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Europe moves toward oil embargo against Iran


Dec 27, 2011
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Europe moves toward oil embargo against Iran - World Watch - CBS News
While Iran and the U.S. talk tough over naval activity in the Persian Gulf, European Union leaders have decided to join the U.S. in imposing increasingly harsh sanctions against the Islamic republic over what many assume is a rapidly-developing nuclear weapons program there.

At an E.U. ministers meeting in late January, diplomats are expected to announce plans for an embargo against Iranian crude oil, according to the BBC.

The embargo would hit Iran much harder than the current round of sanctions against it imposed by mostly the U.S. and Europe. The EU currently accounts for around 17 percent of Iranian oil exports, according to the BBC, and the Iranian state gets more than half of its revenue through the export of crude oil.

In order to avoid mass disruptions in the world oil supply, Europe's embargo is expected to be rolled out in stages, if implemented, The New York Times reports.
sanctions sanctions sanctions
its hard to believe still Iranian are survive
Get Obama and European leaders to sit down and talk to Ahmadinejad and both can address there issues.

Has this ever been attempted or something similar?
Bad news for importers... this sanctions will really hit iran hard. I still remember how the iraqi dinar slided against the dollar.. same thing is seem to be going against rial. Once start loosing the value of your currency all hell break loose.
Get Obama and European leaders to sit down and talk to Ahmadinejad and both can address there issues.

Has this ever been attempted or something similar?

I don't think Ayotallahs will favor talking with the 'Great Satan'.
I don't think Ayotallahs will favor talking with the 'Great Satan'.
Ahmadinejad is not Ayatollah. Salehi is not Ayatollah.
By the way.

But Khamenei always did everything to avoid discussions. See his fans in the parliament how they act.

There were already lot of talks with Americans in the past.
About it i just remind about Hashemi (Rafsandjani) : the regime is making a hell to him and his family nowadays:
daughter arrested and now the family have passport confiscated when they came back from Emirates...

Situation inside Iran is very special but nobody cares about it ... since there is this verbal conflict between USA and some Iranian officials/army men.
But still in the same time , Ahmadinejad for exemple asked for coming back to discussions about nuclear and said accepting the controls inside the country.... and i see now, from article of FriendOfPakistan above, that could be a step in this direction.
The big question here is how much this trade embargo is going to affect Iran's economy. Will that create crisis like Saddam Hussain's era type economic hardship or situation is totally different from what happened to Iraq since Iran has support of Both Russia and China.
Europe moves toward oil embargo against Iran - World Watch - CBS News
While Iran and the U.S. talk tough over naval activity in the Persian Gulf, European Union leaders have decided to join the U.S. in imposing increasingly harsh sanctions against the Islamic republic over what many assume is a rapidly-developing nuclear weapons program there.

At an E.U. ministers meeting in late January, diplomats are expected to announce plans for an embargo against Iranian crude oil, according to the BBC.

The embargo would hit Iran much harder than the current round of sanctions against it imposed by mostly the U.S. and Europe. The EU currently accounts for around 17 percent of Iranian oil exports, according to the BBC, and the Iranian state gets more than half of its revenue through the export of crude oil.

In order to avoid mass disruptions in the world oil supply, Europe's embargo is expected to be rolled out in stages, if implemented, The New York Times reports.

and Mr.John or Poor Rachel will pay stupid amounts of money on petrol stations in Eurpe so that their POlitical leaders can have some Political Orgasm by imposing sanctions against Iran...
Get Obama and European leaders to sit down and talk to Ahmadinejad and both can address there issues.

Has this ever been attempted or something similar?

Iran has as much right to have nuclear weapons as USA..Why should USA have nukes but Iran should be forcebly stopped..
This is the problem...
and Mr.John or Poor Rachel will pay stupid amounts of money on petrol stations in Eurpe so that their POlitical leaders can have some Political Orgasm by imposing sanctions against Iran...

Still Mr.John or Poor Rachel get good health care service and $600 to $1200 un-employment benefits.so they don't go to sleep empty stomach . stop worrying about them .. what you think .. western countries are not thinking about its negative effect ..
It will be bigger and worst disaster for us .. than western countries.. our currencies are already in free fall mode.. trade deficit is increasing ... for us inflation will be all time high and our people will be in bigger mess than what poorest of poor will be in western countries..
Don't wish for some one bad time .. but try to avoid ours ... when do comparison see where are we standing and where they .. in last fifty years they made their institution so strong that people get one of the best facilities .. we are still way behind.. if they sinks... we will also get water in our ships
That document is forcibly imposed on countries by threatening Invasion and embargoes..While the Big 5 maintain their Nuclear weapons..Including the school bully USA

Nope, South Africa willingly gave up its own nuclear weapons which it had already obtained, India follows the non-proliferation part, if not a signatory. The Warsaw Pact countries that had stores of Soviet Nukes at the time of the collapse gave them back to Russia/ voluntarily relinquished them. Japan and Australia easily have the capability to create warheads, yet they dont. Your claim that it was forcibly imposed on countries doesn't hold water with evidence to the contrary.

It is in no one's interest to see nuclear proliferation.
These sanctions on Iran are bound to fail as stoppage of Iranian Crude will make the International Oil Prices go through the Roof.

USA and Europe are on a "Hiding to Nothing"!
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