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Who should be responsible for the Mumbai terrorist attack?US

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Jun 27, 2008
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Everyone know where do the terrorists come from,If US army could control the terrorists in Afghanistan instead of pursuing them into Pakistan,If Indian did a better job on the national security,none of these terrorist attacks will happen, US army just make the world worse ,and India is so afraid to make a voice against US,you indian just can't wait to find a reason to start a war in order to divert your attention from your own mess,just like US did in Iraq
Well, India is far more intelligent my chinese brother , they know, they will be destroyed if they attack Pakistan, it will be a bigger mess than Afghanistan, Iraq and the whole near east together for India.
Well, India is far more intelligent my chinese brother , they know, they will be destroyed if they attack Pakistan, it will be a bigger mess than Afghanistan, Iraq and the whole near east together for India.

I think we've read enough statements of India being "destroyed", it gets a little boring after a while.
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I think we're read enough statements of India being "destroyed", it gets a little boring after a while.

Yeah, especially since you guys have been trying it for 61 years now. No one's holding their breath in India.

But it is true that India does not want to invade Pakistan outright. It's not worth the cost and it will get us stuck in a quagmire like Iraq.
Yeah, especially since you guys have been trying it for 61 years now. No one's holding their breath in India.

But it is true that India does not want to invade Pakistan outright. It's not worth the cost and it will get us stuck in a quagmire like Iraq.

Invading you cant invade us but we can invade you like we did in the past bud
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Another thread that is total BS squared. BS X BS = BS^2. The only purpose of this thread is to encourage flaming. Not a single fact involved with this topic or the posts so far. So childish! :disagree:
:usflag: :usflag: :usflag:
Yeah, especially since you guys have been trying it for 61 years now. No one's holding their breath in India.

But it is true that India does not want to invade Pakistan outright. It's not worth the cost and it will get us stuck in a quagmire like Iraq.

My reply was meant to stop the "destroy India" statements.
Pakistan has not been trying for 61 years to invade or "destroy" India, I think you have turned things around, it is rather India who has been keen on teaching Pakistan a lesson or 2 for decades now.
We are the smaller country, so therefor we have to protect ourselves from any Indian aggression.
To satisfy you, no person in Pakistan is holding its breath either for any Indian threat or pressure, we know what we're capable of and what our military is capable of incase we're in a conflict (once again) with our warmongering neighbour India, a country that seems to want peace all the time and calls itself a peace loving nation, but in the meantime mobilizes its troops and violates Pakistani airspace + continues to threaten Pakistan and pressure Pakistan to do something about terrorists from Pakistani origin, while e.g. in Lahore Indians are behind terrorist attacks as Indian groups are most of the time behind certain attacks inside Pakistan.
Can you see the unfairness and hypocricy?

It's also quite amusing to actually see you comparing the situation, once it escalates to war, to the U.S.-Iraq situation.
So you're basically saying that you are quite like the U.S., and Pakistan is Iraq which will be floored in a matter of days, and then will be invaded by Indian troops and a civil war breaks out in Pakistan etc where the Pakistani Army is nowhere to be found, (probably crumbled into pieces by your excellent, state-of-the-art U.S. like army?).

Wishful thinking, but far from the truth. ;)
My reply was meant to stop the "destroy India" statements.
Pakistan has not been trying for 61 years to invade or "destroy" India, I think you have turned things around, it is rather India who has been keen on teaching Pakistan a lesson or 2 for decades now.
We are the smaller country, so therefor we have to protect ourselves from any Indian aggression.
To satisfy you, no person in Pakistan is holding its breath either for any Indian threat or pressure, we know what we're capable of and what our military is capable of incase we're in a conflict (once again) with our warmongering neighbour India, a country that seems to want peace all the time and calls itself a peace loving nation, but in the meantime mobilizes its troops and violates Pakistani airspace + continues to threaten Pakistan and pressure Pakistan to do something about terrorists from Pakistani origin, while e.g. in Lahore Indians are behind terrorist attacks as Indian groups are most of the time behind certain attacks inside Pakistan.
Can you see the unfairness and hypocricy?

It's also quite amusing to actually see you comparing the situation, once it escalates to war, to the U.S.-Iraq situation.
So you're basically saying that you are quite like the U.S., and Pakistan is Iraq which will be floored in a matter of days, and then will be invaded by Indian troops and a civil war breaks out in Pakistan etc where the Pakistani Army is nowhere to be found, (probably crumbled into pieces by your excellent, state-of-the-art U.S. like army?).

Wishful thinking, but far from the truth. ;)

I know India is no US and Pakistan is no Iraq, thanks for nothing - it doesn't change my point that India does NOT want to invade Pakistan. How can you accuse India of warmongering when all the previous wars were started by Pakistan?
1948 - Pakistan sends tribal militants into Kashmir, India responds
1965 - Pakistan launched operation Gibraltar, India responds
1971 - Pakistan carries out 'pre-emptive' strikes on airbases in western India, India responds
1999 - Pakistan sends 'guerrillas' to occupy peaks around Kargil, India responds

See a trend yet?

As for Indians being behind Lahore blasts, it's beyond ridiculous. Funny how you guys can only catch "Indian terrorists" after India arrested a Pakistani terrorist who himself admitted to being from Faridkot, Pakistan? It's a tit-for-tat move.
I know India is no US and Pakistan is no Iraq, thanks for nothing - it doesn't change my point that India does NOT want to invade Pakistan. How can you accuse India of warmongering when all the previous wars were started by Pakistan?
1948 - Pakistan sends tribal militants into Kashmir, India responds
1965 - Pakistan launched operation Gibraltar, India responds
1971 - Pakistan carries out 'pre-emptive' strikes on airbases in western India, India responds
1999 - Pakistan sends 'guerrillas' to occupy peaks around Kargil, India responds

See a trend yet?

As for Indians being behind Lahore blasts, it's beyond ridiculous. Funny how you guys can only catch "Indian terrorists" after India arrested a Pakistani terrorist who himself admitted to being from Faridkot, Pakistan? It's a tit-for-tat move.

even if you would like to invade us you couldnt buddy i am so suprised how people forgot we ruled over you over 2centuries.
I know India is no US and Pakistan is no Iraq, thanks for nothing - it doesn't change my point that India does NOT want to invade Pakistan. How can you accuse India of warmongering when all the previous wars were started by Pakistan?
1948 - Pakistan sends tribal militants into Kashmir, India responds
1965 - Pakistan launched operation Gibraltar, India responds
1971 - Pakistan carries out 'pre-emptive' strikes on airbases in western India, India responds
1999 - Pakistan sends 'guerrillas' to occupy peaks around Kargil, India responds

See a trend yet?

As for Indians being behind Lahore blasts, it's beyond ridiculous. Funny how you guys can only catch "Indian terrorists" after India arrested a Pakistani terrorist who himself admitted to being from Faridkot, Pakistan? It's a tit-for-tat move.

For the love of god, how can a nation like Pakistan, being outnumbered by a much bigger country, both economic and militarily, having always been under pressure and sanctioned by the west, always seen India being favored by the west, how can a country like Pakistan threaten or actually try and invade India?
Does it make any sense?
I definitely see a trend, and that trend is that India has been put under the spotlights next to China quite a while now as "upcoming superpower", certain people have grown bolder due to that, so did your government and people.
Because of the fact that you people realize that your economy is booming and you're well on your way of becoming a economically and militarily strong country, you feel the need to express it or to flex your muscles and show it to the rest of the world.

Now what would be a good way to do so? Ah yes, Pakistan would be a good target, seeing as Pakistan is much smaller in terms of almost everything.
The Mumbai attacks are just a good reason for India to finally have their excuse to teach Pakistan a lesson they will never forget.
You're talking about something "funny"?
You know what's funny? India accusing Pakistan and starting an all out media propaganda war, mobilizing its troops and violating Pakistans airspace then saying it didn't happen, now that is FUNNY.
How about your country not being able to give any credible evidence to interpol, then coming up with the excuse that the GoI would undermine its own abilities by handing over any evidence to interpol, but then the Indians don't mind the FBI interfering?
Talking about funny? How about India demanding action from Pakistan whereas Pakistan still hasn't RECEIVED ANY SOLID PROOF.
Your country will not rest untill it has made clear that Pakistan is at Indias mercy, but the truth is, Pakistan is well capable of defending itself
from any threat, especially from Indian soil, we've done so for over 60 years, and we will continue to do so in this century and the next.

The funny thing really is, you Indians believe that your government, your agencies and your army are so innocent, nothing of that is true, they're GUILTY of killing hundreds of Pakistani men, women and children, they are behind certain bombings inside Pakistan, they want Pakistan to destabilize, so that the "terrorists" can take over (yeah right) and so you can finally prove your point to the world that Pakistan is a failed state which it is most certainly NOT.
Believe it or not, your government has handled this situation completely wrong, they have no solid ground to stand on, their claims are baseless so everything you say in order to defend your government is baseless aswell.
It is indeed a tit for tat game, so why should Pakistan comply to your standards?
You people have been mentally brainwashed to the point where you believe that your country is "the next big thing", unfortunately, Pakistan has to encounter these visions you Indians maintain and bring you back to reality.
For the love of god, how can a nation like Pakistan, being outnumbered by a much bigger country, both economic and militarily, having always been under pressure and sanctioned by the west, always seen India being favored by the west, how can a country like Pakistan threaten or actually try and invade India?
Does it make any sense?

Exactly, make that point to your Pakistani compatriots who still dream of 'breaking up' India. Btw, India wasn't always favored by the west - remember the 1971 war when the US sent a CTF in support of Pakistan, or when Kissinger called Indira Gandhi a witch?

I definitely see a trend, and that trend is that India has been put under the spotlights next to China quite a while now as "upcoming superpower", certain people have grown bolder due to that, so did your government and people.
Because of the fact that you people realize that your economy is booming and you're well on your way of becoming a economically and militarily strong country, you feel the need to express it or to flex your muscles and show it to the rest of the world.

Now what would be a good way to do so? Ah yes, Pakistan would be a good target, seeing as Pakistan is much smaller in terms of almost everything.
The Mumbai attacks are just a good reason for India to finally have their excuse to teach Pakistan a lesson they will never forget.

That's a new one I hadn't heard so far - India wants to crush Pakistan just to show off! Seriously, enough with the conspiracy theories - India wouldn't kill 175 of its own people in Mumbai to start a war with Pakistan. Don't get me wrong, a lot of Indians, including me, would love to see Pakistan humiliated again, but the government of India isn't run by hotheads. All policy decisions are made with a level head. A weak, unstable Pakistan is NOT in India's interests.

You're talking about something "funny"?
You know what's funny? India accusing Pakistan and starting an all out media propaganda war, mobilizing its troops and violating Pakistans airspace then saying it didn't happen, now that is FUNNY.

The government of India cannot start a "media propaganda war" because it doesn't control the media (except PTI). The Indian media is simply a reflection of what Indian people want sometimes.

How about your country not being able to give any credible evidence to interpol, then coming up with the excuse that the GoI would undermine its own abilities by handing over any evidence to interpol, but then the Indians don't mind the FBI interfering?

Not handing over proof to interpol does not mean it doesn't exist.

Talking about funny? How about India demanding action from Pakistan whereas Pakistan still hasn't RECEIVED ANY SOLID PROOF.

The whole forum here is crying themselves hoarse with demands for "solid proof". Please tell me specifically what you guys consider "solid proof". The govt has publicised the terrorist's letter, plea for legal help as well as provided an entire list of culprits from the Mumbai attacks. What more do you want?

Your country will not rest untill it has made clear that Pakistan is at Indias mercy, but the truth is, Pakistan is well capable of defending itself
from any threat, especially from Indian soil, we've done so for over 60 years, and we will continue to do so in this century and the next.

Good for you, keep your country - we don't want it.

The funny thing really is, you Indians believe that your government, your agencies and your army are so innocent, nothing of that is true, they're GUILTY of killing hundreds of Pakistani men, women and children, they are behind certain bombings inside Pakistan, they want Pakistan to destabilize, so that the "terrorists" can take over (yeah right) and so you can finally prove your point to the world that Pakistan is a failed state which it is most certainly NOT.
Believe it or not, your government has handled this situation completely wrong, they have no solid ground to stand on, their claims are baseless so everything you say in order to defend your government is baseless aswell.
It is indeed a tit for tat game, so why should Pakistan comply to your standards?
You people have been mentally brainwashed to the point where you believe that your country is "the next big thing", unfortunately, Pakistan has to encounter these visions you Indians maintain and bring you back to reality.

I could accuse you of the same thing. Any neutral person visiting this forum without any background on the subject would think Pakistan is the greatest country on earth and India is the Satan incarnate. I hope we both know that is not the case. No one in India believes it is an angel, but we don't find Pakistan's repeated attempts to grab our land or blow us up amusing either.

Enough of this crap about RAW terrorists in Pakistan - show me one credible third party proof of RAWs involvement in Pakistan. I can show you dozens of sources that PROVE Pakistani involvement in terrorist activity in India.
even if you would like to invade us you couldnt buddy i am so suprised how people forgot we ruled over you over 2centuries.

Read up your history, kid. If you're talking about Mughal rule in India, you're not the descendants of Mughals. You're not the descendants of Turks or Afghans either. You're Pakistan, a collection of Muslims, some of whom are descendants of Afghans, Turks or Persians but mostly indigenous converts. By 'people' if you mean Hindus, India is not Hindu it's a secular republic. By the way, the rule was 7 centuries not 2.
Exactly, make that point to your Pakistani compatriots who still dream of 'breaking up' India. Btw, India wasn't always favored by the west - remember the 1971 war when the US sent a CTF in support of Pakistan, or when Kissinger called Indira Gandhi a witch?

My Pakistani compatriots don't dream as much as your Indian counterparts do, I think that's a well known fact.
These examples you provided don't really add much to the fact that India has still been favored so much more in the west then Pakistan was, this has really been vital for India.
When Kissinger called Indira Gandhi a witch? What would've changed?
These mere examples where western nations weren't in favor of India for once doesn't take away the reality, and that reality is that India has been receiving much more support and enjoyed more political aswell as economic favor then Pakistan did.

That's a new one I hadn't heard so far - India wants to crush Pakistan just to show off! Seriously, enough with the conspiracy theories - India wouldn't kill 175 of its own people in Mumbai to start a war with Pakistan. Don't get me wrong, a lot of Indians, including me, would love to see Pakistan humiliated again, but the government of India isn't run by hotheads. All policy decisions are made with a level head. A weak, unstable Pakistan is NOT in India's interests.

I am not telling you conspiracy theories, I am telling you things that are actually quite close to what happens these days.
It's called "power projection", demonstrating your strengths and trying to inspire awe to Pakistan.
Read my post carefully, I did not say India was behind the Mumbai attacks, or as you guys dramatically say: 26/11 which refers to e.g. 9/11.
I said that these attacks do not automatically mean that Pakistan is behind them.
I'm also aware of the fact that you Indians want to humiliate Pakistan, but wanting to humiliate us again?
Who's dreaming now?
You saying the government of Pakistan is run by political hotheads?
Have you seen your own Indian government?
What about the upcoming elections and the desperate moves from some of your politicians to try and improve their image among the Indian public by disregarding and threatening Pakistan as a whole?
Do Mr.Mukherjee or Sonia Gandhi ring a bell? Or do some statements made by Indian Army officials ring a bell?
I need no further explanation on this.
I see alot of hypocricy coming off your post, in the current situation, the Pakistani government is handling the situation rather cool and calm while the Indian government is jumping the guns.
Ofcourse a weak and unstable Pakistan is not in Indias interests.
You'd like to see Pakistan prosper and flourish right? Then why is India keen on striking inside Pakistan which may well lead to a fullscale war?

The government of India cannot start a "media propaganda war" because it doesn't control the media (except PTI). The Indian media is simply a reflection of what Indian people want sometimes.
Again, read my post a little carefully, I did not say the GoI starting a media propaganda war, even though they support it 100%.
Your media has indeed launched a dramatic, war hysteric propaganda assault at Pakistan.
And please refrain from using the word "sometimes" .
Seeing comments from alot of Indian people, they are loving it, and they wouldn't mind seeing it daily on TV.

Not handing over proof to interpol does not mean it doesn't exist.

It does raise suspicion.
If the Indians had real proof, i'm sure they would've shown it to the world immediately, like they're showing how desperate they are to the world right now.
They wouldn't hestitate, trust me, if they had real evidence, and with evidence, I mean EVIDENCE WHICH SERIOUSLY LINKS PAKISTAN TO THE ATTACKS, and not some handwritten paper which might aswell been written by your own government officials.
Your government still hasn't provided Pakistan with concrete evidence, yet asks Pakistan to do this and that, and some of "that" which isn't even related to the Mumbai bombings.
Simply a list from the GoI which has always wanted Pakistan to carry out these long wanted demands on her list to be accomplished by the GoP.
Didn't I talk earlier about India finally having an excuse to harm Pakistan? ;)

The whole forum here is crying themselves hoarse with demands for "solid proof". Please tell me specifically what you guys consider "solid proof". The govt has publicised the terrorist's letter, plea for legal help as well as provided an entire list of culprits from the Mumbai attacks. What more do you want?

The people on this forum aren't crying for evidence, it's the Indian people and the GoI crying for action without a solid ground for their demands.
All the proof you have just stated is not VALID.
Pakistan has asked for a clear identification of the suspect, and so far, it cannot be proved that the attackers were from Pakistani origin.
Heck, India said it hasn't even completed it investigation.
So what more do we want? We want your government and people to drop the acts and come up with something better because Pakistan can do the same, and especially with recent bombings inside Pakistan, it's easy to point fingers at India, as India is pointing fingers at Pakistan.
Funny isn't it?

Good for you, keep your country - we don't want it.

If that was the case, Pakistan would've had fine relations with India, and wouldn't have to worry about Indian aggression and threats for the past 60+ years.

I could accuse you of the same thing. Any neutral person visiting this forum without any background on the subject would think Pakistan is the greatest country on earth and India is the Satan incarnate. I hope we both know that is not the case. No one in India believes it is an angel, but we don't find Pakistan's repeated attempts to grab our land or blow us up amusing either.

Enough of this crap about RAW terrorists in Pakistan - show me one credible third party proof of RAWs involvement in Pakistan. I can show you dozens of sources that PROVE Pakistani involvement in terrorist activity in India.

Any "bright" person would know that people will always favor their own country, and ofcourse would say positive things about it.
However, in this forum, Pakistan has been criticized aswell by both Indian, Pakistani, American, Russian and people from other nations aswell.
This forum is known for its neutral discussions and not brainless bashing of one side or another, unlike some Indian forums.
Ofcourse I know India is no evil neither is Pakistan, however, I do believe India has wrong intentions when it comes to Pakistan.
It says one thing, but does another.
Also, i'm not digging up evidence for RAW involvement inside Pakistan, you will definitely find it in the forums, or someone else can post an article just for you.
You may post dozens of sources that prove Pakistani terrorist involvement inside India, but what would it matter?
The same is happening in Pakistan aswell, like I said before, you people have been brainwashed or something since you keep believing that your country has done Pakistan no harm.
That is pure fiction, stop denying any Indian involvement of attacks inside Pakistan.
Especially now, with Pakistan capturing Indian terrorists linked to recent blasts in Pakistan, it's good for the GoP to put this on the diplomatic table and show the world how much of a hypocrit the Indian government is.
Please stop believing that India is innocence, the whole Mumbai drama has unfolded many faces of the GoI and its people, and its true intentions are now known by the people of Pakistan.
Read up your history, kid. If you're talking about Mughal rule in India, you're not the descendants of Mughals. You're not the descendants of Turks or Afghans either. You're Pakistan, a collection of Muslims, some of whom are descendants of Afghans, Turks or Persians but mostly indigenous converts. By 'people' if you mean Hindus, India is not Hindu it's a secular republic. By the way, the rule was 7 centuries not 2.

whether you believe it or not Muslim rule over India was 2 centuries i am trying to find the facts and i will post it.India is not a a secular state everyday they killed Sikhs,Christians and Muslims can you explain how so ? btw there estimated 2 attacks reported daily MEDIA MEDIA

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