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Ilias Kashmiri Killed

I know a lot of Pakistanis have a strange obsession with Tamils and for some reason they think that they are separatists.

I can assure you that is not the case. They are fiercely nationalistic.

Now back to topic.
Please don't be surprised with the pakistani fascination with us dravidians. Pakistanis love their history. I mean, as per the Pakistani thinking, somewhere between bin qasim and jinnah, when India was being divided, it was the firm belief of jinnah that Tamils are not a part of India just like Jinnah's belief for his people. That is why his urgent and frequent trips to break an India which Nehru got. As well documented as it is as a personal feud and one upmanship, Pakistanis tske it very seriously today and that is why they believe that Tamils are waiting to be away from India while they foeget the sappers contributions in the 1971 breaking apart of then Pakistan.
Maybe it is best to excuse such present day Pakistani fascination considering how they are watching their nation and idelogy unravel bit by bit. Please empathize.
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Playing devil's advocate here. What proof is that this Ilyas Kashmiri guy has been involved in attacks inside Pakistan? Granted, he could be lying, but he has never openly accepted responsibility for attacks inside Pakistan or stated that he wants to attack Pakistan.

I'm not saying he's some good guy we should not want dead, but his designation as top terrorist and expert military leader against Pakistan seems to have been built up largely by the Western media (sourced through US Intel) and possibly Syed Saleem Shahzad. Otherwise, we never heard of him or his "313 Brigade" before.
KABUL: The United States has had “no confirmation” that Pakistani al Qaeda commander Ilyas Kashmiri died in a drone strike last week, a US defence official speaking on condition of anonymity said Monday.

“We have no confirmation that he’s dead,” the official told AFP in Kabul on day three of US Defense Secretary Robert Gates’s farewell visit to Afghanistan.
‘No confirmation’ al Qaeda’s Kashmiri is dead: US official | World | DAWN.COM
Why are you banging your head? What is kala pathar incident afterall? I think there is a reference to it in an old movie in which shetty wants to acquire a nuclear bumb but amitabh bacchan.....ummmmm.....let is say prevents it. Is there another kala pathar?

more :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

LOL which movie was that????? Must have been hilarious to see but not as hilarious as this one :rofl:
The hyper sensationalism of Indian Media at display
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Why is the death or not of this person become yet another headache in this relationship? Why are Pakistanis so eager top suggest he is dead and the Americans so eager to claim he is alive?
So far no american or any other medias termed it as a joint venture.
You may refute it by saying its too sensitive which can affect the sensitivities of local people.
But unless and until any mouthpiece wont say the same, its a waste to conclude it otherwise.


read this

More Details On the Slaying of Ilyas Kashmiri - Global Spin - TIME.com

not everything is black and white; but more often than not there are shades of gray which are sometimes just left that way. Interpret it however you want to.

you have little ammunition which can be used to say "Pakistan is a terrorist country" or that we have not done more than our fair share to fight terrorism. The numbers, the sacrifices speak for themselves.
Maybe USA has finally stopped worrying about Pakistan's sensitivities and is taking the matters in their own hands instead of relying on PA/ISI to handle the HV terrorists within Pakistan.. Hence the results..

ironically, we hurt their 'sensitivities' when we arrested Gul Bahadur (taleban) and detained him for questioning......Karzai and NATO (especially Americans) were fuming.

of course there is no consensus on what 'sensitivities' of Pakistan means --given the broadening gap in communication between civilian government and the misinformed civilians whom the former are supposed to represent. But that's a whole other discussion.

by the way --- we've been seeing most results on Pakistani side, not Afghan side. Swat was taken care of effectively free of outside assistance OR drones. Now Swat is militant-free though indeed there are challenges ahead and a minimal yet credible security presence wud be required.

as usual indians butting noses into internal affairs when you have huge chunks of territory in the hands and in the control of Assamese, Naxalite and other insurgent groups

geographically speaking, insurgency-hit areas in hindustan represent more geographical territory than all Pakistan combined! Get your knotted head out of your arse and tend to your own problems.
ironically, we hurt their 'sensitivities' when we arrested Gul Bahadur (taleban) and detained him for questioning......Karzai and NATO (especially Americans) were fuming.

of course there is no consensus on what 'sensitivities' of Pakistan means --given the broadening gap in communication between civilian government and the misinformed civilians whom the former are supposed to represent. But that's a whole other discussion.

by the way --- we've been seeing most results on Pakistani side, not Afghan side. Swat was taken care of effectively free of outside assistance OR drones. Now Swat is militant-free though indeed there are challenges ahead and a minimal yet credible security presence wud be required.

as usual indians butting noses into internal affairs when you have huge chunks of territory in the hands and in the control of Assamese, Naxalite and other insurgent groups

Interesting thought. Do you have the same advise for Pakistani members butting their noses into internal affairs of India when whole of Pakistan is reeling under the relentless daily attacks across its landscape and the presence of terrorists is being felt in virtually every single city of Pakistan.. whether its Karachi, Lahore or Islamabad.
Pakistan has finally realized that the "good" Taliban (Haqqani network, Mullah Nazir group, Hafiz Gul Bahadur group) they thought they could use to isolate the TTP Mehsud group harbor Al-Qaeda fighters as well, that are a huge threat to Pakistan; so they are taking them full on as well. The events of the last few days shows that the ISI & the US are actively sharing intelligence (the US kept the ISI "out of the drone campaign" in the past, which resulted in lots of tribal elders & children being killed), & going after all terror groups, even the "good" Taliban. One can see that the terror networks (which in the past was totally intact before after the failure of the US drone campaign, & resulted in intensified attacks in Afghanistan) are getting seriously attacked now, which has resulted in fewer attacks in Afghanistan now. This is excellent news for Pakistan as well, & I can only see things getting better from here now. If the Pakistan Army has limited military resources to go after all the terror networks, the US can use Pakistani intelligence to target terror groups that are a threat to Pakistan.
US, Pakistan authorities dispute Kashmiri’s death


LONDON: US and Pakistani authorities disagree sharply over claims that senior al Qaeda leader Ilyas Kashmiri was killed in a recent missile strike, officials from both countries said on Monday, suggesting sharp strains persist between authorities in Washington and Islamabad.

Two days ago, intelligence officials in Pakistan claimed that Kashmiri, a figure in both al Qaeda and a Pakistan-based affiliate, was killed by a US drone-borne missile in northwestern Pakistan.

Pakistani officials subsequently issued a series of statements about Kashmiri’s death. The nation’s interior minister told reporters on Monday: “I can confirm 100 per cent that he is dead. I got this information this morning.

But US officials familiar with counterterrorism activities in the region said they still were unable to confirm Kashmiri’s death.

It was more likely than not, they said Monday evening, that the militant leader was still alive.

“It wouldn’t be the first time that reports of his death have been wrong,” one US official told Reuters. “We’re simply unable at this time to confirm reports of Kashmiri’s demise.

Our working assumption is that he’s still walking around.”

A second US official said government experts believed it was more likely that Kashmiri was alive, though they are not ruling out the possibility he was killed in a drone strike.

The US officials spoke on condition of anonymity.

The conflicting assessments from Washington and Islamabad indicate relations between the United States and Pakistan, which hit a low point after the US killing of Osama bin Laden last month in Pakistan, remain deeply troubled despite claims by both countries that they were improving.

US doubts

Kashmiri was wrongly reported to have been killed in a September 2009 drone strike. It is difficult to confirm the identities of people killed in drone strikes because they occur in remote areas not accessible to foreign journalists.

A Pakistani television station quoted the group that Kashmiri headed, an al Qaeda affiliate called Harkat-ul Jihad Islami, confirming his death. Britain’s Channel 4 News said the death had been confirmed by a senior HUJI commander and close aide of Kashmiri.

However, the SITE Institute, a US-based private group that monitors and translates messages posted on militant websites, on Monday cast doubt on an Internet photo said to be of Kashmiri’s dead body and an accompanying fax from HUJI confirming his death.

The US group said it actually appeared to be the body of another militant, Abu Dera Ismail Khan, who was killed in the militant attacks on Mumbai, India, in November 2008.

Diplomatic relations between the United States and Pakistan have suffered since last year, when the name of the CIA station chief in Pakistan was leaked to local media and the American official, who was supposed to be operating undercover, had to leave the country.

Relations worsened considerably after the arrest, and later release, of a CIA security contractor who had killed two Pakistani nationals in what the United States said was an armed robbery attempt. Then, US Navy SEALS killed bin Laden without giving advance notice to Pakistani authorities.

Ilyas Kashmiri, said to be a former Pakistani military officer, was high on a list Washington gave Pakistan of militants it wanted captured or killed, a Pakistani official said on condition of anonymity.

The US State Department has labeled Kashmiri a “specially designated global terrorist.”
US seems to be believing the line of reasoning that says that Pakistan is whisking away the terrorists on the US most wanted list into underground safe houses while telling the world that they are dead..
Interesting thought. Do you have the same advise for Pakistani members butting their noses into internal affairs of India when whole of Pakistan is reeling under the relentless daily attacks across its landscape and the presence of terrorists is being felt in virtually every single city of Pakistan.. whether its Karachi, Lahore or Islamabad.

well I ought to be asking you this question first, since you and some of your people are the ones initiating this butting into our internal affairs

especially you should show some respect when you join PAKISTAN defence forum.....this isnt the place for you to engage in empty jingoistic rhetoric, you can do that at bharat rakscrap forum.

WRT the article posted --- there was much confusion over the death of Hakimullah Mehsud who was the former chief of TTP. i think at least on two or three occasions there were differing reports regarding whether he had been killed or not. Same with his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud. So just wait and see what happens. So far, it appears even spokespeople from the militant outfit acknowledged that he's been killed.
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