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ISI ordered journalist's murder - More US Propaganda?

how easy it is nowadays to pose as a CIA official or TTP commander and say absolute bullshyt. You dont have any proof, no official has said it, no official word about it, only propaganda enhancing sh** media, sorry but i dont count these sources as credible.
Nothing to be surprised about..!! It is well knows truth that ISI will kill anyone in pak who ever will raise there voice against it. And this perfect example is in front of everyone..:)
Its sad that a lot of Pakistanis still believe that there is nothing wrong with the ISI and that Saleem wasnt killed by the rogue agency. A few points to ponder over:
1. The person was getting threats from ISI. Had alerted his friends and family about the same.
2. He was kidnapped from one of the safest places in Islamabad
3. The absence of call records.
4. The cause of death - the kind of injuries he sustained.
5. Track record of ISI for murdering/harassing journalists.

If after all this you have any doubt that ISI didnt do it then well may God help your logical reasoning.
But the disclosure of the information in itself could further aggravate the badly fractured relationship between the United States and Pakistan, which worsened significantly with the American commando raid two months ago that killed Osama bin Laden in a Pakistan safehouse and deeply embarrassed the Pakistani government, military and intelligence hierarchy. Obama administration officials will deliberate in the coming days how to present the information about Mr. Shahzad to the Pakistani government, an administration official said.

This part is most important , how this will impact on USA-Pakistan govt -PA/ISI relations? If US govt decides to disclose the information how the govt will react?

Can govt take action against it and stop such incident in future?

A Pakistani reporter, Waqar Kiani, who works for the British newspaper The Guardian, was beaten in the capital after Mr. Shahzad’s death with wooden batons and a rubber whip, by men who said: “You want to be a hero. We’ll make you a hero,” the newspaper reported. Mr. Kiani had just published an account of his abduction two years earlier at the hands of intelligence agents.

Mr. Kiani should be careful. He must get security measures in places.
50 million $ bribe to Pakistani Media

Corrupt journalists with blackwater in American embassy

@non Pakistanis
why you people are so much in pain over death of Saleem Shehzad.he was property of govt of Pakistan.when intuitions of Pakistan thinks he is threat to national security they terminated him.case closed.
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50 million $ bribe to Pakistani Media

Corrupt journalists with blackwater in American embassy

@non Pakistanis
why you people are so much in pain over death of Saleem Shehzad.he was property of govt of Pakistan.when intuitions of Pakistan thinks he is threat to national security they terminated him.case closed.
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I guess the white house name shold be changed to Black house after is involved in so many conspiracies against the innocent pplz of the world......and Saleem Shehzad is one of their victim......no doubt about it....cuz CIA is notorious about this kinda inhuman business.....:azn:
ok dude of white house .he was pakistani and if ISI kill him its right step for us as he was working against our national interest .go do whatever you like . white house is already busy to harm pakistan as much as they can .
The ISI is a military intelligence agency, primarily focused on foreign intelligence gathering. The GoP controls a civilian intelligence agency that is responsible for domestic intelligence gathering called the Intelligenc Bureau (IB). The provincial governments then have provincial intelligence agencies and FBI type organizations under their control.

Do you understand the difference now or do you need to be spoonfed even more?

So just because it is 'written in a blog and claimed by an individual' it is true? How absurd.

If Cheema has reasons to blame the ISI, then he needs to provide them and provide the evidence to support his accusations. So far there is nothing to support the ISI abducted and tortured him claim. His own statement of what the abducters said implicates the GoP, not the ISI.

---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

I think you are referring to the 'Pakistani liberal fascist bayghairat brigade' in the media.

who are u fooling sir ???

Umar Cheema: Pakistani journalist speaks out after an attack (by the ISI) – by Jane Perlez

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — An investigative reporter for a major Pakistani newspaper was on his way home from dinner here on a recent night when men in black commando garb stopped his car, blindfolded him and drove him to a house on the outskirts of town.
There, he says, he was beaten and stripped naked. His head and eyebrows were shaved, and he was videotaped in humiliating positions by assailants who he and other journalists believe were affiliated with the country’s powerful spy agency.

At one point, while he lay face down on the floor with his hands cuffed behind him, his captors made clear why he had been singled out for punishment: for writing against the government. “If you can’t avoid rape,” one taunted him, “enjoy it.”

The reporter, Umar Cheema, 34, had written several articles for The News that were critical of the Pakistani Army in the months preceding the attack.

His ordeal was not uncommon for a journalist or politician who crossed the interests of the military and intelligence agencies, the centers of power even in the current era of civilian government, reporters and politicians said.

What makes his case different is that Mr. Cheema has spoken out about it, describing in graphic detail what happened in the early hours of Sept. 4, something rare in a country where victims who suspect that their brutal treatment was at the hands of government agents often choose, out of fear, to keep quiet.

“I have suspicions and every journalist has suspicions that all fingers point to the ISI,” Mr. Cheema said, using the acronym for the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, the institution that the C.I.A. works with closely in Pakistan to hunt militants. The ISI is an integral part of the Pakistani Army; its head, Gen. Shuja Ahmed Pasha, reports to the army chief of staff, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Officials at the American Embassy said they interviewed Mr. Cheema this week, and sent a report of his account to the State Department. In response to an e-mail for comment, a spokesman for the ISI said, “They are nothing but allegations with no substance or truth.”

Mr. Cheema had won a Daniel Pearl Journalism Fellowship to train foreign journalists in 2007 and worked in The New York Times newsroom for six months at that time. He has worked at The News since 2007.

In interviews, he said his car was stopped near his home in the capital by men with the words “no fear” inscribed on their clothes. Once he was blindfolded and driven to the safe house, he was handed over to another group of men who carried out the abuse, he said. After six hours, he was dumped on a road 100 miles from the capital, Islamabad.

Mr. Cheema says he wrote more than 50 articles this year that questioned various aspects of the conduct of the military and the government, including corruption accusations against the president, Asif Ali Zardari.

But it was three articles in particular, in June, July and August, on delicate internal army problems that appear to have angered the military.

One article reported on the sensitive issue of the courts-martial of two army commandos who refused to obey orders and join the assault on a radical mosque and school in Islamabad in 2007.

The attack was believed at the time to be unpopular in the army ranks because many soldiers were reluctant to fire on fellow Muslims. Moreover, courts-martial are rarely mentioned in the Pakistani news media, and reporters have been warned not to write about them.
In his article, Mr. Cheema reported that two members of the Special Services Group, an elite commando squad, were being denied fair justice during the court-martial proceedings.

In another article, Mr. Cheema wrote that the suspects in a major terrorist attack against a bus carrying ISI employees were acquitted because of the “mishandling” of the court case by the intelligence agency.

In an article in early August, the reporter described how Army House, the residence of the chief of army staff, was protected by 400 city police officers and not by soldiers, as required by law.

In its political coverage, The News is vociferously against the civilian government of Mr. Zardari, but the opinion pages publish a cross section of views, including pro-military columnists.

While Mr. Cheema has chosen to publicize his case, he is not the only journalist or politician to come under the apparent harassment of the security services.

The law minister in Punjab Province, Rana Sanullah Khan, said that in 2003, when he was an opposition politician and had criticized the army during the presidency of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, he was kidnapped and brutalized in a similar manner.

In January, in Islamabad, the home of Azaz Syed, a reporter for Dawn, the main English-language daily, was attacked by unknown assailants days after he was threatened by supposed ISI agents over an investigative article he was researching related to the military.
Kamran Shafi, a leading columnist and himself a former army officer who writes critically of the military, was harassed and his house was attacked last December by “elements linked to the security establishment,” according to his own account.

In the last several years, journalists in the tribal areas, where the army is fighting the Taliban, have faced special risks and found it increasingly difficult to work for fear of offending either side. In September two journalists were killed in or near the tribal areas, under circumstances that remain unclear.

Pakistan has developed a rambunctious news media spearheaded by round the clock television news channels in the last decade. The military and the ISI are treated with respect by the powerful television anchors, and by newspaper reporters who extol the deeds of the army in battling the Taliban. The ISI is rarely mentioned by name but referred to as “intelligence agencies.”

One reason for the deference, according to a Pakistani intelligence official who has worked with the media cell of the ISI, is that the agency keeps many journalists on its payroll.

Unspoken rules about covering the military and its intelligence branches are eagerly enforced, Babar Sattar, a Harvard-trained lawyer, said. A journalist who trespasses over the line is told to behave, Mr. Sattar said.

Earlier this year, Mr. Cheema said he was called to a coffee shop in Islamabad by an ISI officer and warned to fall into line.
At a journalists’ seminar in Lahore, the editor of a weekly newspaper, Najam Sethi, said it was up to the ISI to declare who had attacked Mr. Cheema.

“If the ISI hasn’t done it, they should tell us who did it because they’re supposed to know,” Mr. Sethi said. “If they don’t tell, the presumption remains they did it.”

But in a column titled “Surprise Surprise” in Dawn, Mr. Shafi said, “We will never find out what happened to poor Umar Cheema because the Deep State does not want us to find out.”

Pakistani Journalist Speaks Out After an Attack - NYTimes.com
Shahzad is dead, after telling HRW that he received threats from ISI.

But there are many Pakistani journos who wrote articles after his death about how ISI threatened them too.

Basically, while for obvious reasons Pakistanis don't like America commenting on this matter, if the ISI is indeed responsible, then what chances that they will ever come to know? Zilch. (Jinnahpur - how many died? what justice was done?) At the same time given the anti ISI news everywhere, their natural instinct is prompting them to defend ISI.

Its a tough place, not one I want to be in.

When Indian civil soviety opposes draconial laws giving security agencies sweeping powers, many Indians don't understand why. May be there is a lesson for us here.
ref:Pakistan spy agency ordered journalist's murder - US officials | Media | guardian.co.uk

Pakistan spy agency ordered journalist's murder - US officials

White House officials now believe that Pakistan's spy agency ordered the killing of Pakistani investigative journalist Saleem Shahzad, confirming a Guardian allegation made three weeks ago.

Shahzad, a contributor to Asia Times Online, had written scathing reports about the infiltration of militants into Pakistan's military.

Classified intelligence obtained both before the disappearance of 40-year-old Shahzad on 29 May and after the discovery of his body showed that senior officials of the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) directed the attack.

It was done in order to silence criticism, two senior administration officials admitted when asked specifically about the existence of the intelligence.

A third senior US official said there was enough other intelligence and indicators immediately after Shahzad's death to conclude that the ISI had ordered the killing.

"Every indication is that this was a deliberate, targeted killing that was most likely meant to send shock waves through Pakistan's journalist community and civil society," said the official.

Shahzad was the 37th journalist killed in Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Shahzad, whose waterlogged body was retrieved from a canal 60 miles from Islamabad, suffered 17 lacerated wounds delivered by a blunt instrument, a ruptured liver and two broken ribs.

The anger over his death followed unprecedented questioning in the media about the professionalism of the army and the ISI in the aftermath of the US raid that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

Shahzad wrote articles that illuminated the relationship between the militants and the military.

Source: New York Times

comments taken.....
5 July 2011 9:03AM
White House Intelligence, why on earth would anyone believe them?!

The White House condoned torture and Bradley Manning is still being held without trial in solitary confinement, a form of torture, for doing his duty and revealing war crimes. The White House has lost all credibility on the world stage and all its claims must be taken with a pinch of salt. How long ago was it that Hilary Clinton instructed US diplomats to surreptitiously collect DNA samples from other countries UN delegates?

Feel ashamed USA for trying to convince the world might is right.

5 July 2011 9:50AM
This article is not an extract from the devine book that it should be believed. I am surprised without mentioning any authentic evidence, how an organisation can be blamed for some thing not yet certain. In Pakistan, a no of media anchors and political figures speak against army and intelligence agencies but are living a happy life hence the quoted journalist was not some special threat. This article is an effort directed to create doubts among masses againt armed forces of Pakistan and ISI which are considered big threat by Indians and hostile agecies. Shame on the editor of the newspaper for publishing an article without credible evdencess.

If the ISI or any elements has committed this crime then an internal investigation needs to be taken by the Pakistani government and the appropriate action taken on the guilty party. the US/CIA and its stooges across the world are just finding an opportunity to weaken/destroy Pakistan:


1 - malign the services that are at most challenging to you
2 - give constant regular 'feeds' propaganda to the media - thus getting more average people to view Pakistan negatively
3 - get 'fifth element' people within the area to support your ideas - thus causing a potential instability in its own peoples mind (i.e confusion)
4 - Then when enough global support is against Pakistan - come out with more horrific stories for global media consumption
5 - and finally when an opportunity comes - destroy the threat (in this case Pakistan).

Look at the way CIA and its cohoots have operated around the world - latin America/Asia/Africa and even in Europe (rendition) - read on their ways of causing instability/terrorism etc for its interests.

Pakistan needs to counter this threat and counter all the 'propaganda' directed at it!
Whats new in this. This was known to everyone but no one has guts to speak out as then they would also be killed by ISI

In the same way the Hemant Karkare was killed by RAW?

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