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Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

Why Pakistan Army in the trap didn't carry GPS signal communication??
this morning was a bit emotional when i saw this news.......

I want every single Pakistani man women and child to remember that while they live in relative comfort, our men are sacificing all mateial and physical comforts to keep our country safe and secure -- including these fine men @ highest battlefield in the world

it's a natural act of God and just a reminder that anything could happen at any time.....these brave martyrs knew the risks on battlefield but who knew that something like this could claim such a massive casualty so suddenly..

my heart goes out to their family and loved ones

last avalanche (which was nowhere NEAR this magnitute) took place 2 years ago i believe

I hope our brother and comrade, 'Xeric' is safe and sound. Inshallah he is.
RIP to the fallen soldiers. Chances of finding survivors are pretty slim. I seriously think human lives should be valued over petty politics. :(
A hotline has been setup for information on the casualties.

3 numbers are operative.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
The Most Trickiest part is the weather , if is is clear then Rescuers will be Air Dropped via hellies , but if it is not then they will have to go on foot & that will take time , lets just pray weather stays clear until the Rescue is complete.

weather conditions can be extremely tricky.....just getting a chopper to those areas can be an arduous task because of the powerful cross-winds

at this point, we have to accept that this will be a recovery mission; not a rescue one. a painful pill to swallow, but that is just what we are dealing with now.....anyone who by miracle even survived would not last long due to frost-bite and hypothermia

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
at this point, we have to accept that this will be a recovery mission; not a rescue one. a painful pill to swallow, but that is just what we are dealing with now.....anyone who by miracle even survived would not last long due to frost-bite and hypothermia
agree. I think they are in snow for 15 hours now. Chances are slim
Xeric deployed in that location?

I am hoping Pakistan Army should be safe and sound, Army officials must be doing something to rescue trapped soldiers
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