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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions


Actually if pak navy can develop nuc tipped torpedoes small yield---these silent propulsion subs would wreak havoc on the enemy

Wouldn't there be a problem using nukes? Do we get too caried away with nuclear warheads?

Using such a torpedo would be considered a nuclear strike against the enemy nation and will initiate a nuclear holocaust.

I think that we should keep ourselves to conventional warheads. If it was that easy to use nukes, America would have been using them in Afghanistan on a daily basis.

In my opinion, hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles that could be launched from UNDERGROUND SILOS near the coast would be a unique capability to have especially when Pak Navy cannot afford or acquire surface combatants.

Is it a common norm among navies?? Nuke tipped torpedoes...don't know much about it...

Nuclear tipped torpedos, depth charges, ASROCs were deployed during the cold war. They are of NO USE nowadays.
Not sure if the video is obsolete in the Indo-Pakistani naval scenario but quite informative.

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PAKISTAN ... showing off nuclear submarine ... Not in Next coming 15 years ... i dont think so .. why would we need such a thing ??? lolx
Where is money to buy this expensive toy.....

Hi, probably from China. When has Pakistan really paid for any major defense purchase? Kind of sad, cannot feed and educate their population, or even provide the basic level of security for their citizens, but are willing to invest in these expensive toys.
Hi, probably from China. When has Pakistan really paid for any major defense purchase? Kind of sad, cannot feed and educate their population, or even provide the basic level of security for their citizens, but are willing to invest in these expensive toys.
false flagger?
PN does not need a nuke at this point in time. It should however, look for a platform that can handle an SLCM capabiltiy. The Qings will be a step towards that capability. Going nuclear, is in my opinion, a waste of money and resources that PN would visely use in adding SSK's with enahnced capabilties.
Is it a common norm among navies?? Nuke tipped torpedoes...don't know much about it...

Not common, but exists and have been tested. Basically, the idea is to use low yield nukes to attack larger vessels, like Aircraft carriers and helicopter ships. 15,000 tonnes +

Torpedo homes in on the target and detonate under the keel of the ship, breaking it's back.
false flagger?

Hi, I am not a false flagger, just offering my honest opinion. No insult or spamming was intended at all, and I am sorry if it was taken that way. I had just read an article on extortion of businessmen in Karachi, and I guess that sentiment carried over in my earlier post.

A nuclear submarine is beyond Pakistan's current economic capability. A nation with a GDP of 200B USD, and a huge amount of loans, should not be worried about building nuclear submarines. What I am trying to politely say, is Pakistan should invest in more pressing needs than a fleet of nuclear submarines.

Moroever, given that China has subsidized Pakistan's purchases through soft loans, credits, and/or simple grants, it has further fueled the current South Asian arms race. Pakistan should concentrate on its economy, if it returns to grow rates of 6%-8%, then building a nuclear sub will not be an issue from a monetary point of view. This is just the economist in me talking.

Lastly, do I think Pakistan can build a nuclear sub? Absolutely. I have have always been impressed with Pakistani ingenuity. I was lucky enough to visit the tank rebuilding plant at Taxila back in 1999, and saw the preproduction Al-Zaarar tank, and took a ride in one. I was impressed with what they had developed with their current budget.
i support for n-sub better to put money on something that can help to fight then waste in corruption.
and why people worry about money. Pakistan's economy was in best shape for more then 55 years after independence. and India's economy sucks, did india stops buying these stuffs?
just 5 years of crisis and Indians worry about our money. dont worry we have trillions $ of resources and other things we managed it b4 and we will managed it in future.
i support for n-sub better to put money on something that can help to fight then waste in corruption.and why people worry about money. Pakistan's economy was in best shape for more then 55 years after independence. and India's economy sucks, did india stops buying these stuffs?
just 5 years of crisis and Indians worry about our money. dont worry we have trillions $ of resources and other things we managed it b4 and we will managed it in future.

ur hold on english language gives ur sentences a whole new meaning. :lol:

anyways best of luck for ur nuke sub. we r always waiting. :taz:
couple of years??? i doubt it.....

i think we are some years from such...but who knows what PN will have up its sleeve. Lets watch and see
Not common, but exists and have been tested. Basically, the idea is to use low yield nukes to attack larger vessels, like Aircraft carriers and helicopter ships. 15,000 tonnes +

Torpedo homes in on the target and detonate under the keel of the ship, breaking it's back.

That's how conventional torps work, also. Just with normal explovises. Nuke torps designed only for ASW use and of light weight (small) variety. Mark 45 torpedo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PN does not need a nuke at this point in time. It should however, look for a platform that can handle an SLCM capabiltiy. The Qings will be a step towards that capability. Going nuclear, is in my opinion, a waste of money and resources that PN would visely use in adding SSK's with enahnced capabilties.

couldnt agree more!

what most of us usually ignore is that our naval doctrine is of minimum deterrence!
going for nuke subs just because Indians are getting them wont work for Pakistan, the difference is there doctrine is of complete blue water supremacy and pours is to deny this, for this, we don't need aircraft carriers and/or nuclear submarines!

yes, it will give the much required second strike capability and nuclear deterrence in for of submarine launched missiles but that can be achieved with modern high tech conventional submarines with improved stealth features and reduced signature for a real quite sneak in job!
couldnt agree more!

what most of us usually ignore is that our naval doctrine is of minimum deterrence!

Would you please explain what is minimum deterrence, what is medium deterrence and what is maximum deterrence? Deterrence as I understand means the ability to successfully repulse any attack or the ability to effectively face any threat. Either you have it or you don't, 'minimum deterrence' or 'maximum deterrence' has no real meaning. Musharraf came up with this hogwash to appease his masters in Washington.
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