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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

dimension 117 your post is a complete rhetoric to put in simple terms buddy.
They are killing anti-India terrorists. Terrorist came first and all of them will be sent to Jannah before INDIAN army leaves.:victory:

And i believe the peaceful "Unarmed" protesters that were shot a couple of months back by the Indian Army were ALSO anti-India Terrorists?

Watching an Indian defend their genocide in kashmir is like watching a Nascar event. Same old boring crap that keeps going around in circles with no point.

And some degenerate here also said that "Burden of evidence points towards pakistan for the attacks".

Well, why don't you all shed some of that burden and come out clean with that "Solid" evidence? Let the international media and journalists ask those "Terrorists" a couple of questions?

last i heared, those terrorists were pronouncing zyadti and zulam like "JIYATI" And "JULAM" on your national television channels.

20 years of my life has been related to pakistan army. I've basically been stationed to every major/minor city of pakistan. Never have i come across a pakistani who pronounces those words like the so called terrorists did on your National Tv.

It's time you all stopped bitching and whining about how pakistan is related to ALL your domestic troubles.

What's next? ISI operated Tsunami?
Last edited:

3 Dec 2008

Mumbai: It was revealed that the terrorist who killed ATS chief Hemanth Karkare, ACP Ashok Kamte and Encounter Specialist Vijay Saleskar conversed in very fluent Marathi.

According to Maharashtra Times, a Marathi daily, the terrorist entered the Kama hospital and gunned down two ward boys who were dressed in the hospital uniform. One of the terrorist pointed an AK 47 rifle towards the third ward boy and asked him in fluent Marathi whether he is an employee in the hospital. The ward boy kneeled and pleaded, saying he is not an employee and he is here for his daughter who is admitted because she had a heart attack. The terrorist inquired again if he is lying. The Ward boy confirmed that he is telling the truth and he was spared.

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When you find youself near the true picture kindly read following articles/news items.Thanks.

Re: Q+A: Who could be behind the Mumbai attacks and why?

ATS DIG killed in Nov terror was including more names of army officers invloved in the Malegaon terror. On Nov. 26 2008 he had taken remand of suspect from court and was to proceed for the arrest of further suspects including army men. The Shiv Sena acted on opend roads while Raw agents acted inside Hotels and narimahouse who were later protected and let go by the operational forces. I am reproducing articles published in Time of India in issue of Nov 27, 2008:

Article 1:
Karkare led Maha team to meet NSA in Delhi
Pranati Mehra & S Balakrishnan | TNN
Mumbai: ATS chief Hemant Karkare, who was killed in the terror attack on Wednesday night, met national security adviser M K Narayanan and the chief of army intelligence in Delhi on Tuesday, sources told TOI on Wednesday.
Parambir Singh and Sukhvinder Singh, both additional commissioners working with Karkare, accompanied the state ATS chief to Delhi.
The MCOCA hearing had been marked by allegations of torture in ATS custody. But the meeting in Delhi could have been on weightier issues.
The ATS’s faux pas in the Nashik court, when it alleged that Lt-Col Purohit’s role in the Samjhauta blast of February 2007, had put the Indian government in a bind.
The meeting of home secretaries of India and Pakistan is taking place in Islamabad this week and the ATS’s allegation against Purohit may come in handy to debunk India’s claims that the blast was the handiwork of the ISI.
Sources also said Lt-Col Purohit’s role was discussed in detail. The officer’s lawyer argued in court that he had done conducted of the best operations in the country and Indians should be proud of him.
The Centre feared that if Purohit discloses to the court or to the media details of covert operations carried out by him for the military intelligence, then it would face a major embarrassment at the international level.
Purohit had taken part in several sensitive operations in J&K and the Northeast. What is also worrying the Centre is the disclosure made by both Lt-Col Purohit and another accused, Chaturvedi, that non-Wahabi Muslims had taken part in the conspiracy to plant bombs in Malegaon.
The Centre is also concerned that the exact source of the RDX believed to have been smuggled by Lt-col Purohit has not been identified. Earlier, the ATS said it was sourced from an army ordnance depot, but Purohit said in his narco-analysis that it was obtained from some Kashmiri Muslims in Pune.
IN THE NET: Sudhakar Dwivedi alias Dayanand Pandey at a special MCOCA court on Wednesday

Article 2:
Godman in cop custody till Dec 1
Mumbai: The anti-terrorism squad (ATS) came to court with some concrete evidence on Wednesday while asking for the custody of Sudhakar Dwivedi alias Dayanand Pandey, a key accused in the Malegaon blast case.
The agency had suffered a setback on Monday when a special MCOCA court refused to allow it to interrogate some of the accused after their lawyers said no new evidence had been found against them by the investigators.
Dwivedi was sent to police custody till December 1 after the prosecution said incriminating material was found in two laptops seized from him.
Special public prosecutor Rohini Salian told the court that the laptops had video recordings of conspiratorial meetings where the other main accused—Lt-Col Purohit and sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur—were present. Judge Y D Shinde was told that the accused also talk of detonators, grenades as well as weapons.
The ATS claimed in court that it had also obtained transcripts of telephonic conversations between Dwivedi and another man, where the former allegedly said “it will be good’’ if destruction was caused. Some CDs with propaganda material have also been recovered, the court was told.
The court was informed that Dwivedi had been in touch with Lt-Col Purohit and the sadhvi, both of whom were alleged to have been instrumental in planning and executing the Malegaon blast on September 29. Salian said the ATS received a report on Dwivedi’s laptop from the forensic science laboratory on Tuesday and needed more time to study its implications vis-a-vis the investigation.
Dwivedi stood quietly in a corner during the court proceedings. He made no complaints of torture but, just before he was to be whisked away by the police, he stepped into the witness box and told judge Shinde that he had nothing to do with the conspiracy. “I did attend three meetings of Abhinav Bharat but only as a religious leader,’’ he said. “My only fault is that I was in contact with the others named in the case.”
Dwivedi pleaded that the ATS allow him to wear his saffron robes and not keep him in the kurta-pyjama. “I want to wear my rudraksh mala,” he said. The court allowed him to shave his beard and said the investigating officer could decide when he would be able to wear his clothes.

Purohit’s house searched again

The Pune unit of the state ATS on Wednesday searched Lt-Col Prasad Purohit’s bungalow on Law College Road for the second time since his arrest. Lt-Col Purohit’s grandmother and sister were present in the house during the search, said relatives. “We wanted to conduct a thorough search, and it was part of our routine exercise,” ATS Pune chief inspector Peter Lobo said. Officials said they wanted to check if arms, explosives or important documents were hidden in the house. TNN

Article 3:
ATS unearths Hindu Rashtra plot
Mumbai: Investigation into the Malegaon blast has revealed that the suspects were looking beyond maiming the textile town. They were actually working to convert India into a “Hindu Rashtra” by 2025.
“Interrogation of Sudhakar Dwivedi alias Dayanand Pandey, who is in police custody till December 1, has revealed that the group was working to create an ‘Aryavarta Rashtra’ in India,’’ an ATS official said.
“They wanted to make India like what it was when it was ruled by the Aryans; their dream was to convert the country into a Hindu Rashtra and an Akhand Bharat,’’ an official said.
The suspects planned to infiltrate government departments everywhere in the country with like-minded people and then convert India from a secular country into a Hindu Rashtra, officials said. “They had also planned their life in exile if their conspiracy was foiled and they happened to be ousted by the government. Purohit assured some of the other accused that they would contact other nations for asylum if they faced any problem,’’ one of them added.
But why didn’t the interrogation of Lt-Col Purohit reveal this “fact’’? An official said, “We did not imagine that the suspects would have such a plan. Our main focus was on the Malegaon blast. So, we compiled questions focusing only on the blast for narco analysis. It was only after the examination of Dwivedi’s laptop that we came to know about this.’’
Dwivedi, arrested from Kanpur on November 14 for a suspected role in September’s Malegaon blast, is accused of instructing Lt-Col Purohit to procure the RDX and execute the blast. The ATS has arrested 11 people so far.
Dwivedi is also believed to have told ATS sleuths that he first joined the Indian Air Force in 1989 but opted out in 1990.
Officials managed to seize his two laptops before he could destroy them. “The police found records of over 15 meetings Dwivedi had with the other accused in the blast. Purohit used to videograph these meetings and, at one of these meetings, Abhinav Bharat convener Sameer Kulkarni is seen discussing funds collected for their cause,’’ an official said.
Special public prosecutor Rohini Salian has told a MCOCA court that Dwivedi is clearly heard asking others to “now listen to my plan’’ about the blast. “We have to do our duty in the interest of the nation and justice,’’ Salian said, referring to the larger conspiracy. Dwivedi is also seen talking about RDX, remote controls, timers, short- and long-range weapons and the conspiracy, Salian has told the court.

Sena calls bandh against ‘torture’:(Shiv Sena called strike)

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray called for a Maharashtra bandh on December 1 in protest against the alleged harsh treatment meted out to sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Lt-Col Purohit and others arrested in connection with the Malegaon bomb blast. “Our commitment is to Hindutva. We don’t mind paying the fine to court. If the court is going to send us to jail, we are ready for it,’’ said Sanjay Raut, Sena MP and executive editor of Saamna. TNN

The above story was related to morning of Nov 26, 2008 and in a very hasty manner the perpetrators had acted in the evening of Nov 26, 2008. The blame game is not workable. The US security adviser had said that the Mumbai Drama was like Oklahama, Arizona when a federal building was exploded with 500 deaths.

This for the indians to decide the future of their country whether indian nation has become hostage in the hands of so called Hindu militants who are acting in the maner of Al-Qaeda.
Without prejudice to the Space requirement I futher add few new things along with my previous research in quote above.
The killing ATS chief and two additional commissioners had created a cold war like situation between Inidan police and Army. In addition to above three articles the following two articles are reproduced:

Article 4:

Is Purohit the man who knows too much?
27 Nov 2008, 0539 hrs IST, Pranati Mehra & S Balakrishnan, TNN

MUMBAI: Maharashtra's ATS chief Hemant Karkare met the national security advisor (NSA) M K Narayanan and the chief of Army intelligence in Delhi on
Tuesday along with two of his officers, sources told TOI on Wednesday.
Parambir Singh and Sukvinder Singh, both additonal commissioners working with Karkare, accompanied him to Delhi.
The meeting came a day after the ATS lost face in the MCOCA court of Mumbai when the special judge Y D Shinde refused to give ATS the custody of the Sadhvi and Lt-Col P S Purohit though it was the first court hearing after the police had invoked MCOCA.

The MCOCA hearing had been marked by allegations of torture in ATS custody by most of the accused. But the meeting in Delhi could have been on weightier issues. The ATS's faux pas in the Nashik court last Saturday when it alleged Purohit's role in the Samjhauta train blast of February 2007, has put the Indian government in a bind.

The meeting of home secretaries of India and Pakistan is taking place in Islamabad this week and the ATS's allegation against Purohit may come handy to that country to debunk India's claims that the Samjhauta blast was the handiwork of the ISI.

Sources also say the role of Purohit was discussed in further detail. The officer's lawyer had argued in court that he had done some of the best operations in the country and the Indians should be proud of him. Purohit has worked in intelligence in J&K and would have been privy to some very sensistive information.

The Centre fears that if Purohit discloses to the court or to the media, after his release on bail, details of covert operations carried out by him for military intelligence then it would internationally face a major embarrassment. Purohit had taken part in several sensitive operations in J& K and Northeast.

What is also worrying the Centre is the disclosure made under narco-analysis by both Purohit and another accused Chaturvedi that non-Wahabi Muslims had taken part in the conspirary to plant bombs in Malegaon. If this is true then it reveals a nexus between fanatic Hindu elements and certain Muslim groups. The Centre is also concerned that so far the exact source of RDX believed to have been smuggled by Purohit has not been identified so far.

Article 5:
ATS asks Army to scan Purohit's military intelligence colleagues
27 Nov 2008, 0534 hrs IST, Diwakar, TNN

NEW DELHI/MUMBAI: The interrogation of Malegaon blast suspect Lt Col Shrikant Purohit has led the Maharashtra ATS to look more closely at the
"political views" of some of his colleagues in the Army.

Sources disclosed that ATS has asked Army authorities to closely scan the activities of a small group of officers, ranking from majors to colonels, while clarifying that it still did not have enough to link them to the conspiracy behind the September 29 blast in the powerloom town.

The officers who have been put under surveillance appear to have a lot in common with Purohit. The foremost similarity, sources said, was the anger among them about nothing being done to protect the 'Hindu Rashtra' against jehadi terrorists and other threats, and a strong desire to avenge the serial blasts allegedly carried out by jehadi bombers.The officials are, like Purohit, from military intelligence who, again like the jailed officer, served at one point or the other at Deolali, Pune or Panchmarhi.

From the information it has gathered from Purohit, ATS suspects that the officers — at least a couple of them who are from Maharashtra — might have been aware of both the Lt Col's affiliation to Abhinav Bharat, as well as the "revenge" agenda of the Indore-based ultra-Hindutva organisation.

Purohit has denied that his MI peers were aware of how he planned to execute the agenda, and the assertion is borne out by the check run on the group by the Army.

"They don't seem to be guilty of any act of commission. But we have to verify if there were ommisions on the part of the group because of the ideological affinity, as hinted by Purohit, with Abhinav Bharat's agenda," said a well-placed source.

When contacted, an Army spokesman denied that new names from its ranks have been put under the scanner. "ATS has not sought permission, officially or unofficially, to question anybody else. In fact, we approached ATS after media reports whether anyone else from the Army was involved. We were told no other name had come up during investigations," said the spokesman.

Sources, however, said that new names have already been passed on to Army which, as in the case of Purohit, was fully cooperating. "They have been very cooperative and have asked the investigators not to hestiate in asking for any assistance. As a matter of fact, they have themselves been very concerned and determined to eliminate all doubts," they said of the Army's response. As Abhinav Bharat remains the focus of the Malegaon probe, ATS is looking at the role of Jindal, a Pune-based businessman who runs a foundry, in funding the activities of the Hindutva hardline outfit, while Dr R P Singh, the diabetes specialist from New Delhi, remains on the hook.

Dr Singh, who drifted closer to Abhinav Bharat after RSS, under its leader Indresh Kumar, refused to oppose the agitation in Nepal against itsnow-deposed Hindu monarch, has denied his involvement in any criminalconspiracy. However, the ATS is still not sure whether his affinity with Abhinav Bharat activists like Purohit, the so-called Shankaracharya and others did not extend beyond a similarity of views.

The probe so far speaks of the success of Abhinav Bharat in winning over the activists of RSS and VHP who found the response of the two saffron oufits too tepid to meet the "challenge" of jehadis and other anti-Hindu elements.

The perturbed criminal elements could go further to save their skin and we should apprehend similar type of incidents. The Pakistan Interior Secretary and Indian counter part should discuss the on going situation from every angle to save further deterioration of relations.


10 Terrorist VS 1200 Forcemen – Joke of the Century.

10 Terrorist VS 1200 Forcemen - JOKE OF THE CENTURY:
Theory of Terrorism:
Procurement of Terrorists - Violence/Terror - Terror Theatre - Motive dissemination - Impact on public at large. What happened in Mumbai, please see: - 9 incidents at nine different places require nine groups of at least 10/12 trained terrorists. Means there should have been 90 to 100 boys hired from Hindu Militant Org. and Hindu under world force. One group operates for one incident.After execution the group loose its mental visions and start committing blunders.Siege of Hotel Taj and Oberae require atleast 15/20 persons. Jews Narimanhouse seige, 100 days grocerries with liquor purchased by residents. six story building in thickly populated area.Three Terror Theatres for 60 hours Taj, Obeare and Narimahouse.Only in three incidents terrorist took hostage, in other
six incidents, escape was successful and they have holed up in Mumbai means gone back to their mother organizations/under world. These should be 50 to 60 persons with vehicles, communication apparatus.The use of merchant ship and hijacking of fishing vessel by intruders is not acceptable to common sense. The killing of ATS DIG Hemant Karkare with two Additional police commissioners prove the involvement of Indian State Actors and blame game is as usual as it was in case of Samjhota Express and Mealegaon attacks.The terrorists were not muslims. If they could be muslims they were in a position to allow muslims guest in Hotel to go as they allowed foreigners so 95 muslims were killed in violence. Indian story is a bolly wood production.

The above are quote of some other thread I reproduce here for study.
Another brilliantly truthful article:

Ask Mrs. Karkare: Was It Lashker or 'BJP'?

The timing of Mumbai terror is well planned, just before state elections! So who will reap the benefit? Lashkar-e-Taiba or BJP? If ISI did it, then they must be stupid. And they are not.


Thursday, 11 December 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—If the America’s lapdogs in the Pakistani government had any brains, they would have demanded that Mrs. Hemant Karkare, the wife of the Indian antiterrorism chief killed in the very first hours of Mumbai attack be allowed to speak up. Also, a retired Indian army officer, a close friend was told by Karkare in writing a few hours before he was killed that his life was under threat by Hindu terrorists and their handlers in the Indian military intelligence. Both Mr. Karkare and the secret letter written by her husband have been suppressed.

Also consider:

1. Unlike other terrorists in similar situations, the terrorists in Mumbai did not demand anything. They didn’t even demand the release of their supposedly jailed colleagues or ask for money. Why? What was their target then?

2. Unlike other so-called Islamic jehadis with beards and turbans, the Mumbai terrorists came with strange looks, wearing jeans and T-shirts, clean-shaven, no turbans nor any sign of ‘Muslims terrorists’.

3. Mumbai’s ‘Pakistani terrorists’ were a funny brand of ‘Muslim terrorists’: beer guzzling terrorists. True to the fancy world of Indian movies, Mumbai’s Jehadis go to a bar and stock up on beer before they launch their crusade.

4. Mumbai terrorists (as shown by media) had close similarities with RSS cadres: The alleged lone survivor happens to be the same guy whose pictures were conveniently captured by Indian photographers and as he walked to make his kill, intriguingly wearing a yellow band on his right hand wrist in the typical style of Hindu terrorist RSS cadres.

5. Mumbai terrorists immediately find their targets by killing ATS leaders [Hemant Karakare, CP Ashok Kamthe & Vijay Salskar) in the first 15 minutes of the attacks. Karakare was wearing a bullet proof jacket. He was fired right on his neck! He was in a crowded place, so it was not easy to find and identify him. How they got so much information? Why they targeted him? How and why they so specific the clearly chose ATS leaders? And the terrorists immediately ran away? Making Karkare’s murder a puzzle that can’t be solved? ATS was investigating BJP involvement in terrorism, Colonel Prohait , Samjhoota Express Blasts, etc. [See http://www.ocnus. net/artman2/ publish/Defence_ Arms_13/India_ Hindu_Supremacis t_Terror_ Network.shtml
http://www.sahilnew s.org/english/ news.php? catID=voice&nid=4133&viewed=0]

6. When Indian soldiers deliberately gorged out the eyes and defaced every one of the terrorists, how come one was caught alive, and that too the one who was – conveniently – photographed by some unknown Indian photographer?

7. The precision and swiftness of the terrorist action in Mumbai leaves no doubt the perpetrators were not outsiders. There is no way anyone can hold a huge city like Mumbai hostage for three days without knowing the city and the Indian security system inside out.

8. Prime Minister, Sonia & L.K. Advani visit Mumbai, but no clues or no claims about ISI or Pakistan. However, the Number One Indian Terrorist, Gujarat Chief Minister Narinder Modi rushes to Mumbai and declares that Pakistan is behind the attack without any doubt! Note: no other Indian chief ministers travel to Mumbai. Modi, the killer of 2,500 Indian Muslim women and children in 2002, offered rewards to every military man killed to the tune of several million Indian rupees, which is something that didn’t occur to either the Indian government or the opposition.

9. Media was widely reporting that there were IDs of terrorists recovered that show Malaysian and Mauritius IDs. However, such references disappear after Modi's arrival.

10. The timing of Mumbai terror is well planned, just before state elections! (So who will reap the benefit? lashkar-e-taiba or BJP?) The timing of Mumbai terror is well planned, just before state elections! So who will reap the benefit? Lashkar-e-Taiba or BJP? If ISI did it, then they must be stupid. And they are not.

11. We are told the terrorists came from Pakistan by sea. Was the Indian navy asleep? We are told they came by speed boats. Is it possible to travel such a long distance on such boats? I don’t know.

12. It took hundreds of Indian soldiers 60 hours to stop the terrorists. Is the Indian army and commandos a bunch of circus clowns?

13. Karkare's wife declined 'Modi's compensation offer’. It was her sown special way of identifying the real perpetrators. See http://www.expressi ndia.com/ latest-news/ Karkares- wife-declines- Modis-compensati on-offer/ 392207/
What's wrong with these conspiracy junkies?

Karkare's family didn't refuse the compensation because they suspect that Hindu extremists were behind the attacks. They were insulted by the fact that these very people were vilifying Karkare in the media a couple of days before.
What's wrong with these conspiracy junkies?

Karkare's family didn't refuse the compensation because they suspect that Hindu extremists were behind the attacks. They were insulted by the fact that these very people were vilifying Karkare in the media a couple of days before.

If there are a number of theories floating around why not add another one.

After the arrest of Indian army officer in the Samjohta Express bombing the Indian government might have faced backlash in the meeting with their Pakistani counterparts regarding terrorism. A request for handing over might even had been put forward by Pakistan to India.

Imagine the position Indian shall be in on international level. So why not stage a drama get rid of Mr. Karkare and other officers who know a bit and then blame Pakistan.
Another brilliantly truthful article:

Ask Mrs. Karkare: Was It Lashker or 'BJP'?

The timing of Mumbai terror is well planned, just before state elections! So who will reap the benefit? Lashkar-e-Taiba or BJP? If ISI did it, then they must be stupid. And they are not.


Both your and Naeed's knowledge and attention to detail dazzles me. Writings like such will definately give Dan Brown's Da Vinchi code a mean fight on the FICTION best seller list.

Thursday, 11 December 2008.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—If the America’s lapdogs in the Pakistani government had any brains, they would have demanded that Mrs. Hemant Karkare, the wife of the Indian antiterrorism chief killed in the very first hours of Mumbai attack be allowed to speak up. Also, a retired Indian army officer, a close friend was told by Karkare in writing a few hours before he was killed that his life was under threat by Hindu terrorists and their handlers in the Indian military intelligence. Both Mr. Karkare and the secret letter written by her husband have been suppressed.

A grieving widow should be allowed her privicy to mourn. Dont you agree ?

A copy of this secret letter of course is available with you, right ?

Also consider:

1. Unlike other terrorists in similar situations, the terrorists in Mumbai did not demand anything. They didn’t even demand the release of their supposedly jailed colleagues or ask for money. Why? What was their target then?
The are TERRORISTS ! they gain by spreading fear in the common mans heart ! I suppose it would turn out mighty embarrassing if they asked for the release of their jailed Jamaat ud Dawa colleages ?
2. Unlike other so-called Islamic jehadis with beards and turbans, the Mumbai terrorists came with strange looks, wearing jeans and T-shirts, clean-shaven, no turbans nor any sign of ‘Muslims terrorists’.
Do you really want to stereo type terrorists to the bearded Muslim Jihadis ? People coming to look non descript would wear suitable attire to mingle.
3. Mumbai’s ‘Pakistani terrorists’ were a funny brand of ‘Muslim terrorists’: beer guzzling terrorists. True to the fancy world of Indian movies, Mumbai’s Jehadis go to a bar and stock up on beer before they launch their crusade.
answered above
4. Mumbai terrorists (as shown by media) had close similarities with RSS cadres: The alleged lone survivor happens to be the same guy whose pictures were conveniently captured by Indian photographers and as he walked to make his kill, intriguingly wearing a yellow band on his right hand wrist in the typical style of Hindu terrorist RSS cadres.
oh phew.... incidently it is a red band. The RSS unfortunately happens to be an extremist organization, Yes, but I would not call them terrorists. With the implication of Lt. Col Purohit it came to light they did have involvement. However as I would say in the case of Pakistan ( this would hold for India too) - a few spoil the name of many many more who are indeed good
5. Mumbai terrorists immediately find their targets by killing ATS leaders [Hemant Karakare, CP Ashok Kamthe & Vijay Salskar) in the first 15 minutes of the attacks. Karakare was wearing a bullet proof jacket. He was fired right on his neck! He was in a crowded place, so it was not easy to find and identify him. How they got so much information? Why they targeted him? How and why they so specific the clearly chose ATS leaders? And the terrorists immediately ran away? Making Karkare’s murder a puzzle that can’t be solved? ATS was investigating BJP involvement in terrorism, Colonel Prohait , Samjhoota Express Blasts, etc.
Get the facts straight.... the 3 senior police officers were called away as there were reports of shooting elsewhere. It is however agreeably a very BIG coincidence that they happened to come across the escaping terrorists on the way.
6. When Indian soldiers deliberately gorged out the eyes and defaced every one of the terrorists, how come one was caught alive, and that too the one who was – conveniently – photographed by some unknown Indian photographer?
they terrorists were taken out by the NSG after pitched gun battles, including heavy fire and grenade launching. The reason for this was the urban landscape - rooms, walls, bathtubs etc were available for cover. Qasab who was caught alive was shot at and injured when he was trying to escape in a car. Fortunately for the NSG there was not much cover apart from the car itself on the road.
7. The precision and swiftness of the terrorist action in Mumbai leaves no doubt the perpetrators were not outsiders. There is no way anyone can hold a huge city like Mumbai hostage for three days without knowing the city and the Indian security system inside out.
Colateral damage - The NSG could not have possibly used heavy force for fear to killing and civillians / hostages in these crowded areas... something the terrorists knew well
8. Prime Minister, Sonia & L.K. Advani visit Mumbai, but no clues or no claims about ISI or Pakistan. However, the Number One Indian Terrorist, Gujarat Chief Minister Narinder Modi rushes to Mumbai and declares that Pakistan is behind the attack without any doubt! Note: no other Indian chief ministers travel to Mumbai. Modi, the killer of 2,500 Indian Muslim women and children in 2002, offered rewards to every military man killed to the tune of several million Indian rupees, which is something that didn’t occur to either the Indian government or the opposition.
I agree
9. Media was widely reporting that there were IDs of terrorists recovered that show Malaysian and Mauritius IDs. However, such references disappear after Modi's arrival.
They were carrying fake ID's including Bombay colleges and also fake VISA cards
10. The timing of Mumbai terror is well planned, just before state elections! (So who will reap the benefit? lashkar-e-taiba or BJP?) The timing of Mumbai terror is well planned, just before state elections! So who will reap the benefit? Lashkar-e-Taiba or BJP? If ISI did it, then they must be stupid. And they are not.
The complicity of the Pak Govt and the ISI has been ruled out by the Indian Govt. And surprisinly 7 days later, the congress won elections in 3 states out of 5
11. We are told the terrorists came from Pakistan by sea. Was the Indian navy asleep? We are told they came by speed boats. Is it possible to travel such a long distance on such boats? I don’t know.
A very interesting sting operation was launched in 2006 to show the state of disrepair of the indian coast guard. Over a 400 km coastline 2 boats were patroling - those of fishermen under contract ! The 2 Cg boats were under repairs - for the last 3 years. A disgusting show indeed by the Indian CG
12. It took hundreds of Indian soldiers 60 hours to stop the terrorists. Is the Indian army and commandos a bunch of circus clowns?
Answered earlier - colateral damage
13. Karkare's wife declined 'Modi's compensation offer’. It was her sown special way of identifying the real perpetrators.
Modi had asked for Karkares head for exposing the nexus beteen Sadhvi and Lt.Colonel Purohit in the Malegaon case. I salute this brave and proud lady.
I suppose you all believe that the major Pakistani daily Dawn is also working closely with the BJP to spread this conspiracy.

From the 12th Dec edition of Dawn:

During the course of Dawn’s own investigations last week our reporters were able to locate a family who claimed to be the kin of the arrested young man in Mumbai.
However, the man who said he was Amir Kasab confirmed to Dawn that the young man whose face had been beamed over the media was his son.

For the next few minutes, the fifty-something man of medium build agonized over the reality that took time sinking in, amid sobs complaining about the raw deal the fate had given him and his family.

“I was in denial for the first couple of days, saying to myself it could not have been my son,” he told Dawn in the courtyard of his house in Faridkot, a village of about 2,500 people just a few kilometres from Deepalpur on the way to Kasur. “Now I have accepted it.

“This is the truth. I have seen the picture in the newspaper. This is my son Ajmal.”
I suppose you all believe that the major Pakistani daily Dawn is also working closely with the BJP to spread this conspiracy.

From the 12th Dec edition of Dawn:

Have you bothered to read the instructions for the forum members???? you are supposed to introduce yourself first in the members introduction forum before posting in other threads.
No, unlike TOI and other Indian news papers working as mouth piece of fascists in India, Dawn is the oldest and an independent news paper in Pakistan. Our media is able to investigate and highlight what they find unlike your morbid media which airs apocryphal news on the format of bollywood drama and movies. :coffee:
Laskhar to blame for Mumbai attacks: Brown

NEW DELHI: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Sunday named Laskhar-e-Taiba militants as responsible for the Mumbai attacks, backing India's
accusations against the Pakistan-based group.

"We know that the group responsible is LeT and they have a great deal to answer for," Brown said as he travelled from New Delhi to Islamabad, where he will hold talks with Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari.

"I hope to convey some of the views of the Indian prime minister to the president of Pakistan when I meet him," Brown told reporters.

"I wanted to come to India to at first hand give my condolences to the prime minister and the whole of the Indian people at the terrible terrorist outrage in Mumbai that has shocked the whole world."

Laskhar to blame for Mumbai attacks: Brown-India-The Times of India

I know there are quite a few fans of the British here.

Food for thought for them.
Laskhar to blame for Mumbai attacks: Brown-India-The Times of India

I know there are quite a few fans of the British here.

Food for thought for them.

From neutral source-

Brown Says Lashkar-e-Taiba Behind Attacks in Mumbai

By Kitty Donaldson

Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown said his government knows that the Lashkar-e-Taiba was responsible for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai last month and promised “every help” to India to tackle terrorism.

The Lashkar-e-Taiba has a “great deal to answer for and I hope to convey some of the views of the Indian prime minister to the president of Pakistan when I meet him,” Brown told reporters in New Delhi after meeting his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh. Brown will hold talks later today with Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari.

Brown’s trip follows a series of visits by U.S. officials starting with Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice’s meeting with India’s Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Dec. 3. Rice said Pakistan must act to help catch the perpetrators of the attacks in Mumbai that bore the hallmarks of an al-Qaeda-style operation.

The Nov. 26-29 attacks on two luxury hotel complexes, a Jewish center, a cafe, a hospital and a railway station killed 164 people, including 26 foreigners. India’s parliament on Dec. 11 adopted a resolution condemning the attacks in Mumbai by “terrorist elements” from Pakistan.

The targeting of Westerners marks a shift in tactics for Islamic militants in India as they strike the international links that have helped the country’s economy grow at an average 8.9 percent in the past four years.

“I think it is important to recognize that wherever there is terrorism it has to be fought, wherever there is terrorism it affects the stability and cohesion of countries,” Brown said.

Security Overhaul

India’s Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram on Dec. 11 announced an overhaul of the country’s security and intelligence agencies after the government was criticized for its response to last month’s attack.

Detailing the investigation on the attacks, Chidambaram told parliament 10 Pakistani nationals belonging to the Lashkar-e- Taiba had left Karachi on Nov. 23, before hijacking a fishing vessel off the coast of Gujarat and using dinghies to land on the Mumbai coast. Nine attackers were killed by the security forces.

The lone surviving terrorist, Ajmal Amir Kasab, has admitted to being a Pakistani national and has sought legal aid from his country, the Times of India reported today, citing Rakesh Maria, joint commissioner of police in Mumbai.

While Pakistan has asked for evidence to back the accusation, it has raided a camp and detained Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, who established the Islamist Lashkar-e-Taiba group, which has been linked to the attacks on India’s financial hub.

Brown today criticized the “perverse and unacceptable messages that are sent out by extreme terrorist groups that are perversions of very good religions and faiths.”

“I wanted to come to India and give my condolences to the prime minister and all of the Indian people at the terrible terrorist outrage in Mumbai that has shocked the whole world,” Brown said.

To contact the reporters on this story: Kitty Donaldson in London at kdonaldson1@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: December 14, 2008 01:25 EST

Bloomberg.com: India & Pakistan
Have you bothered to read the instructions for the forum members???? you are supposed to introduce yourself first in the members introduction forum before posting in other threads.
No, unlike TOI and other Indian news papers working as mouth piece of fascists in India, Dawn is the oldest and an independent news paper in Pakistan. Our media is able to investigate and highlight what they find unlike your morbid media which airs apocryphal news on the format of bollywood drama and movies. :coffee:

So you agree with your "oldest and an independent" newspaper's investigation which proves that Kasab is from Pakistan and therefore that the subject of this thread is bogus?
oh phew.... incidently it is a red band. The RSS unfortunately happens to be an extremist organization, Yes, but I would not call them terrorists. With the implication of Lt. Col Purohit it came to light they did have involvement. However as I would say in the case of Pakistan ( this would hold for India too) - a few spoil the name of many many more who are indeed good

Not terrorists ? Oooh really .. so what would you call people blowing up trains & bombing their own cities ! Hindu Preachers ?
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