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China's smartphone firms warned of patent disputes


Dec 15, 2011
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China's smartphone firms warned of patent disputes
Last Updated: Sunday, April 15, 2012, 10:07

Beijing: China's smartphone companies are at risk of becoming embroiled in disputes over intellectual property rights since many important patents are held by international companies like Google:cry: and Microsoft, experts have said.

In 2005, international mobile phone-makers occupied over half the Chinese market. But in 2011, China shipped 455 million mobile phones, among which domestic brands made up 72 percent.

Telecommunications experts have warned Chinese companies that they may be hit with charges of violating intellectual property rights, the China Daily reported.

The Mobile Terminal White Paper, issued by the China Academy of Telecommunication Research, a branch under the ministry of industry and information technology, said China shipped more than 110 million smartphones in 2011.

"As more Chinese mobile phones pour into the global market, it is much more likely that international rivals will use intellectual property rights as a weapon in competition," said Xu Zhiyuan, an engineer at the China Academy of Telecommunication Research.

"Chinese companies should watch out," the daily quoted him as saying.

China is the world's largest producer of mobile devices. In 2011, it produced 1.13 billion mobile devices, including mobile phones and tablet computers.

The report said domestic brands like ZTE Corp, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and Lenovo Group Ltd have made significant progress in producing mobile phones.

ZTE's mobile device business earned around 27 billion yuan (over $4 billion) in 2011.

Domestic phone-makers have gradually squeezed the market share of their overseas counterparts, the report said.

Experts said most smartphone patents held by domestic makers have to do with designs or physical forms, and few are related to the central technologies.

Xu Zhiyuan said international mobile companies often invest heavily in acquiring patents in the hopes of curbing competition through the use of patent lawsuits.

"In the mobile device industry, there are patent lawsuits everywhere. The disputes surrounding Google's Android mobile operating system are one of the current topics of discussion," he said.

Although Chinese companies such as Baidu Inc and Alibaba Group have developed their own mobile operating systems, their combined market share lags far behind the share enjoyed by international operating systems like Apple's iOS, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows phone.

China`s smartphone firms warned of patent disputes
Huawei may acquire Motorola from Google, which would totally eliminate all patent problems.
You clearly have no idea how the mobile phone industry works.

Here is a diagram of who is sueing who


Everyone sue everyone for patent infringement. That is how the industry is running at the moment. At least no one is suing Chinese companies yet, unlike Apple, Nokia, Samsung, etc.

I know you get some kind of perverse pleasure from trolling on these kind of things, but please if you are going to troll at least understand what you are talking about.

Otherwise you just look like a silly little Indian. :wave:
Do you know how many patent infringement cases have been filed against Samsung which is now the leader in smartphones.Pretty much all Phone Manufacturers using Android have to face patent issues and pay royalty to Microsoft or go to court.You should not talk about things you have no idea about.
clueless Indian wants to do cheerleading again
aren't u the pak false flagger?
say something on the topic, else stop posting off-topic comments....thank u.:P
Patent dispute happen all the time and the world leader in patent dispute is USA itself. Indians need not to chest thump over an odinary news. If they are implying that Chinese tech is just copy-cat then look no further than home..India is the capital of copy-cat.
savior of the chinese meat....glorious pakistan
72% of 455 million cellphones...So the low-end cheap stuffs actually sell.
I am wondering where do they go. Not in US, not in europe not in Japan. Then I guess a major market is India.
Well, enjoy your cheap cellphones made in China. Though they are cheap but they work. It is a disaster to India if those cellphones become more expensive because of patent fee.
Well many phones are still copy cats exported from china !!
Well few days back i saw a china set(in india they are called as china or korean sets) , a copy of NOKIA LUMIA 710!!
It was named NOKLA LUMIA 710
Just a word change!!
Well many phones are still copy cats exported from china !!
Well few days back i saw a china set(in india they are called as china or korean sets) , a copy of NOKIA LUMIA 710!!
It was named [B]NOKLA[/B] LUMIA 710
Just a word change!!
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