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ClimaWare Dhama Innovations

Products-Armed forces


Maximum protection and maximum performance with minimum weight addition. ClimaWare - Jacket for the soldiers working constantly under extreme temperatures.

Carrying 30 to 40 pounds of gear under a blistering 40oC sun could easily lead to heat exhaustion, heatstroke or even a loss of life. Yet soldiers brave these conditions everyday in hostile locales with extreme temperatures that make survival a challenge for them. Our revolutionary product lessens their ordeal without adding to their burden.

The ClimaWare-extreme performance jacket, ingrained with unique high - technology heating/cooling function, is specially designed for use by soldiers. Weighing no more than a regular pair of denims, it is an extremely lightweight product that aids survival and enhances performance without hampering movement and agility. It is designed to combine compactness and ruggedness to match up to the toughest of military requirements.


ClimaWare - Neck Wrap cools the blood flowing to the brain to keep the body comforted and focused for maximum performance.

Soldiers working in extreme temperatures experience tremendous thermal stress that affects their focus at work and even causes accidents and deaths on duty. Reducing this stress can enable soldiers to maintain diligence in formidable temperatures and perform to the best of their capacity with the best of their health.

ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is an extremely lightweight product geared for heavy-duty performance in extreme temperatures. Powered with rechargeable batteries with fast response time, this neck wrap is capable of neutralizing the effects of adverse climate on the entire body by cooling/heating the blood that flows to the brain. The compact design is rugged and can handle extreme conditions. ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is easy to store, carry and put on in times of need.


ClimaWare-Shoes give complete protection to the feet with instant heating/cooling function for frostbite and heat-injury prevention.

Since the advent of armed conflict, frostbite has always plagued large numbers of soldiers serving in harsh climates with primitive or inadequate protection from the elements. Feet are particularly vulnerable and extra foot care is required for cold-weather operations. Protection of feet is strongly dependent on heat input by peripheral blood circulation and insulation by footgear. Cold numb feet can disrupt balance and walking and increase the risk of slipping, thereby creating an unwarranted danger for the soldier's life. Soldiers also face a diametrically opposite situation where standing duty and movement on scorching terrains makes their feet susceptible to heat burns and injuries.

Lightweight and extremely rugged ClimaWare-Shoes are designed to handle both these extreme situations for maximum protection. They have strategically placed heating/cooling points that help the soldiers maintain vigilance, dexterity and strength even while treading on threateningly cold or hot surfaces.


More lives are lost to blood loss than to the bullet itself. And therefore, we made Haemosave possible.

Timely prevention of critical blood loss can significantly bring down soldier mortality by increasing the chances of survival and recovery. ClimaWare - Haemosave is a brilliantly designed system that instantly controls severe bleeding, pain and inflammation by way of rapid four-point action: Cooling, Coagulation, Compression and Sterilization.

ClimaWare - Haemosave System enables contraction of blood vessels by applying Ice-Therapy (Cryotherapy) with the help of optimal prompt cooling points. This process called 'Vasoconstriction' controls bleeding, pain and inflammation. The cooling points are strategically placed so as to encircle the injury for maximum effective cooling but do not press directly onto the wound to cause abrasion and cold injury. Clearly marked location of the medicated coagulant ensures precise application. ClimaWare - Haemosave System gives the soldier sufficient strength to get back to base by preserving vigor and vigilance in critical

Dhama innovations
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ClimaWare Dhama Innovations



ClimaWare Neck Wrap is air-conditioning for the neck. Because a cool neck is a cool mind. And a cool mind always wins.

When you are out there playing sports like golf, cricket and tennis, your body is exposed to the heat for a long time, causing discomfort and fatigue that can weigh down your performance. Golf, especially, is a precision sport where the concentration level of the player is critical to the game. It takes just a few minutes of heat build-up in the body to disrupt concentration and affect the performance on the greens.

ClimaWare-Neck Wrap with unique heating/cooling function, complements body's natural heat regulating mechanism, to provide comfort and increase endurance on the field. For athletes, it gives a rejuvenating effect by containing heat build-up due to tremendous physical activity. For sportspersons, ClimaWare-Neck Wrap blends technology with style to give stress-free luxury for a performance that adds to the splendor of the game. Get the special advantage of ClimaWare-Neck Wrap in all your non-contact recreational outdoor sports like golf, cricket, tennis and running.


For the feet that want to go places, ClimaWare-Shoes are a feat of uber-technology for ultimate comfort and style.

We guarantee that you will never have cold feet about a walk in the snow ever again. We promise that the blazing sun will never burn a hole in your sole ever again. ClimaWare-Shoes are made to provide ultimate comfort, luxury and protection to your feet, so that you have the freedom to indulge in your favorite sports and activities all year through.

Our unique technology uses smart heating/cooling points that keep your feet sufficiently warm or cool in complete odor-free comfort during leisure and in activity. What's more, you can choose the temperature your feet like the best. ClimaWare-Shoes are as trendy as techno with lightweight and stylish designs that keep you nimble and on your feet all the time. Time to play footsie with ClimaWare-Shoes


ClimaWare-Headgear gives round-the-clock, round-the-year comfort to your head from the grime and grind of sport and life.

What is extreme sport without extreme temperatures? Even in regular sport, sizzling or freezing temperatures can spoil an otherwise perfect sporting experience. ClimaWare-Headgear is designed to give your head ultimate comfort and the stress-free luxury of enjoying your sport, no matter what the weather. Its unique cooling points are equipped to handle the heat of the action on golf courses, cricket and soccer fields, biking and cycling trails and much more.

Even in winter sports like skiing and snowboarding, ClimaWare - Headgear's heating points combine comforting warmth with panache and style to help you blaze a hot trail down the slopes.

This technology is available in a range of products - integrative module for helmets, heating/cooling caps and headbands each designed to redefine on-field comfort and protection to ensure your sporting experience will never be the same again.


Choose the temperature your body likes the best to do what you like the best.

Be it playing in the blazing sun or snowballing in windy cold, it helps to keep your body happy. Because a happy body means better health and better performance on the field. We designed our technology to give you the freedom to choose the temperature for your body, so you can give your best on the field, no matter what the weather.

Our ClimaWare - Jacket redefines comfort with its smartly placed 18-22 heating/cooling points that give your torso an optimum temperature for ultimate stress-free luxury. With just a push of a button you can control the degree of heating/cooling at these points. The jacket feels almost like a second skin with a fabric that wicks more, breathes more and keeps you fresh, germ-free and odor-free even after a long day's use. ClimaWare - Jacket is the perfect combination of style, ergonomic design, eco-friendly materials and extremely easy maintenance to make your life simpler, better and weatherproof.



Dhama innovations

ClimaWare Dhama Innovations



ClimaWare - Jackets bring enhanced productivity and efficiency on the shop floor by reducing fatigue and accidents at work.

Research has shown that there is productivity loss of 50% for people working in hot conditions, with factory outputs dropping and incidence of accidents increasing on the shop floor. Similar effects have also been noticed in extremely low work temperatures where the body is forced to work harder to maintain its internal temperature. That explains why many industries do not get the highest of returns even with the best of infrastructure and resources.

The ClimaWare - Jacket for industrial usage is designed to take away thermal stress from the workplace for increased productivity, reduced accidents and absenteeism and decreased incidence of deaths. This single transformational technology, available in a range of jackets, gives multiple benefits by making possible better worker health for lesser medical expenses and significant financial benefit to the company.


ClimaWare-Headgear offers a strategic business solution to extreme temperature workplaces with its strategically placed heating/cooling points.

Be it firing bricks in a hot kiln, toiling in the merciless sun for construction work or enduring the sub-arctic temperatures of an ice-cream factory or a food-processing unit, workers in quite many industries are constantly exposed to a combination of extreme temperatures and extreme activity. The brain starts overheating as a result of regulating these activities, processing trillions of instructions per second. The heating of the brain, if not controlled, can cause disorientation resulting in accidents and even death at the workplace. Alternatively, cold temperatures also impact worker health and productivity by reducing mental alertness. Almost 50 percent of the body heat is lost through the head making it vital to keep the head warm in cold work environments.
ClimaWare offers a strategic solution for these industries with a range of innovative products:
ClimaWare-Heating/Cooling modules (as a band) that can be readily incorporated into the existing industrial use helmets.
ClimaWare-Heating/Cooling caps and
ClimaWare-Heating/Cooling headbands.

These transformational products guarantee enhanced productivity and prevention of financial loss due to increased medical expenses and accidents at the site


A single technology that gives three transformational benefits for a strong foothold on the shop floor and the market.

Workers in food-processing units, ice-cream factories and similar industries need to perform in sub-arctic temperatures of up to -30 degrees C. Their feet are in constant contact with the freezing ground, which impacts their dexterity and increases the risk of accidents due to slipping.

At the diametrically opposite end are the mineworkers who work in extremely hot underground temperatures that hamper their productivity and cause burning and swelling in the limbs. ClimaWare-Shoes are a transformational products designed especially for the workers in these extreme work categories.

ClimaWare-Shoes prevent loss of productivity and incidence of accidents due to heat/cold-induced disorientation by using smartly placed heating/cooling points on the shoes. This technology keeps the feet relaxed at an optimum temperature and helps workers perform better.


ClimaWare - Neck Wrap gives cooling/heating to the neck so the head remains focused and undistracted at work.

Research has shown that for every degree rise in temperature above 24-25 degrees C, productiveness at work reduces by 2%. These figures hold great importance for industries like mining and construction that experience huge financial losses due to low productivity and impacted worker health in extreme heat. Food processing industries face similar challenges because of extremely cold working temperatures in meat storage units and warehouses. We have a unique solution for both these extremes.
ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is a lightweight but high-performance accessory that does wonders for the productivity in extreme temperatures. Equipped with 6-7 points heating/cooling points, this miraculous neck-wrap provides an optimum temperature to the blood flowing to the brain, for lesser heat build-up in hot conditions and crucial warming in cold conditions. By helping workers maintain their thermal comfort, it reduces distraction, disorientation and fatigue at work.
Reduced accidents at work mean lesser medical expenses, more financial benefits and greater productivity. What’s more, its ergonomic design conforms to the neck perfectly and complements natural body movements to make work delightful and effortless.

ClimaWare Dhama Innovations

Products-Health Care


ClimaWare - Pain Relieving System is undoubtedly the quickest, cleanest and the best way to a no-pain health.

Hot and Cold treatments have been around for years as therapeutic methods for treating and rehabilitating sports injuries and routine and chronic body aches. But almost at all times, these treatments involve messy ice packs or hot compresses that need constant refilling or reheating and leave a wet mark to let the world know about your pains and aches. ClimaWare - Pain Relieving Systems are absolutely hassle-free, intelligent products that provide hot and cold therapy through smartly placed, discreet heating and cooling points that leave no external signs.

ClimaWare - Pain Relieving Systems are available in a range of knee-packs, elbow packs, lumbar belts, neck packs and headbands that give instant relief from sports injuries, persistent pains and body aches. They are ideal also as muscle relaxants before/after indulging in sport or strenuous workouts.


Blood loss takes an injury from bad to worse in no time. ClimaWare - Haemosave is the first help in such critical moments

Injury comes with no intimation. Getting to the hospital from the site of the injury takes time and uncontrolled blood loss in this interval can cause a serious threat to the life of the patient. In such medical emergency situations, a minute saved can mean a life saved.

ClimaWare-Haemosave is a transformational product that controls bleeding, pain and inflammation instantly through strategically placed cooling points. The system uses advanced technology for an effective four-point treatment - Cooling, Coagulation, Compression and Sterilization - that breathes life into the patient by preventing blood loss and initiating healing.


ClimaWare - Neck Wrap is not just a wellness product. It is the freedom to choose health

Extreme heat/cold takes a toll on health and energy levels causing heat/cold exhaustion. Several women in the transition period of their life are plagued by hot flashes that make it difficult for them to even get a full night's sleep. We, at Dhama, have a wonder product that makes your life better, healthier and happier.

ClimaWare-Neck Wrap is a product designed for wellness. Its healing touch is embedded in its 6-8 discreetly placed heating/cooling nodes that cool the blood flowing to the brain. It is a one-of-its-kind product that provides relief and comfort by supplementing the body's natural heat regulating mechanism. It can be used for a rejuvenating, healing comfort when you suffer from exhaustion due to extreme heat or cold. It also gives lasting respite to women suffering from hot flashes. Experience healing and health with the ClimaWare-Neck Wrap.

Dhama innovations
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