when an economically failed, terrorist infested, poverty ridden, radicalised country's citizen badmouths my country then i have to show you your place.....living in white's man world has made you feel like a white man huh...

Relax man, this much hate is not good for you.

3% growth rate is economic failure?
I guess then all the western countries are all failures and only Shining India is an economic success. :rolleyes:
Terrorist ridden?
Well I guess India has no terrorist problems at all :whistle:


Poverty ridden?
According to the UN India has more poverty then Pakistan. And judging from your reaction it seems like you people are proud of it. :lol:

Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again, why do you compare your country to a country 6x smaller then you?
And the funny thing is that you compare things that you yourself are suffering from to a greater extent.

Of course you people don't even understand the irony of it all.
It's like a blind person making fun of a person with 1 eye.

I thought India was a democracy and not a fascist state. but looks like i am wrong, apparently bringing up relevant topics and discussing them is not allowed .
I never badmouthed India, I brought up a legitimacy point. It was your own insecurity that lead you to believe that I badmouthed anyone.
there's no security issue in Asia at the moment, all countries are doing their best to grow economy.

don't dance with the US, they only want to bring trouble in this continent.

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